刘龙龙 方永恒 张红霞 程锐
中图分类号:F592.7;F320 文献标识码:A
Abstract: Under the background of precision poverty alleviation, through the analysis of the current situation of poverty alleviation in the tourism industry in southern Shaanxi, some existing problems are found, such as the poverty-stricken people have weak awareness of tourism poverty alleviation, lack of tourism poverty alleviation professionals, lack of regional characteristics of tourism industry poverty alleviation, weak tourism market expansion, and rural tourism infrastructure conditions are weak. Combining with the actual development of poverty alleviation in the tourism industry in southern Shaanxi, it is proposed that the participation of endogenous driving should be promoted to enhance the participation of interest topics, the training and introduction of professional talents should be strengthened in the tourism industry, the market propaganda and innovation should be increased, and the “Internet + tourism poverty alleviation” model shoud be vigorously promoted, the development and adherence to the sustainable tourism industry poverty alleviation development principles and other path measures should be insisted, so as to to promote contiguous poverty-stricken areas in tourism poverty alleviation work to achieve a comprehensive victory.
Key words: tourism poverty alleviation; precision poverty alleviation; southern Shaanxi
當前,中国贫困人口数量较多,根据2016年统计,中国农村贫困人口数量达4 335万人,贫困问题仍然是社会发展中重要的“短板”[1]。要想到2020年实现小康社会就需要保证4 335万贫困人口如期脱贫,扶贫开发任务繁重,所以中国当前的重点工作就是要消灭贫困问题。随着政府对扶贫开发的不断重视,建设旅游扶贫工程作为产业扶贫的重要途径被列入《十三五脱贫规划》,通过发展旅游业脱贫已经成为了中国精准扶贫开发的重要内容和贫困地区脱贫攻坚的重要途径。
1 精准扶贫背景下陕南地区旅游产业扶贫现状分析
1.1 陕南地区贫困现状分析
陕西省商洛、汉中、安康3市因地处陕西南部被称为陕南3市,陕南3市北靠秦岭、南倚巴山,涵盖28县(区)。由于地理、交通等各种因素,使得秦巴山区内的全国重点扶贫区域达到27个,是全国最大的连片集中贫困地区。作为国家连片集中扶贫秦巴山区的重要构成,陕南汉中市、商洛市和安康市总面积约6.9万km2,总人口达924万人。2016年,陕南3市人口占全省人口总数的24.67%, 然而陕南3市GDP仅占全省GDP的14.13%,远低于人口占比(表1)。