文/马克·力文(Mark Levine) 译/史聪一
两天后,我与在安徽省一所大学教书的美国人戴夫·埃比(Dave Eby)进行了交谈。几年前,我们曾在一次公开演讲比赛中初次见面,并在此后保持联系。我向戴夫讲述了颜坡的故事,他也向我讲述了其学生的故事。
I had planned to spend Spring Festival in 2020 at the home of one of my Chinese colleagues, and her family. I had spent Spring Festival with them a few years ago and she invited me to return on Spring Festival Eve.And then it happens.
News of the novelcorona virus causes me to rethink my plan. I thank her for the invitation and decide to simply stay home. That is when I begin my “sheltering in place.” Lasting for almost three months, I only venture outside of my apartment to take a 15-minute walk to a nearby supermarket which I do about every 3-4 days.
The arrival of the virus effects most people’s plans and in my own case, it affects my plan to finish my new book in multiple ways.
First, I realize that there is no way that I can possibly complete the book without at least a little discussion about the virus and its consequences. As the entire world knows, although some whose names I do not believe I need to mention refuse to admit, it is an earth-shattering event and at the time is beginning to play a major role everyone’s lives.So how could I not speak about it? But, it is too early. I need to see what happens. How is it dealt with? What is its impact? I can’t just talk about its arrival.
Second, I am soon informed that my spring semester classes, which are to begin in one month, are to be conducted online. I have zero experience with this. My classes include debate, public speaking and British culture. I have been teaching all of these classes for many years and while I make some changes from year-to-year, I need to figure out how to adjust these for online teaching. Then, I need to become familiar with online teaching or conference platforms which, at the time,I do not even know the names let alone how they work. Fortunately,I have a teaching assistant and many students who I can turn to for assistance. As all of this becomes a preoccupation both before and throughout the semester, my ability to focus on writing becomes quite limited.
Once the online teaching begins, both my students and I have ongoing technical problems with computers or internet reception but those are just part of the difficulties that we face. Because my students are all at home, it is not uncommon for family expectations or obligations to get in the way. Several of my students tell me that while they are sitting in class at their computer their mother will tell them to come eat lunch.
Jennifer, one of my public speaking students, gives her final speech while riding in their family car. “Mark, I am sorry about this. My parents said we had to go to the countryside for something and we didn’t get back in time.”
Yanpo, another one of my students is Tibetan and he lives in the mountainous area in Sichuan Province. We are using the Tencent Meeting online conference platform and I always ask students to keep their cameras on. One day I notice that Yanpo has turned his camera off. “Yanpo, please turn on your camera,” but he doesn’t answer. I send him messages first through the conference platform and then through WeChat, but again no answer. Finally about 30 minutes after the class is over, he sends me a video clip of him riding on the back of a yak. He follows this up with a voice message. “I’m sorry Mark but my family are herders and one of our yaks ran away and I had to go get it.”
Two days later I am speaking with Dave Eby, an American who is teaching at a university in Anhui Province. First meeting several years ago at a public speaking competition, we periodically keep in touch. I tell Dave Yanpo’s story and he responds with one of his own.
“Recently one of my students joined our class and apologized for the noise of the strong wind in the background. She tells me her parents are tea growers and she is outside with them picking the tea because a big storm was forecast for the next day and they needed to get it all harvested so that it would not be ruined.”
Although it takes time and attention to understand how we can work around or even with these circumstances it is really good to learn more about the circumstances of our students’ lives. Furthermore, I am confident that it helped all of us who had this experience become better teachers. I know that’s the case for me and others I speak with.
Third, beginning even before my classes start, I am busy working to maintain ongoing communication with people I know across China,as well as some abroad. Sometimes I contact them and sometimes they contact me. We check on each other’s health, families and share information about what is happening in different parts China. Mostly through WeChat, I stay in contact with current and former students and colleagues. I stay in contact with students and faculty from schools I have visited through my many lectures. I speak with people I who I first meet during the many speaking competitions I have judged. I stay in contact with people who have attended my many musical performances around the country. During the month before I start teaching I am regularly in touch with easily more than 200 people and once my classes start one month later, that number continues to grow.
