
2020-11-07 02:12:02王萍萍
管理工程学报 2020年6期

王萍萍,王 毅


王萍萍1,王 毅2

(1.中央财经大学 国防经济与管理研究院,北京 100081;2.清华大学 经济管理学院,北京 100084)



0 引言


关于新颖性的研究最早可以追溯至Schumpeter[10]和Winter[11],早期的研究认为组织或者技术的变革是由“突变”造成的。但是与生物进化领域的基因突变不同,组织或技术突变是有章可循的。Becker等[12]在总结Schumpeter和Winter理论的基础上,进一步提出新颖性来源的两种途径:第一种途径是对已有组织惯例(做事情的方式)的新组合。以熊彼特为代表的创新领域的学者普遍认为创新本质上是对已有资源、能力新组合(New combinations)的结果,这种新组合是新颖性的重要来源。第二种途径是组织惯例扩散过程中的不完全性。换句话说,组织惯例在扩散过程中由于不能被完全复制或学习导致“变异”,从而为新颖性产生创造了机会,且如果组织惯例包含的内容之间联系越松散,变异产生的可能性越大。Becker等[12]为后续的研究奠定了重要的理论基础,但是他们没有进一步打开新颖性产生过程的黑箱并分析造成新颖性差异的因素。



1 文献回顾与研究假设


1.1 知识多样性对技术新颖性的影响





1.2 知识依赖度对技术新颖性的影响




1.3 知识多样性和知识依赖度的交互作用





2 数据来源及研究方法

2.1 样本选取与数据收集



Figure 1 The trend of Nanotechnology patents

2.2 变量定义及测量




表1 知识多样性计算示例





(3)控制变量。遵循现有的研究惯例,本文还控制了其他可能影响技术新颖性的因素。首先,本文控制了联合申请人数的影响。因为,联合申请人数越多,意味着在知识组合过程中的资源和知识越丰富,从而会影响技术的新颖性[31,34]。基于相似的原因,本文控制了发明者的个数[4]。Xiao[87]认为,在考虑了知识多样性的影响的同时不应忽视知识单元个数(即分类号数)的影响。与知识单元个数不同,知识多样性侧重于度量知识的分布和差异化程度。如表1 所示,两个专利的分类号数均为9,但是知识多样性存在差异。且Fleming[30]的研究表明,一项发明包含的知识单元的个数对该发明的有用性的影响是显著的,因此在本研究中对此予以控制。

3 实证结果与分析

3.1 描述性统计与回归模型选择


表2 描述性统计

从相关系数矩阵来看,各自变量与因变量的相关系数及方向基本符合预期,且自变量之间的相关系数较小。同时根据Aiken & West[88]、Cohen等[89]以及Hayes[90]的建议,在涉及交互作用的模型中,为了使回归方程的系数更具有解释意义,对模型中的自变量和控制变量进行中心化处理,交互项由中心化之后的变量的乘积生成。

3.2 负二项回归分析

如前文所述,由于因变量取值为非负整数,因此考虑使用负二项回归对模型进行估计(见表3)。从回归结果来看,每个模型的alpha95%的置信区间均不包含0值,即拒绝过度分散参数alpha=0的原假设,据此可以判断用负二项回归模型是比较合适的。且所有模型的统计量LR chi2均通过整体显著性检验,说明模型整体是显著的。此外,从模型的平均VIF值来看,可以判断变量间不存在多重共线性问题。


表3 负二项回归结果(因变量为后向引用专利数)

注:括号中数值为标准误差;* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

为了更准确的判断知识多样性和知识依赖度对技术新颖性的交互作用,本文利用STATA软件的Surface命令,将知识多样性、知识依赖度和技术新颖性三者的关系以三维图的形式展现出来(见图2)。从三维图中可以看出,知识依赖度和技术新颖性之间呈现倒U 型关系,结合回归结果可得,假设2得到支持。知识多样性和技术新颖性之间的关系整体为正向的,结合回归结果可知,假设1没有得到支持。同时,结合表4的负二项回归结果和三维图,可以判断知识多样性和知识依赖度的交互项对技术新颖性有显著的正向影响。交互项显著为负,说明多样性的正向调节作用成立,假设3得到支持。


图2 知识多样性和知识依赖度对新颖性的影响

Figure 2 The influence of knowledge diversity and knowledge interdependence on novelty

4 稳健性检验




表4 稳健性检验(因变量=独立权利要求数)

