
2020-09-17 03:17西班牙AbalosSentkiewiczAS事务所
建筑技艺 2020年8期

西班牙Abalos+Sentkiewicz AS+事务所

李明阳 LI Mingyang/ 译

王祥 WANG Xiang/ 校

作为建筑执业者,我们认为设计师不能只满足于追求建筑内部能量平衡的环境评估体系,因为其代价是将公共空间当作容纳建筑能量耗散的“垃圾箱”。与之相反,在借助参数化工具和基本热力学定律实现的建筑设计中,形式、物质、流动达成的平衡关系将有助于塑造真正的热力学建筑,它植根于地域性的物质文化并融入城市环境,而非仅仅“寄生”其中。本文将介绍Abalos+Sentkiewicz AS+事务所开发的有关建筑热力学的专业设计技术。

首先用一张阐释了我们设计理念的图来展开说明这个简短的宣言,如图1所示,上图由Foster+Partners事务所高级执行合伙人Stefan Behling于2002年创作,下图则是2013年Abalos+Sentkiewicz AS+事务所对其重新审视后绘制的新版本。Stefan Behling指出,现代建筑在人们的理解中就像“冰箱”一样,通过隔热层与外界气候变化完全隔绝,并借助机械设备人为地创造出持续稳定的室内气候。人们也理所当然地认为能源平衡问题仅限于建筑内部,对排放到街道等公共空间的废弃物置之不理。而Behling描绘的未来就是我们当下面临的问题:建筑的形式成为实现能量平衡的关键。针对特定气候参数适当地调整设计方案以达到形式、物质、能源流动之间的协调,将使得我们可以最大程度地减少建筑物中主动式能量控制系统的使用。这一思想并不新鲜,在以往许多建筑中,适应气候的设计策略已经成为一种普遍现象。因此,我们在Behling的图中增加了名为“过去”的三角形,以弥补对本土建筑认知的缺失。建筑师可以从传统建筑中学到很多,这种学习绝非照搬原样,而是理解它们的原理并通过现代技术和材料来重新应用,诸如参数化软件之类的工具能帮助我们以一种与静态思维相反的动态方式来应对气候问题。





1 珠海当代艺术博物馆(中国珠海,2003-)



用于避雨和遮阳的凉棚或“保护伞”的设计基于两个基本概念:雨水的收集利用以及整体起伏屋顶形成的视觉连贯性。该系统的灵感来自对龙血树(Dracaena Cinnabari)的研究,龙血树的其独特之处在于,除了能提供宽阔的阴影外,还能利用树冠从大气中吸收水分并通过复杂的分支系统分配水分,而不像绝大多数树木通过根茎从土壤中吸收水分。基于这一原理,我们设置了六棵人造树(图4),它们不仅像真正的龙血树一样可以收集和分配雨水,还具有调节屋顶广场气流的作用。

1 热力学建筑中平衡关系的设计理念

2 珠海当代艺术博物馆对岸海湾视角

3 珠海当代艺术博物馆中央庭院

4 珠海当代艺术博物馆珠海热力人造树

5 Sorigué 基金会采石场

参与人造树研发的工程师Salmaan Craig定义了两种空气流通机制:下行模式和上行模式。下行模式是在早上将凉爽的空气引入庭院,而上行模式则是在下午将高温空气排出。具体来说,在夜间不锈钢人造树的温度会下降,第二天早上空气接触其表面后被冷却,而后通过循环管道网络引入庭院中,同时晨露蒸发也有利于降温。而到了下午某一时刻,随着钢材在日照下逐渐升温,这种下行模式会被上行模式取代,空气流动的方向随之反转——人造树内部的空气被加热后通过树木内部管道向上流动被排出。


2 Sorigué基金会采石场(西班牙莱里达省巴拉格尔,2016-)






6 Sorigué 基金会采石场全年热力波动涨落图

7 Sorigué 基金会采石场气候焓湿图



8 Sorigué 基金会采石场热力学分析截面

9 Sorigué 基金会采石场Planta 顶层内部视图

10 西班牙Azuqueca de Henares 休闲中心南立面视图

11 西班牙Azuqueca de Henares 休闲中心室内房间景观

12 西班牙Azuqueca de Henares 休闲中心剖面和模型

3 西班牙Azuqueca de Henares休闲中心(西班牙瓜达拉哈拉省,2007—2011)

西班牙Azuqueca de Henares休闲中心同样位于西班牙(图10),但其所处气候环境与前两个案例完全不同,属于温和的地中海气候(Csa)。每年有大约8个月都保持在热舒适范围内。该项目位于距马德里100km的一个工业小镇,我们在早期通过概念方案的竞标获得了最终设计权。休闲中心的功能设定相对自由,包括计算机室、图书馆、礼堂等。

项目功能的开放定义以及其坐落城镇所有的工业建筑特性(后者对项目有重要影响力),促使我们能够在首层采用一种延展性的单层建筑建造体系。建筑内部由无走廊连接的房间组成(图11),在平面布局上,这些房间构成了一个虚实空间相互交错的矩阵,产生了丰富的效果(内外渗透、不同的方位朝向、尺度和光影等),进而塑造了不同的内部环境,也提供了空间的多种用途。方案设计中包含了一系列相互平行的内部庭院,这也是对当地传统建筑类型La Manch(当地的带露台房屋)中热力学原理的沿用。功能布置则从朝向出发:南向主要布置相对安静的功能,因为在这些空间里使用者主要是就坐的状态,可以享受良好的采光;北向则布置一些最为活跃的功能(例如健身房)。


This paper explains the professional design techniques developed at Abalos+Sentkiewicz regarding thermodynamics in architecture.As practitioners,we cannot be satisfied with environmental assessments systems that only consider the interior energy balance of buildings as its goal at the expense of using public space as an energy dissipation dumpster.The balanced relationship between Form/ Matter/ Flow in architectural design -achieved by both parametric tools and basic thermodynamic principlescan contribute to a genuine thermodynamic architecture rooted in local material culture and tuned with the urban environment instead of parasitizing it.

