
2020-11-07 02:13:06姜继娇
管理工程学报 2020年6期

周 聪,姜继娇*,殷 茗


周 聪1,姜继娇1*,殷 茗2

(1.西北工业大学管理学院,陕西 西安 710072;2.西北工业大学软件与微电子学院,陕西 西安 710072)



0 引言

目前,异地分布式协同开发(Geographically Distributed Collaborative Development,GDCD)已经成为大型复杂产品开发策略的主流趋势[1]。大型复杂产品的客户需求、产品组成、产品设计、产品制造及项目管理复杂,涉及机械、控制、电子、液压、气动和软件等多学科领域,每个子系统都由多学科领域的零部件组成,与外界存在复杂的交互关系。GDCD 可以帮助企业进行大型复杂产品开发时达到更好的灵活性及成本控制,现有研究主要集中于异地分布式团队之间的协作和沟通问题[2][3][4][5]。

异地分布式开发需要敏捷性[6],以快速适应不稳定的市场环境与需求变动。大型复杂产品 GDCD 过程中需要充分利用分散企业的资源,进行产品开发过程,参与者复杂,信息交换内容广泛。人们建立敏捷开发团队往往是受到利益驱动,例如生产率提高、创新及员工满意等。随着产品复杂性和技术环境正以不可预测的速率进行变化,多个企业进行复杂航空产品异地分布式协同开发的敏捷性已经成为了提升产品开发绩效的关键。敏捷过程更加强调感官与反应、自组织、跨职能团队及持续适应力[7],而且组织所具有的敏捷性可以快速适应这种迅速变化的外部环境[8]。但异地分布式敏捷开发相对于集中式开发会存在更多阻力[9]。现有研究主要集中在应用实践[10]、协作与沟通[11]、方法工具[12]、知识管理[13]、大规模项目[14]、团队[15]及风险[16]等方面。近年的研究表明,任务分配被认为是异地分布式开发过程中的关键环节。项目中不同的人员从事相同的任务,其生产效率差距可达 10-40 倍[17]。Lin 等[18]认为任务分配可减少异地团队间的沟通成本,使成员把精力投入到开发中。Paasivaara等[19]指出了 GDCD 团队进行的开发必然受制于团队之间的协同关系,异地分布式团队间高效的协同控制,直接影响到合作伙伴的核心能力的充分发挥及有效地实现优势互补,进而影响到项目的整体获益。任务分配问题的研究大部分主要集中在人工智能领域,例如多 Agent系统[20]、机器人[21]等。异地分布式开发环境下的任务分配是在不同地理、时区和文化的团队之间进行,团队相互之间并不熟悉,如何在动态环境下,根据不同团队的技术水平、专业方向、所在地理位置等内外部条件进行实时任务分配,这对大型复杂产品进行异地分布式敏捷协同开发具有重要意义。因此,异地分布式开发的任务分配,是本研究要考虑的重要问题,任务分配有助于合理优化开发资源。针对异地分布式开发的任务分配问题,现有学者已经展开了初步的研究。例如,Ruano-Mayoral 等[22]提出了一个全球开发项目任务包二阶段分配框架,提出了任务分配的决策影响因子,实施结果表明了任务规划的准确性、效果和满意度;Almeida等[23]提出了一个异地分布式开发认知映射和 MACBETH 的多维决策模型;Lamersdorf 和 Münch[24]提出了全球开发的一个客户化多维需求任务分配模型,运用了改进 Bokhari 算法,该模型在多个典型假设场景和实际分布决策问题获得了应用效果;张立等[25]提出了一种将心智模型与扩展合同网机制结合的半自治多 Agent 任务分配方法,并扩展了合同网机制包括发标优选、竞标报价与多 Agent 任务分配过程。上述研究在分配过程框架、客户化需求驱动、心智模型等方面提供了很好的研究借鉴,但是,当异地分布式环境采用敏捷开发,如何在异地分布式敏捷开发环境中进行任务分配优化,还没有进行深入研究。本文尝试构建基于混合蛙跳算法与遗传算法的综合算法,求解异地分布式协同开发过程中的任务分配问题。蛙跳算法已经在图形分割[26]、车辆路径[27]、旅行商问题[28]、资源分配[29]等问题中得到应用。


1 混合蛙跳算法任务分配优化模型

1.1 模型总体思路


图1 异地分布式协同开发的任务分配优化模型

Figure 1 Task allocation optimization model of geographically distributed collaborative



1.2 关键技术


本文的青蛙个体更新策略借鉴John Holland所提的遗传算法,其计算原理是在解域中,以目标函数为基础,不断向最优解靠近,是一种以一定概论为基础的全局寻优的过程。遗传算法过程中主要包括了以下三个算子:选择;交叉;变异。本文主要借鉴了遗传算法中的交叉与变异这两个算子。


