
2020-12-26 06:14建筑设计奥普赛事务所
世界建筑 2020年12期


1 效果图/Rendering

贝内迪克特·哈特尔在给德国卫生部长斯帕恩的一封公开信中提议:改造自2006 年开始施工的柏林勃兰登堡机场。这座机场是德国大型建设项目“烂尾”的一个实例,在公众眼里备受争议;同时也是一个规划错误及成本激增的例子,直接导致了成本超支。


自新冠爆发以来,我们有机会为应对疫情蔓延做更多的准备。在中国,火神山医院在10 天内“拔地而起”,可容纳大约1000 张床位。

而如今,“这座机场也可以帮助我们度过难关!” 贝内迪克特·哈特尔如是解释着他的概念。

3 月26 日,德国卫生部长斯帕恩将德国当前的形势描述为“暴风雨前的平静”。然而,我们的卫生系统已经面临严峻考验。


建筑师贝内迪克特提议:“我们为什么不把它当作新冠感染者的专用医院呢?”这样一来,受感染的患者将被完全隔离在机场区域(1470hm2),不会与其他病人接触。主建筑的面积达 22 万 m2,可为医疗(紧急)护理提供充足的空间,这座机场展示了尚未开发的潜力。



既然飞行受限且目前资源极其有限,那么专用医院的概念应该可以应用于世界上更多的机场。(王单单 译)

2 分解轴测/Exploded axonometric

In an open letter to the German minister of health Spahn, Benedikt Hartl proposes to transform the new Berlin airport BER, which is in construction since 2006. The airport project is highly controversial in public and an example of the inability of realisation of major construction projects in Germany. BER is an example of incorrect planning and cost explosion, which also resulted in a life ticker of cost.

In Spain and Italy, we can see that the health systems are highly struggling due to the outbreak of COVID-19. This will also face Germany, since the outbreak is some days behind. This is why Benedikt Hartl from Opposite Office proposes to redesign the inglorious airport into a "super hospital" to prepare for a higher number of infected people.

We have had time to prepare for the pandemic even better since the COVID-19 outbreak. There, the Huoshenshan Clinic with a capacity of around 1000 beds was literally "stomped" out of the ground within 10 days.

And today? "Today this airport can help us!" Benedikt Hartl from Opposite Office explains his concept.

On March 26, the German Minister of Health Spahn described the current situation in Germany as "the calm before the storm". However, our health system is already facing an ordeal.

Flying was no longer in vogue even before the outbreak of COVID-19 and now the avenge of shame has given way to a deadly risk of infection. We agree that we will certainly not need this new airport in the near future.

"So why don't we use it as a kind of super hospital for COVID-19 infected people?" says the architect Benedikt Hartl. An advantage would be that infected people would be completely isolated at the airport area (1470 hm2) and would not come into contact with other patients. The main building alone, with an area of 220,000 m2, offers plenty of space for medical (emergency) care. The existing airport offers untapped potential.

The new COVID-19 Super Hospital BER uses the building structure of the airport and is equipped with round modular cabins. These can be constructed in stages for each gate. Booth builders who are economically most affected by the crisis could take over the construction. The COVIDHospital could be opened within a few days. "Let's take China's pragmatism and zest for action as a role model!" says Benedikt Hartl.

3 分解轴测/Exploded axonometric

Architecturally, the modules are a simple construction made of steel profiles with planking. Nevertheless, an attempt is made to create an appropriate and pleasant atmosphere for patients, because the environment also effects the recovery process, according to Opposite Office. In this way, each patient receives their own retreat. The curved, round spatial structure creates a calm and secure place for recovery and relaxation.

The concept for the "super-hospital" can be applied to more airports worldwide since air traffic is restricted and currently very limited.

4 效果图/Rendering

5 平面/Plan

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 德意志联邦共和国/Federal Republic of Germany

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: Benedikt Hartl

设计团队/Design Team: Benedikt Hartl, Thomas Haseneder

结构设计/Structural Design: Dominik Felix

材料/Material: 钢/Steel

项目面积/Project Area: 1470 hm2

设计时间/Design Period: 2020.02-2020.03

绘图/Drawings: Benedikt Hartl/Opposite Office

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