3月底,英国知名会展场馆伦敦ExCeL会展中心开始改造成方舱医院,协助抗击新冠疫情。这座方舱医院将以500个床位开始,并设有良好的通风和氧气供应设备。之后床位可根据需要再增加,最多能设立数千张床位。会展中心首席执行官Jeremy Rees表示,“我们非常自豪能够协助医院抗击疫情,舒缓对大量病床的需要。我们也会竭力与政府相关机构一起,保卫英国人民和整个国家渡过这场始料未及的疫情危机。”
ExCeL to become temporary hospital
In London, ExCeL is preparing to open as the new NHS Nightingale Hospital. The temporary hospital will initially provide up to 500 beds equipped with ventilators and oxygen. The capacity will then continue to increase, potentially up to several thousand beds, should it be required. Jeremy Rees, CEO, ExCeL London, said: "We are proud to be able to accommodate the increasing demand for hospital beds and will work with the NHS to facilitate this request. The team at ExCeL London will ensure that we work with the government and relevant authorities to support their efforts in seeing the British people and the UK through this unprecedented crisis".
NHS chief executive Sir Simon Stevens, said: "This will be a model of care never needed or seen before in this country, but our specialist doctors are in touch with their counterparts internationally who are also opening facilities like this in response to the shared global pandemic".
Informa adjusts compensation
The chairman and non-executive board directors of Informa have committed to taking a voluntary 25% reduction in board fees through the current period of uncertainty created by COVID-19 and also to receive all further fees through the period in equity rather than cash. The group chief executive and group finance director have proposed a voluntary 33% reduction in salary through the current period of uncertainty created by COVID-19. This is complemented by a wider commitment across the executive management team at Informa, who have equally proposed a voluntary salary reduction of 25% through this period.
EEIA calls policy makers for swift support
As more than 220 exhibitions in Europe have been cancelled due to the novel Coronavirus outbreak, the European Exhibition Industry Alliance(EEIA) has sent a letter to the President of the European Commission. The EEIA has been working over the past days to identify the best short term measures with which governments can support the exhibition industry swiftly. These are: (1) Liquidity and working capital for the critical transition phase to be provided without bureaucracy by all banks on the local level, (2) Guarantees for these bank loans by the Central Banks or other suitable institutions in the respective Member States and support of these measures by the European Central Bank to the National Central Banks and by the European Investment Bank, (3) Working capital through state aid rules during the crisis situation, (4) Deferral of taxes and of social contributions for affected companies until the situation changes.