
2020-12-02 16:01吴才聪王东旭陈智博宋兵兵杨丽丽杨卫中
农业工程学报 2020年18期




(1. 中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083;2. 农业农村部农业信息获取技术重点实验室,北京 100083)

针对农业机械无人化作业的应用需求,该研究基于SF2104动力换向线控底盘拖拉机和全球卫星导航系统(Global Navigation Satellite System,GNSS),研发了拖拉机自主行驶与作业控制系统。该系统针对田内直线作业与地头转弯,采用分层控制思想,将控制系统划分为规划层、控制层和执行层。规划层生成U形转弯所需的路网数据,控制层进行拖拉机横向控制、速度控制、转弯控制、机具升降控制、当前路径更新及终止作业等行为决策;执行层负责以上行为的配置执行。拖拉机挂载深松机进行深松作业,并与有人驾驶深松作业进行对照。结果表明,拖拉机自主行驶与作业控制系统横向偏差的平均标准差为4 cm,平均作业速度及其平均标准差分别为1.66和0.09 m/s,稳定作业时发动机转速的平均标准差为7.9 r/min,平均机具位置的极差为23.8,均优于有人驾驶。该研究初步实现了拖拉机的自主行驶与作业,有助于解决农村劳动力紧缺问题。


0 引 言


Zhang等[13-16]基于传统拖拉机,利用GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System)、惯性导航、激光雷达等研发的自动化拖拉机,可初步实现道路行驶和田内作业的无人操作。凯斯纽荷兰研发的无驾驶室Magnum和有驾驶室NHDriveTM等无人驾驶概念车辆配备了感应和探测装置,能够感知并避开障碍物[17-18]。近年来,国内有关机构基于PZ-60型水稻插秧机[19-20],利用工况状态逻辑控制等方法进行行驶机构和插植机构的联合控制,实现了准无人驾驶作业,插秧机未配置感知系统,由操作员监视作业环境和紧急制动;这种作业模式将单机所需的劳动力从3人减至1人,有效节约了用工成本,在黑龙江等地得到了应用推广。为减少施药过程中对人的危害,刘兆朋等[21]基于ZP9500高地隙喷雾机,利用查询表方法进行直线跟踪、地头转弯和喷雾作业的自动控制,初步实现了自主喷雾作业。陈黎卿等[22]基于纯电动型喷雾机,设计了信息采集与通信系统,实现了喷雾机的自主行驶与作业控制。李云伍等[23]基于丘陵山地电动转运车,基于GNSS、视觉传感器及毫米波雷达,实现了转运车的自主行驶。

农机自主作业还需做好地头转弯的路径规划和跟踪,其核心在于选择转弯模式和平滑转弯路径。Sabelhaus等[24-25]基于Dubins曲线和Reeds-Shepp曲线,设计了连续曲率掉头路径生成算法,并分析了Ω式、自相交式和鱼尾式转弯的特点及其时间特性。Paraforos等[26]为了找出最佳的跳过路径数,针对历史作业数据,设计了转弯方式自动判别方法及转弯时间自动分析方法,通过对800 hm2地块连续4 a的数据分析,得出了最佳跳过路径数为3条的结论。Yin等[27]针对SPV-6C插秧机作业路径规划与跟踪控制系统,基于平滑最小转向圆完成了小幅宽相邻路径地头转弯,实现了插秧机转弯的自动化。Cariou等[28-29]以移动机器人小车为平台,针对相邻路径掉头问题,通过基于基本图元的轨迹规划和基于轮胎侧偏角监督估计的模型预测,优化了掉头时间和掉头区面积。


