陈虹旭 张斯妍 李晓坤
摘 要: 本文以Light Fidelity展趋势和概念为基础,通过研究Light Fidelity技术在智慧城市的应用,以推动智慧城市建设。Light Fidelity是一种以白光LED为基础的新型无线通信技术,主流的可见光通信系统采用光正交频分复用(O-OFDM)技术来实现,该技术可以使受到干扰的信号仍然能被可靠地接收,信号的频带利用率也大幅提高,非对称限幅光正交频分复用(ACO-OFDM)调制使得O-OFDM技术完全适用于可见光通信。本文讨论滤波器组多载波(FBMC)与O-OFDM在Light Fidelity通信过程中的性能对比,通过理论分析结合仿真说明具体分析,探讨FBMC及O-OFDM在通信过程中的指标比对,由此证明采用O-OFDM在Light Fidelity通信中的优越性。
关键词: Light Fidelity;智慧城市;O-OFDM;FBMC;SNR
中图分类号: TN929.12 文献标识码: A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6970.2020.09.035
【Abstract】: Based on the development trend and concept of Light Fidelity technology, this paper promotes the construction of smart cities by studying the application of Light Fidelity technology in smart cities. Light Fidelity is a new type of wireless communication technology based on white LED. The mainstream visible light communication system is realized by optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM) technology, which can effectively resist multipath interference and can be subjected to the interfering signal can still be reliably received, and the frequency band utilization of the signal is also greatly improved. Asymmetrically limited optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (ACO-OFDM) modulation makes O-OFDM technology fully suitable for visible light communication. Considering the serious impact of noise on ACO-OFDM, the BER and SNR based on ACO-OFDM are performed. The related research, through theoretical analysis combined with simulation to analyze the specific scheme involved, this paper focuses on the study of ACO-OFDM, through the dynamic bit allocation and dynamic subchannel allocation method, make full use of the sub-channel with high signal-to-noise ratio Light Fidelity technology provides powerful power in smart city applications.
【Key words】: Light fidelity; Smart city; O-OFDM, SNR
0 引言
1 Li-Fi在智慧城市中的应用
1.1 智慧交通
1.2 智慧家居
1.3 智慧物流
1.4 智慧医疗
2 O-OFDM技术
2.1 O-OFDM
O-OFDM技术将信道划分为若干相互正交子信 道[18],再将高速串行数据流转换成低速并行子数据流发送到子信道上。每个子信道上信号带宽小于信道的带宽,因此每个子信道上可以看成平坦性衰落,从而降低和消除码间串扰,如图2所示。
3 FBMC调制原理
4 系统模型
6 实验结论
7 结束语
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