注:括号中数值为标准误差;* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

图3 知识多样性和知识依赖度对新颖性的影响(稳健性检验)

Figure 3 The influence of knowledge diversity and knowledge interdependence on novelty (robust check)

5 结论与讨论

5.1 研究结论



表5 不同分类号个数水平时样本专利数占比



图4 不同多样性水平下知识依赖度对新颖性的影响

Figure 4 The influence of knowledge interdepence on novelty at different level of knowledge diversity

5.2 研究意义与管理启示



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Identifying the sources of technological novelty:Empirical analysis based on nanotechnology patents

WANG Pingping1, WANG Yi2

(1. Institute of Defense Economics and Management, Central university of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081, China;2. School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

Innovation has been considered as the result of a combination or reorganization of existing knowledge since Schumpeter. Existing research extensively discusses the impact of individual and organizational characteristics on individual or organizational innovation performance, which helps to explain the differences in performance between individuals or organizations. But these studies usually assume that the innovation or invention activities of individuals or organizations within a certain observation period are homogeneous. In fact, even different inventions carried out by the same person may differ in their novelty or usefulness. Existing studies rarely explain this phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to reveal the micro-foundation of the heterogeneity of different inventions and to explain the path of novel inventions through theoretical and empirical analysis.

Since any patent can be decomposed into knowledge components with different technical functions, patent data provides the possibility to track the connection relationship between knowledge components. Based on the existing research, this study regards patents as a group of combined knowledge components, and each knowledge component is coded as a classification number. New technologies arise from the combination of previously unconnected knowledge components or the reorganization of already connected knowledge components in new ways. Evolutionary theory has long believed that the diversity of components and their relationships are important factors that determine the direction and performance of evolution. Social network theory emphasizes the functional diversity of network nodes and the impact of the connections between nodes on innovation results. Combining evolutionary theory and Social network theory this paper proposes that the diversity and dependence of knowledge components may affect the degree of technological novelty by affecting the potential of the combination and realization. The higher the diversity of knowledge components is, the more abundant the effective knowledge has, and the greater the potential of the possible combinations is. At the same time, diversified knowledge may cause a relative lack of absorptive capacity, thereby increasing the difficulty of knowledge combination realization and increasing the cost of knowledge combination. The higher the degree of knowledge dependence, the more mature the path of using knowledge, and the lower the uncertainty of the knowledge combination, but it will increase the rigidity of creating new combinations and strengthen the path dependence. The net effect of the final impact depends on the trade-off between positive and negative effects. Therefore, this study suggests that knowledge diversity and dependency have a nonlinear effect on technological novelty. And the interaction between the two may also have a significant positive effect on novelty.

In this study, 9328 invention patents in the field of nanotechnology applied for and finally authorized by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) from 1972 to 2010 were used as samples to test the theoretical framework. The novelty of a patent is measured by the number of back citations of the patent, and the diversity of knowledge is measured by 1 minus the Herfindahl index calculated according to the technical field where the patent classification number is located. The measurement of knowledge dependency is relatively complicated and is implemented in two steps. First, calculate the degree of ease of each knowledge component combination in the patent, and divide the number of all sub-classification numbers in the previous patent that have a co-occurrence relationship with the sub-classification number i by the number of patents in the previous patent that include the sub-classification number i. Secondly, the arithmetic average of all the knowledge components calculated in the first step and the reciprocal is the value of the patent's knowledge dependency. The negative binomial regression results show that: the negative binomial regression results using patent data as a sample demonstrate that knowledge diversity and knowledge dependency have a positive and inverted U-shape effect on technology novelty respectively, and the interactive terms of the two have an effect on technology. The impact on novelty is significantly positive. This conclusion is further supported in the robustness test. Except that the knowledge diversity hypothesis is only partially supported, the other two hypotheses are both fully supported.

The contribution of this research lies in: First, it breaks the normal research assumption on individuals, teams, or organizations homogenizes innovation activities, and explores the impact of micro-knowledge component characteristics on technological innovation activities as an important additional research. Second, it quantitatively analyze the causes of the differences in the novelty of different technological innovation activities from the two dimensions of content (knowledge diversity) and structure (knowledge dependency), and reveal the source and mechanism of technological novelty.

Knowledge diversity; Knowledge interdependence; Knowledge combination; Technological novelty







Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(71172008), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2018M631708) and the Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program (2015THZWSH07)





中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Boping Yan

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