图2 交叉操作

Figure 2 Crossover operation


图3 变异方式

Figure 3 Mutation methods



图4 敏捷指标

Figure 4 Agile metrics




Step0 准备工作。计算各个打分专家的权重,以及每个指标的优劣度权重(14个)。

Step1 专家打分。组织本次虚拟企业敏捷性评价的专家,为其提供虚拟企业的资料,对专家进行访谈和填表,评分表采用百分制。

表1 专家咨询表



2 优化步骤



当项目或产品开发过程中涉及多个团队时,Scrum 可以帮助敏捷团队与其他团队的协调与合作。因此本文结合敏捷理论将一个产品任务可分解为若干个子任务,每个子任务按照相似的特征及其之间的关系进行开发。生产子任务的团队都要完成特定的子任务,而子任务也是一个完整带有独立专家和产品经理角色的产品。






图5 组内优化过程

Figure 5 Intra-group optimization process




3 案例分析

为了验证本文所提任务分配方法的有效性,本文以课题小组参与的航空基金项目案例为基础,通过Matlab语言在 Intel Core i5 CPU 2.20GHz,内存32GB的PC机上进行实验。假设航空某厂生产4中不同型号的发动机,记为M1、M2、M3、M4,每个型号发动机的订单结构为图6。这4中型号的发动机按照SCRUM敏捷开发框架分解为8个子任务,其余由协同企业提供,


图6 M1、M2、M3、M4型号发动机的订单结构

Figure 6 Order structure for M1,M2,M3,M4 engines

表2 协同生产企业敏捷性得分

Table 2 Agility score of collaborative development enterprises

表3 协同生产企业与核心企业间的距离

表4 M1、M2、M3、M4型号任务参数

3.1 参数设定

表5 子任务对应可选生产企业


3.2 运算结果分析




图7 改进后混合蛙跳算法与混合蛙跳算法最优值随迭代次数变化的对比

Figure 7 Comparison of the optimal value of the improved Shuffled Frog Leading Algorithm and Shuffled Frog Leading Algorithm with the number of iterations

表6 改进后混合蛙跳算法与原混合蛙跳算法迭代100次对比

4 结论与讨论



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Task assignment optimization for distributed cooperative development based on shuffled frog leaping algorithms

ZHOUCong1,JIANG Jijiao1*, YIN Ming2

2. School of ManagementNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi’an 710072,China; Software and Microelectronics Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi’an 710072,China)

Geographically distributed collaborative development has become part of the development strategy for large and complex products. Complex products are composed of multiple subsystems, and each subsystem involves multiple disciplines, which makes the complex interaction between large complex R&D product enterprises and the outside world. In different stages of complex product development, a single enterprise is often limited by technology and resources, and cannot complete the entire process of product development independently. This requires mutual cooperation between enterprises, resource sharing, and risk sharing. Geographically distributed collaborative development can integrate the resources of different geographies, enterprises, and teams to reduce risks, but it also brings about coordination and cooperation issues between geographically distributed teams. In response to this phenomenon, this paper studies the problem of task assignment for large and complex products in a geographically distributed agile development environment.

This paper mainly does the following work: First, it proposes a task allocation optimization model for geographically distributed agile development based on hybrid shuffled frog-leaping algorithm. This model uses the scrum of scrums agile development model as the basic framework for the development and production of large and complex products, and decomposes the R&D and production tasks of complex products then takes the maximum agility and minimum geographic compactness of the enterprise of complex aviation products as the objective function. Second, the unconstrained coding method is used to encode the model solution, which the "cross" and "mutation" operators are introduced in the learning strategy of the hybrid shuffled frog-leaping algorithm to optimize the local and global search mechanism of the hybrid shuffled frog-leaping algorithm and improve the efficiency and convergence accuracy of the algorithm. Third, taking an aircraft engine R&D enterprise as an example, MATLAB software is used to simulate the example, and the convergence between the improved hybrid shuffled frog-leaping algorithm and the original hybrid shuffled frog-leaping algorithm is compared under the same experimental background. The experimental results show that the improved hybrid shuffled frog-leaping algorithm in this study is better and has stronger convergence ability in the task allocation process. Through the research of this paper, the following conclusions can be drawn. Aiming the goal of the two aspects of agility of the collaborative production enterprise and the compactness of its geographical location, we assign the tasks. The spatial structure and the quantitative structure are effectively coupled to make the best of collaborative enterprise. Centralization, as far as possible, can avoid the decrease in product production efficiency caused by the change in the geographic location of the collaborative production enterprise and project tasks. It has certain practical significance; Secondly, the improved hybrid shuffled frog-leaping algorithm obtains a task allocation scheme that is more in line with the actual task allocation of large and complex aviation products than the traditional hybrid shuffled frog-leaping algorithm. The improved hybrid shuffled frog-leaping algorithm can achieve autonomous updates through self-learning to increase the degree of value fitness so that the optimal solution in the solution space can be found as quick as possible. Thus, it has certain theoretical significance.

Complex product; Geographically distributed collaborative development; Shuffled frog-leaping algorithm; Agility







Supported by the Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education Fund Project (16YJA630068, 18YJA630043), the Aeronautical Science Fund of China (2016ZG53071), theNatural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (2018JM7008)and the Seed Foundation of Innovation and Creation for Graduate Students in Northwestern Polytechnical University (ZZ2018036)





中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Boping Yan

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