1 材料与方法

1.1 作业机组


A.WAS-3106角度传感器 B.电动方向盘 C.ZC30基准站 D.SF9507车载控制器 E.ZC200天线控制器一体机 F.深松机

拖拉机型号为SF2104,后轮驱动,阿克曼转向,支持SAE J1939协议。轴距为2 894 mm,轮距为1 750 mm,转弯半径为7 150 mm,标定转速为2 200 r/min,标定功率为154 kW。深松机型号为1SZ-230,幅宽为2.5 m,深松铲数量为4铲。导航系统型号为FARMSTAR F2BD-2.5RD,包括电动方向盘(MDU180)、角度传感器(WAS-3106)、天线控制器一体机(ZC200)等。车载控制器型号为SF9507,输入/输出通道总计24路,可通过控制局域网(Controller Area Network,CAN)控制发动机、变速箱及液压提升系统。监控终端采用手机或电脑,4G通信,可实现拖拉机的远程启停及数据可视化。

1.2 控制系统

1.2.1 系统组成


图2 控制系统结构




1.2.2 导航与控制方法



图3 导航与控制数据流图

导航规划层:有研究表明[25],一般情况下,单弧转弯时间最短。为此,本文的路径规划算法采用FSP(First Turn Skip Pattern)[30],该模式将农田划分为多个标准区块和1个剩余区块,可进行单弧转弯及套行作业。该算法通过迭代生成路径编号,见式(1)。










Note: No.indicates that the No. of the path is=1,2,3,…;iindicates that the operation sequence No. of the path is,=1,2,3,…;AandBindicate the start and end coordinates of the path with operation sequence No.. The same as below.

图4 路径规划结果

Fig.4 Result of route planning


表 1 目标行为分类


式中为拖拉机实时位置与作业路径起终点间距的判断阈值,综合考虑定位精度与跟踪精度,本文取0.1 m。




对于深松作业,机具降落点down和机具上升点up需要在作业前完成配置,均由无量纲的机具位置表示,范围为[0, 1 000],其中,0表示最低位置,1 000表示最高位置。导航控制器将以上参数通过CAN总线发送至车载控制器,由车载控制器控制电液提升系统。




Note:is the target front wheel turning angle, (°);abis the wheelbase, m;is the turning distance, m.

图5 转向示意图

Fig.5 Diagram of turning

1.3 试验设计

为验证自主行驶与作业系统的精度与稳定性,本文设计自动驾驶组和有人驾驶组开展对比试验。试验地块位于北京市顺义区(40°12'48.32"N,116°33'13.43"E),南北长约90 m,东西宽约35 m。


表2 速度和升降控制参数

2 结果与讨论

2.1 行驶轨迹


图6 行驶轨迹对比

2.2 横向偏差

在作业阶段,自动驾驶和有人驾驶的拖拉机横向偏差的平均标准差分别为4和8 cm。其中,图7所示为第1和第5条作业路径的横向控制偏差。显然,自动驾驶的拖拉机横向偏差标准差降低了50%,作业性能更稳定。

图7 第1和第5条作业路径的横向控制偏差

2.3 作业速度

自动驾驶和有人驾驶的平均作业速度分别为1.66和2.98 m/s,平均标准差分别为0.09和0.27 m/s。自动驾驶的控制误差降低了约67%,表明自动驾驶的作业速度更为平稳(图8)。

图8 拖拉机作业速度对比

2.4 发动机转速

图9为拖拉机的发动机转速对比。自动驾驶的发动机转速有2个稳定点,作业阶段稳定在1 500 r/min附近,转弯阶段稳定在1 000 r/min附近,与设定值一致,仅在直线作业开始或结束时出现超调现象,而有人驾驶的发动机转速没有出现稳定点,自动驾驶在作业阶段(以130~300 s为例)和掉头阶段(以335~425 s为例)的发动机转速的标准差分别为7.9和9.1 r/min,拖拉机动力控制性能更优。

图9 拖拉机发动机转速对比

2.5 机具升降

图10为机具位置对比。对前4个稳定作业阶段(自动驾驶:130~300 s、450~500s、675~725 s、690~740 s;有人驾驶:20~130 s、205~300 s、405~535 s、720~800 s)的机具升降情况进行分析,自动驾驶平均机具位置的极差为23.8,有人驾驶平均机具位置的极差为113.3。较小的极差反映了自动驾驶的机具升降控制更为精确。