Fourth, once with announcement of online teaching is made, I am contacted by several media outlets to talk about my preparations. Then,once classes begin, they want me to talk about the progress we are making, the difficulties we are experiences and what we are doing to overcome them. This results in a number of telephone interviews and video interviews.
Fifth, once China is struck by the novel coronavirus, I know that I have to write another song to add to my musical stories of my life in China.
At the time however, I am not ready to write it. One reason is because I am busy preparing for or teaching classes that is not the sole reason.I need for more information. I need to know how the Chinese government will address this epidemic. I need to know how Chinese people will respond to the government actions. And, I need to have some idea of the results of these joint responses by the government and the people. So, in addition to communicating with people all over China,I also spend time everyday paying attention to news from both inside and outside of China to learn about these things.
I learn of China’s actions and about the success that is being achieved in overcoming the virus. My communications with my students and others show me that the collective spirit I’ve seen and written about during earlier critical situations is once again predominant. Those I speak with all over China, especially people from Hubei Province and Wuhan, recognize that this is everyone’s problem and regardless of discomfort, sacrifice is necessary and will ultimately benefit all.
I also learn about the World Health Organization’s positive evaluation of the steps taken by China to combat the virus.
Furthermore, it was with great dismay that I learn of the effort of a few, particularly in the U.S., to blame China for the virus rather than recognizing this as a universal problem that requiring an international effort to overcome. I see this not only in media reports but, in fact,hear from Chinese friends in the U.S. who themselves are accused of bringing the virus there as just a few of the more than 2000 anti-Asian incidents connected to it.
Finally, although I don’t actually realize it at first, I am ready to write my song. My process of writing songs varies from one to another.Sometimes I decide to write something and I sit down with a notebook or at my computer and start figuring out the lyrics. Some songs are different and my song about the coronavirus was one of those.
On one of my walks to the supermarket during the third week of March, my mind is occupied as I start to think of potential song lyrics about the coronavirus. Actually, like much of what has happened since I have been in China, this is not my plan but, I just can’t stop thinking about it. By the time I get home I have about half of the lyrics done and I quickly grab my notebook to write them down before I can forget them. I keep thinking, I move the lyrics from my notebook to my computer and before the day is over the lyrics are done.
Coming up with a melody also begins in my mind but on the following afternoon. After my classes, I pull out my guitar and sit down to finish the song. I try a number of melodies, rhythms, chord progressions and guitar techniques and by the end of that day, my song, “Together We Must Take a Stand - Defeat the Novelcorona Virus” is done.
I send it to friends both inside and outside of China and get a great response. Many say they appreciate its spirit and repeat the last two lines in their messages to me. Some post it on their own social media sites and within a few days I am contacted by more Chinese media outlets who now want to interview me the story behind the song. As a result, it becomes clear to me that although I have written many songs about China, this one is by far the most important.
Near the end of the year 2-0-1-9,
we thought that everything was so fine.
But we didn’t know the troubles we’d soon face.
Coronavirus came around.
No quick solution could be found.
Health workers treated patients case-by-case.
And Hubei Province was shut down,
every city and every town.
People sacrificed to stop the illness’ flow.
The novel virus still did spread,
and left so many people dead.
Until its growth in China did finally slow.
But soon the virus did appear,
in many countries far and near.
WHO praised China’s fight through and through.
But some countries didn’t know what they should do.
Fear and hatred spread so fast.
We all hope it doesn’t last.
Panicking will do no good,
but common effort surely would.
Coronavirus, we will defeat,
around the world it must be beat.
So here and there in every land,
together we will take a stand.
Fear and hatred spread so fast.
We all hope it doesn’t last.
Panicking will do no good,
but common effort surely would.
Coronavirus, we will defeat,
around the world it must be beat.
So here and there in every land,
together we will take a stand.