亚洲健康食品展览会作为一个单年展,将于2021年3月10-12日在泰国曼谷IMPACT会展中心举办。展会将与国际集约化畜牧展览会共同举办,后者最近宣布选择IMPACT会展中心作为新的举办场馆。 自2013年以来,“健康食品博览会”作为一个巡展,已经成功地在许多欧洲城市举行,包括弗莱堡、布鲁塞尔、巴塞罗那、斯德哥尔摩等。
“健康食品的主题含义为:在该展会展示的所有食物不含某种成分,例如不含乳制品、不含转基因成分、不含麸质等。这是当今全球食品领域最主流的趋势。” 展会主办方EBCEXPO展览总监Ronald Holman表示。
Free From Food Asia to launch 2021
Free From Food Asia will be an annual exhibition and conference platform and will be held from March 10 to 12, 2021 at IMPACT, Bangkok, Thailand by EBCEXPO from the Netherlands and VNU Asia Pacific from Thailand. The show will be co-located with VIV Asia, which recently announced the selection of IMPACT as their new home base.
3月初,CloserStill Media公司開始发起一个全新的B2B会展活动,即“绿色世界亚洲博览会”。它将把可持续发展驱动的创新与高级决策者及其来自各个行业的采购链联系起来,将集中展出四个方面:公用事业、资源、材料、废弃食物。展会将于2020年11月18-19日在新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店首次亮相。发布会预计将吸引5000多名行业代表,为期两天的多场同期会议将吸引100位参展商和100位全球专家演讲。主办方表示,举办可持续发展领域的展会是受全球经济环境的推动,希望通过展会推动各类企业进行可持续的创新和实践,促进其商业成功,并造福于人类和地球的未来。
CloserStill Media launches Green World Asia
CloserStill Media is launching a new B2B event, Green World Asia, that will connect sustainabilitydriven innovations to senior decision-makers and their procurement chains from various industries. The show will focus on four key pillars: Utilities, Resources, Materials and Food Waste. Green World Asia will debut at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore from November 18 to 19, 2020. The launch show is expected to attract over 5,000 industry delegates, featuring 100 exhibitors and 100 global expert speakers in a multi-stream conference programme over two days. This expansion into the sustainability sector by CloserStill Media is driven by the global economic climate and an immense desire to help propel businesses, big and small,
近日,马来西亚国际贸易展览中心(MITEC)引入了智能贸易区线上平台(STZ),使企业更好地融入国际市场,并帮助企业收获新的潜在客户。随着MITEC更多地拓展业务活动,STZ还致力于成为将本地参与者与国际参与者联系起来的门户。STZ通过“智能合作伙伴计划”,鼓励联盟会员使用该平台构建合作伙伴关系,使他们能够参与商业论坛,开展全球业务,促进数据和资源共享。 MITEC会展中心还专为STZ会员推出了STZ移动应用程序。
MITEC launches smart trade zone
The Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC) has introduced the Smart Trade Zone (STZ) platform, a facility that includes benefits for businesses to converge as well as assisting in harvesting new potential leads. With MITEC as a major player in the business events industry, STZ also aims to use the venue as an opening to connect local with international players. To ensure such, STZ features a Smart Partners Programme which encourages alliances to use the platform to create opportunities for collaborations and partnerships, enable participation in business forums or consultations, global missions and ultimately facilitate data and resource sharing.
Another feature designed especially for STZ members is the STZ mobile app. Made available to all members, MITEC invested in an app with the confidence that the software will play an instrumental role as a gateway to a global market. "From time to time, members can enjoy exclusive privileges, and for today, I am pleased to announce that members will be able to utilise the STZ facilities for free in the first six months of registration," explained chief executive officer of MITEC, Gunther Beissel.