邵俊鹏 迟涵威 孙桂涛
摘 要:针对四足机器人运动过程中存在的自碰撞问题,采用距离函数法,通过对腿部选取特征点,并对特征点之间的距离检测,进行足端的轨迹规划。研究过程中,建立了四足机器人的三维模型,并给出了四种自碰撞位置检测模型,对腿部运动空间的分析,每条腿上选取两个特征点,用距离函数法对特征点间距离进行控制,进而实现对腿部的控制。经过仿真分析和实验得出,应用距离函数法可以将两足端的最小距离控制在34.72mm处,有效的避免机器人在行进过程中腿部之间存在的碰撞问题。
中图分类号: TP242
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1007-2683(2020)05-0068-07
Abstract:Aiming at the self-collision problem in the motion of four-legged robots, the distance function method is adopted, the feature points are selected for the legs, and the distance between the feature points is detected to plan the trajectory of the foot. In the research process, the three-dimensional model of the quadruped robot was established, and four self-collision position detection models were given. The analysis of the leg motion space was performed. Two feature points were selected on each leg, and the feature points were used to solve the feature points. Control the distance between the legs to control the legs. Through simulation analysis and experiment, the distance function method can be used to control the minimum distance between the two ends at 34.72mm, effectively avoiding the collision problem between the legs during the running of the robot.
Keywords:quadruped robot; motion planning; self collision; collision detection; distance function method
0 引 言
在机器人自碰撞检测和规划方面已有许多成果,如吴长征,岳义等[11]针对双臂机器人运动规划过程中的自碰撞问题,提出了基于空间向量几何距离的机械臂自碰撞检测方法,并验证了该算法的有效性;Kwak,Park. [12]提出了一种基于反向传播神经网络的实时自碰撞检测方法,该法能明显减少自碰撞检测计算时间,但准确性仍有待提升。Dietrich A等[13]提出了一种基于人工排斥势场的避碰算法,为了提高运动的安全性,在控制器无法避免自碰撞的情况下,引入了基于动能考虑的附加紧急制动策略。Tanaka M,Tanaka K.[14]控制输入的关节角度用于关节限制和自碰撞避免。TuomoKivel等[15]提出了一种生成冗余机械手关节轨迹的方法,如果存在碰撞风险,控制器计算即将发生碰撞的确切点与碰撞对象间的最短距离,通过修改关节轨迹以避免碰撞。
1 四足机器人的自碰撞检测
2.2 足端避碰规划
4 结 论
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(編辑:王 萍)