(广东海洋大学水产学院,广东 湛江 524088)
供试对虾为广东海洋大学东海岛海洋生物研究基地自行繁育的墨吉明对虾。选取附肢完整、健康无损伤的活泼个体进行试验。对虾平均体长(5.85±0.35) cm,体质量(2.46±0.39) g。
试验前,将选好的墨吉明对虾置于预先充氧的桶内暂养7 d。生物絮团为笔者自行构建的以当地水体中菌群为主的硝化型生物絮团。试验前,将絮团水体用孔径48 μm的滤网滤水浓缩,然后按试验要求添加到试验桶中。供试海水从海区抽取,通过沉淀、砂滤、消毒处理后使用,保持水温(29.4±0.71) ℃,溶解氧质量浓度大于5 mg/L,盐度28.5±0.26,水体持续均匀充气。试验在容积0.3 m3的养殖桶进行,每桶设置气石2个。
试验设低(A)、中(B)、高(C)3个养殖密度梯度,分别为100、300、700尾/m2。每个密度梯度重复3次。每个养殖桶中的实际水体为270 L,生物絮团的添加量为20 mg/L。投喂人工配合饲料,每天定时投喂4次。试验期间不添加有机碳源、不换水。试验周期30 d。
第30天喂食后,分别于每个养殖桶随机选择5只虾,用无菌水和75%乙醇洗涤虾的体表,解剖后将虾肠分离,置于1.5 mL离心管中,于-80 ℃冰箱保存,备用。用0.45 μm膜滤器收集生物絮团样品,于-80 ℃冰箱保存,备用。低、中、高密度的对虾肠道样本分别编号为SIA、SIB和SIC,生物絮团样本分别编号为FA、FB和FC。
采用E.Z.N.A. ®土壤试剂盒(OMEGA,US),按说明书提取虾肠腔内容物和絮团的总细菌DNA。用NanoDrop分光光度计(Thermo Fisher Scientific)测量DNA产量。通过扩增细菌16S rDNA基因,评估DNA质量(GeneAmp PCR System 9700)。
采用引物组341F(CCTAYGGGRBGCASCAG)和806R(GGACTACNNGGGTATCTAAT),PCR扩增16S rDNA的V3-V4区域[15]。反向引物含有每个样品独有的6 bp错误校正条形码。由Novaseq(广州)在Illumina Miseq平台上进行高通量测序。
对获得的原始数据进行分析和质量过滤,剩余的高质量数据用于后续分析。使用UCLUST (v1.2.22q)将相似性大于97%的序列聚类为同一个操作分类单位(OTUs)[16]。运用Mothur确定每个文库的分类丰富度估计值和群落多样性(v.1.37.6,http://www.mothur.org/)[17]。基于OTU丰度矩阵估计每个群落的物种丰富度。利用α多样性指数(Chao1、ACE、Shannon和Simpson)评估社区多样性。基于OTU标准化数据,运用QIIME(v1.9.1)进行α和β细菌多样性的后续分析。运用R script (http://www.r- project.org/)和ggplot2(ggplot2.org)进行维恩图和相对丰度分析。利用线性判别分析(LDA)效应大小确定样本组之间差异相对较大的微生物类群。
运用Excel 2010整理数据;运用SPSS 17.0对数据作单因素方差分析(ANOVA)。
从表1可知,3个养殖密度的18个样品共产生686 521条序列。肠道样品中,SIC中OTUs最多。絮团样本中,FB中OTUs最多。
表1 墨吉明对虾的肠道及其养殖系统中的生物絮团样本的可操作分类单元数
维恩图分析结果表明:3个密度组对虾肠道样品共有的OTUs有333个(占1.8%),SIA独有的OTUs有4 909个(占27.0%),SIB独有的OTUs有4 605个(占25.3%),SIC独有的OTUs有6 555个(占36.1%);3个密度组生物絮团样品共有的OTUs有1 536个(占11.5%),FA独有的OTU有4 841个(占36.3%),FB独有的OTUs有2 553个(占19.1%),FC独有的OTUs有2 496个(占18.7%)。
从表2可知,随养殖密度的增大,墨吉明对虾肠道菌群的丰富度Chao 1和Ace指数与多样性Shannon指数均逐渐增加,而多样性Simpson指数呈先减后增的趋势,SIC的4个指数均为最高;生物絮团菌群中,FC的丰富度Chao 1和Ace指数均最小,FB的多样性Shannon和Simpson指数最大。
表2 墨吉明对虾的肠道及其养殖系统中生物絮团的菌群丰富度和多样性指数
表3 墨吉明对虾的肠道及其养殖系统中生物絮团的优势细菌门及其相对丰度
样本相对丰度/% 衣原体芽单胞菌门硝化螺旋菌门泉古菌门螺旋体蓝藻门浮霉菌门 SIA——0.25——0.4— SIB——0.870.01—3.120.16 SIC—0.351. FA0.010.571.613.080.041.650.24 FB0. FC0.011.122.777.
表4 墨吉明对虾的肠道及其养殖系统中生物絮团的优势细菌属及其相对丰度
样本相对丰度/% Faecalibacterium发光菌属CoccinimonasRhodovulumBlautiaRuegeria SIA0.01 1.34—2.87—0.27 SIB3.7235.95——0.014.85 SIC0.0210.65——0.981.60 FA— 2.170.02——3.23 FB— 0.690.02——3.56 FC— 0.440.49——2.26
表5 墨吉明对虾的肠道及其养殖系统中生物絮团样本的微生物群落相对丰度的群间变异(LDA值)
图1 墨吉明对虾的肠道及其养殖系统中生物絮团样本微生物群落相对丰度的群间变异(Cladogram)
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Effects of stocking density on bacterial community characterization of biofloc and intestine of
WANG Bo, QIN Haipeng, LIAO Xuzheng, HU Shikang, ZHAO Jichen, HE Zihao, HAN Xueming, CHEN Zhaoming, SUN Chengbo*
(Department of Fisheries, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524088, China)
Using the high-throughput sequencing technology of Miseq, the microbial structure of the intestine and water biofloc ofat high, medium and low aquaculture densities(700/m3, 300/m3, 100/m3) were analyzed. The results showed that among the shrimp intestinal flora, the high-density group had the highest abundance and diversity, and the abundance increased over the increase of stocking density, while among the biofloc flora, the high-density group had the lowest abundance. The intestinal and biofloc flora samples were mainly composed of Proteobacteria(relative abundant 49.25%~80.33%), Actinobacteria, Bacteroides and Chloroflexi at phylum level, but the abundance was different. At genus level, the composition and proportion of dominant bacteria were significantly different.,,,, andonly exist in intestinal samples, andonly exist in biofloc samples. The relative abundance ofwas relatively large,abundance of intestinal sample was the smallest(5.23%) in medium density group and the largest(23.39%) in high density group; the low-density group of biofloc samples was the largest(16.15%), and the medium and high-density samples were both smaller, the abundance was 5.51% and 4.20%, respectively. The abundance ofin the intestinal samples decreased with the increase of stocking density, and the abundance was 1.36%, 0.41%, 0.02%, respectively. The abundance difference ofin different culture density biofloc samples was not significant. It can be seen that under the bioflocculation mode, the density of culture had a greater influence on bacterial community characterization of biofloc and intestine of.
; stocking density; biofloc; intestine; bacterial community
WANG B, QIN H P, LIAO X Z, HU S K, ZHAO J C, HE Z H, HAN X M, CHEN Z M, SUN C B. Effects of stocking density on bacterial community characterization of biofloc and intestine of[J]. Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences), 2020, 46(5): 608-615.