A good example of Chagalls use of the new autonomy of colour is The Concert (oil on canvas, 140 cm × 239.5 cm), painted in 1957. A boat with a couple on board is drifting along a river, with a city on the bank to the right and a group of musicians to the left. The lovers naked bodies are shrouded in a glowing red that extends upwards beyond their heads. Parallel to this band of colour are two other strips of blue that run from the water to the musicians. These bands suggest that the boat is moving from the bottom right to upper left; so this romantic boating trip, under a full moon, proves in fact to be a voyage from the city cloaked in cool blue to a higher sphere peopled by heavenly musicians.
As mentioned by Marc Chagall: “God, perspective, colour, the Bible, shapes and lines, traditions, and all that is called human life—love, security, the family, school, education, the words of the prophets and life in Christ—all of it was out of joint. Maybe I too was occasionally filled with doubts. At such times I painted a topsyturvy world, took the heads off my figures, divided them up into pieces, and set them floating about in my pictures somewhere or other.”
The Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and Notre-Dame show the city to be Paris, the city where Chagall had his atelier before the war at a time when it was still what it was no longer to be in the aftermath: a great art metropolis. Like many fellow artists, Chagall had turned his back on Paris, and the C?te dAzur1 had become a little Montparnasse2. It was an apt setting for Chagall, and he was not to leave the region; indeed, in 1967 he built a house large enough for his requirements at Saint-Paul-de-Vence. It contained three studios, one for graphic work, one for drawing, and a third for painting and large-scale designs.
The original painting is held in a private collection. ■
原画现为私人收藏。 □
1法国蓝色海岸,又称蔚蓝海岸,位于法国南部地中海沿岸,西起土伦,经尼斯、戛纳和摩纳哥,东到法国与意大利边境,以灿烂阳光、蓝色海岸和宜人气候著称,18世纪开始就成为皇亲贵族、富贾名流最时髦的度假胜地。该地区最美最文艺的小城圣保罗德旺斯是艺术家和明星钟爱的度假地。 2蒙帕纳斯,法国巴黎塞纳河左岸的一片区域,很多艺术家和作家经常在那里一些著名的咖啡馆(如乐多美咖啡馆和圆顶咖啡馆)聚会。