图10 机具位置对比

3 结 论


2)田间对照试验表明,自动驾驶和有人驾驶的横向偏差的平均标准差分别为4和8 cm,作业速度的平均标准差分别为0.09和0.27 m/s。自动驾驶稳定作业时发动机转速的平均标准差为7.9 r/min,平均机具位置极差23.8,均优于有人驾驶作业的对应指标,说明自主作业控制技术具有较高的作业精度和稳定性。

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Autonomous driving and operation control method for SF2104 tractors

Wu Caicong1,2, Wang Dongxu1, Chen Zhibo1, Song Bingbing1, Yang Lili1, Yang Weizhong1※

(1,,100083,; 2,,100083,)

To solve the critical shortage and the increasing cost of rural labor, the concept of “one person, multiple machines” were proposed and an autonomous driving and operating system for SF2104 was developed. The hardware of the system included SF2104 tractor with a power reverser transmission and wire-controlled chassis, WAS-3106 angle sensor, 1SZ-230 subsoiler, GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) based auto-steering system for agricultural machinery (FARMSTARF2BD-2.5RD), SF9507 vehicle controller, and mobile monitor such as smartphone and PC (personal computer). The control system mainly included three function units, i.e., data acquisition unit, planning and control unit, and movement unit. The navigation and control method was deployed in the planning and control unit according to the hierarchical control method. The entire method constituted of the layer of navigation planning, the layer of behavior control, and the layer of behavior execution. The operation width, the turning radius and the first operation path (straight line) from user inputs were transferred to the layer of navigation planning, and it also used to calculate the path network data. The path network data, wheelbase from user inputs and the real-time data (i.e.,location, heading and front wheel angle), were transferred to the layer of behavior control involving the target behavior decision. The decision of the target behavior wouldl be transferred to the layer of behavior execution, which derived the target front wheel angle, the target engine rotation speed and the target implement position. The layer of navigation planning generated the path network data to meet the requirement of operating in the field and turning in the headland through the FSP (First Turn Skip Pattern). The layer of behavior control made the decisions of target behavior, including lateral control, speed control, turning control, lifting control, current path update and operation ending. When the tractor entered the operating strip, the system identified the starting point of the operation, and sequentially executed the behavior of implement lowering, the behavior of speed increase, and the behavior of tracking thestraight line. When the tractor finished the operation of the current path, the behaviors of implement lifting, speed reduction, and turning were executed sequentially. The behavior of speed control was executed by controlling the tractor’s engine rotation speed at a high value or a low value through the vehicle controller. The behavior of lifting control was executed by transmitting an implement status value to the controller of the hydraulic lifting system. The behavior of turning control was executed by transmitting a fixed front wheel angle which was calculated by tractor kinematics turning distance. The subsoil operation experiments were carried out in the Shunyi District of Beijing. The experiments included the manual driving group and the autonomous driving group. For the autonomous driving group, the operating trajectories were straight and smooth, the average standard deviation of lateral deviation was 4 cm, the average operating speed was 1.66 m/s, and the standard deviation of operating speed was 0.09 m/s. During the stable operating stage in the field, the standard deviation of engine rotation speed was 7.9 r/min, and the range of the average implement position was 23.8. For themanual driving group, the operating trajectories were not smoother than the trajectories of the autonomous driving group, and the average standard deviation of lateral deviation was 8 cm, the average operating speed was 2.98 m/s, and the standard deviation of operating speed was 0.27 m/s. The stability of engine rotation speed and the range of implement position were also poor in manual driving group. The results showed that the autonomous driving group outperformed the manual driving group in terms of operating accuracy and working stability, which can effectively reduce labor costs. This research provides a platform foundation and theoretical basis for the future research of multi-vehicle and multi-operation collaboration with less human operations.

agricultural machinery; experiments; automatic driving; autonomous operation; control system

吴才聪,王东旭,陈智博,等. SF2104拖拉机自主行驶与作业控制方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(18):42-48.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.18.006 http://www.tcsae.org

Wu Caicong, Wang Dongxu, Chen Zhibo, et al. Autonomous driving and operation control method for SF2104 tractors[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(18): 42-48. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.18.006 http://www.tcsae.org










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