谭 玲
(广东省湛江市坡头区第一中学 广东 湛江 524000)
词块理论指出,词汇是语言的基础,增加固定词汇信息,集合组成块状结构,就是具有语言意义的词块。教师可采用启发式教学组织小组讨论,根据词块知识观察、识别词块并进行核对讨论,引导学生对词块归类总结,帮助学生构建语言意义,继而对词块造句,强化学生记忆深度,让学生在词块中理解和掌握词汇。例如短话词块:look forward to, at the same time;句子框架与引语词块: what’s more, in a word, taking all the factors into consideration等。从心理教育学的角度看,词块教学能在潜意识中把对词汇的理解和记忆与对词汇的搜索和使用有机地结合起来,无形中潜移默化词于词之间的有机关联和词块的整体连贯性。
词块构型策略是借助词块搭建利于记忆的单位。如a+n+with +adj+n,引导生成a girl with long hair, a house with a beautiful garden等诸如此类;又如修饰句子系列with+n+doing,引出with the time going by, with the society developing等;再有句型构型: It's of great importance to do sth. It’s generally acknowledged that等。词块构型后引导学生理解和掌握同类的整个词块语用群,通过遣句、翻译等方式反复操练,积报鼓励学生课内课外自行分析,识别,整理,扩大词块群库存,因为写作,词块构型提供了优越的记忆储备。
4.1 强化英语写作思维训练,化繁为简,夯实遣词造句基本功:分清主干句和各修饰成分词块,熟练五个基本句型。
4.2 精准美化,逐步丰富句子。增添词块成分小技巧:先简单,后并列,再复合;定语词块(词语多在名词前,短语多在名词后,定语从句躲在名词后);状语词块(修饰句子系列也属于状语词块,均可在句首,句中和句末);融入句型结构,多用名词形容词和副词来表达。思维如下:
(1)I’m qualified for the job.
→I firmly believe I’m qualified for the job.
→I hold a firm belief that I’m qualified for the job because I can speak English.
→I hold a firm belief that I’m qualified for the job because I began to learn English when I was at the age of 8.
(2)I’m fluent in both Chinese and English.
→What’s more, I’m fluent in both Chinese and English.
→What’s the most important is that I’m fluent in both Chinese and English, so I have no difficulty in communicating with others.
(3)I want the opportunity.
→I want you to give me the golden opportunity to broaden my horizons.
→ If you could be so kind to take me into consideration and give me the golden opportunity to broaden my horizons, I would greatly appreciate it.
4.3 谋篇布局,审题是关键,重点是如何做到根据增添要点,巧融主要内容和添加信息词块,以使行文连贯,锦上添花。
Dear Sir / Madam,
I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer for a Chinese Painting Show to be held in your art gallery.
First of all, I hold a firm belief that I’m qualified for the job because I began to learn English when I was at the age of 8.What’s the most important is that I’m fluent in both Chinese and English, so I have no difficulty in communicating with others. If I am lucky enough to be chosen as a volunteer, I can show visitors around the gallery and answer their questions about the paintings, after some proper training.
If you could be so kind to take me into consideration and give me the golden opportunity to broaden my horizons, I would greatly appreciate it. I’m looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
词块是语言的重要组成部分 ,词块习得符合语言认知规律,词块构型策略融入写作无疑可以增强语言输出的准确性和地道性,减少母语干扰,是切实可行的有效策略。高中英语“写作难”,我们必须从“心”开始,循序渐进。平时须着力强化遣词造句的精准性和句型结构灵活运用;鼓励学生定时独立完成,互相学习、取长补短,老师及时抓好反馈,加以表扬,增强信心,从“心”写作,必能芝麻开花节节高。