Analysis of students with learning difficulties basedon“The Class"

2020-10-09 11:18王淑芳
速读·下旬 2020年1期

Abstract : “The Class” is about teacher Marin with his co-workers are preparing for another school year teaching at a racially mixed in-nerc,ity high school in Paris and reflects a problem whic,h is related to the students with learning difficulties. Especially in some urbanschools they have attracted many people's attention. This paper analyzes the causes of the students with learning difficulties through thefilm, and puts forward the corresponding strategies to stimulate theirlearning interest.

Key war ds :Students with learning difficulties ; Causes ; Learning interest ; Strategies

“The Class" tells a group of 14-year-old students who are active inthinking and good at making teachers headache, they often cross exam -ine the teachers or quarrel and spread gossip in loose classes. Marlin,the headteacher who tries to make these students find their self-esteem.But they don't seem to accept Marlids words, even some students arehostile to teachers, which makes the hidden contradiction break out atany time...

By this film, we can see the pervasive problem about the studentswith learning difficulties.


The earliest academic description of “learning disability” is putforward by Kirk.He believes that “learning disability” refers to chil -dren's development barriers in language, speech, reading and socialcommunication skills, which not include sensory and intellectual barri -ers. The students with learning difficulties are those who spend moretime and energy than others, while they have a poor ability of summa -rizing or they can't finish the school work on time. As result, theirachievement level is lower than the average students. But this kind oflearning disability is reversible and can be transformed under cert,aineducational conditions,

Now, the definition of “students with learning difficulties” ac -cepted by many scholars: students' intelligence belongs to the normalrange, but their academic performance is obviously lower than that ofstudents of same grade, and they cannot reach the same level requiredby curicululum standard.


From the film, we know that the formation of students with learningdifficulties is due to family environment, personality difference andschool education.

2.lFamily environment

Parents are the first teachers of children, and family education isalso important. There being a common phenomenon that most parents arepoor learners, they only focus on their own work and ignore their chil -dren's learning conditions. they are only trying to meet their children inmaterial aspects instead, and put the responsibility of educating to theschool and teachers. Only when the parents are required by teachers insome circumstances , can they come to school once.

2.2Personality difference

Some middle school students have poor autonomous learning, theyare lack of good learning habits and cannot use effective learning strat -egies; what's worse, they have no successful experience and no sense ofaccomplishment during the learning process.

2.3School education

Teachers' teaching methods and attitudes also have a great influ -ence on students' learning. Traditional teaching methods put studentsinto a comparative obliged learning condition. teachers ignore everystudent's learning status, progress, effect and learning ability. And, in most cases, teachers focus on students who are doing well in learning. Incontrast, the requirements for students with poor performance are verylow, etc. These phenomena further promote the formation of studentswith learning difficulties.


Education is a tree shaking a tree, a cloud to promote a cloud, asoul awakens another soul.

3.lGood family environment

A good family environment can cultivate a child's good characterand play a vital role in the child's growth. It is the responsibility of par -ents to provide a harmonious family atmosphere for their children; Themore family's care and respect, the more conducive to the growth ofchildren. As Jean Piaget once said “all intellectual activity depends oninterest. ”


Chen Heqin put forward the theory of“living education”, and headvocated the diversification of education forms, especially the methodsof group discussion, competition, imitation and games, so as to makestudents study happily. In the process of teaching, teachers should begood at setting up cooperative groups. With groups interaction, theanxiety of students with learning difficulties can be alleviated, theirlearning motivation also increasing; In the process of learning, studentswith learning difficulties through their own efforts to win the respect andappreciation from the classmates and teachers, and thus enhance theirself-confidence of studying.

3.3Teacher's Effect

As applied linguistics Larsen-freeman points out, “we are, afterall, teaching students, not just languages.”

Teachers not only teach students knowledge, also gLude themlearning methods. First of all, good teachers should have patience andlove, which are the basis and emotional premise to promote students'learning progress. Especially to middle school students, they are usuallyvery sensitive to external assessments; Second, teachers need to createa lively environment, respect each student, and encourage each studentby improving their teaching skills and methods; Third, teachers maycreate a relaxed and harmonious classroom atmosphere, let studentswith leaming difficulties have a good impression of the classroom,gLuding them to find the joy of learning.


In “The Class”, teacher Marin with a hopeful mood, he was usedto finding the bright side of life, and he could accommodate students'fault as well.

In order to solve the practical problems of students with learningdifficulties, the three dimensions include family influence, school ed -ucation, personality difference must be related to each other. The paperproposes the corresponding learning strategies from these three dimen -sions, so as to help them to enhance their self-confidence and to stim -ulate their learning interest.






[5]Larsen —Freeman, D. 2005. Teaching Language: FromGrammar to Gramm ring(语言教学:从语法到语法技能)[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,


王淑芳(1987. 05-),女,甘肃秦安人,广西师范大学外国语学院课程与教学论专业,在读硕士。