I will extend this short manifesto in a couple of diagrams (fig.1) that define our design philosophy.The upper one was created by the Foster+Partners Senior Executive Partner Stefan Behling in 2002 and the lower one is a review carried out by Abalos+Sentkiewicz in 2013.Stefan Behling states that,during Modernity,the architectural form had a minimal impact on the energy balance.The modern building was understood as a kind of ‘refrigerator’ completely isolated from the climate and its variations through various layers of insulation,while inside that building an artificial,static and continuous climate was recreated by mechanical means.This also supposed that the energy balance concerns ended at the very limits of the building,expelling all toxins to the street or public space.

What Behling proposes as a future horizon is for us the present:architectural form is the key to the energy balance.The coordination between form,matter and flow,properly tuned for the parameters of a specific climate,allows us to minimize active energy control systems in buildings.This is not new.Adaptation to the climate is a well-known phenomenon in many architectures of the past.For this reason,we add to the Behling diagram a third triangle entitled ‘past’,in allusion to the lost knowledge of vernacular architecture.As architects,we have a lot to learn from these traditional architectures.Not to copy them directly,but to understand their principles and be able to apply them through contemporary techniques and materials,such as,for example,parametric software.This kind of tools helps us to operate with the climate in a dynamic way opposite to the static understanding of Modernity.When usually show a series of references of historical architectures associated with some images of thermal machines,what we mean is that our architecture is located right in the middle of them,working at the same time with both resources,History of Architecture and technology.

Studies show that people prefer ‘thermally textured’spaces where thermal parameters,within reasonable limits,are asymmetric and changeable.This preference is also related to health and physical and psychological well-being of architecture users.I would like to highlight that we never talk about thermodynamics,but about architecture,thermodynamics and beauty at the same time.

We are going to study,by means of particular examples of our practice,three building types with different scales and climatic conditions.These three prototypes have been developed for certain uses,but could be adapted to other programs,since their design is focused on defining,above all,an 'interface' between the external climate and the human body.Our practice defines spaces adapted to user’s bodies,protecting them or exposing them to specific conditions of climate and its variations throughout the year.In the first place,the courtyard type has been applied to a humid subtropical climate,adopting narrow bays that facilitate the necessary natural ventilation.Focused on managing air flows,this type defines an exterior space conditioned for human comfort.In the second place,the cube type has been applied to a cold,dry steppe climate.Unlike the previous one,it is compact and protects its interior from large temperature differences reducing to maximum the exchange surface with the exterior.Finally,the extensive or ‘lightweight shed’ (factory) type,used in a warm Mediterranean climate with a long period of human comfort,manages climate resources by defining exterior and interior rooms with different exposure to the sun and generous volumes of air.

The development of the first prototype focuses on the definition of devices or "artificial trees" that manage air and water flows to condition the courtyard.The second case prioritizes the development of an internal skeleton that crosses all spaces,providing them with thermal stability within the limits of human comfort.In this case,it is relevant to mention that the hygrothermal needs of a different user,an art collection with strict conservation conditions,led us to fine-tuning the design with great precision.This prototype of cube-type could also contain other demanding programs,such as laboratories,archives,libraries,etc.In the third and last case study,a Leisure Center (Factory type),the search for flexibility and variety of spaces has prevailed,seeking for adaptation over time to different recreational activities,static and dynamic,collective or individual.

Zhuhai Contemporary Art Museum.Zhuhai,China.2013-

The Zhuhai Museum of Contemporary Art (fig.2) is the result of a first prize awarded entry in an international competition.Located in the south of China,in the Pearl River delta,the project settled in a privileged plot on the bay shore,next to the island of Macao and 60 km away from Hong Kong.From this same point,the longest bridge in the world starts,connecting Zhuhai,Hong Kong and Macao.When we study a new project,we always start from the analysis of the local climate.The Koppen-Geiger climate classification indicates that we are in a humid subtropical climate (Cwa) with stable temperatures and extreme humidity.The tender statement included the project of a three-storey underground carpark that had to be respected by the proposal.The first operation of the project uses this concrete shell of the car park as an opportunity to use its thermal stability and take it to the upper levels above.This operation starts with the almost direct extrusion of the carpark footprint.Then,this volume is drilled by diverse openings.The most important of them is the central courtyard of the building that is ‘hollowed out’ inside.The courtyard is the key piece to combat high humidity by allowing cross ventilation around the central void.

The next step articulates the roof based on curves that interact with the sun,using radiation to reduce the humidity of the roof,as well as to transfer heat to the atmosphere by night irradiation,a method that allows us to thermally reset the building at night.All the exterior windows of the building are shaped as narrow vertical strips preventing the incidence of direct solar radiation,undesirable for the intended exhibition use,at the same time as allowing cross ventilation.With these design operations,two public spaces are generated:a topographic plaza on the rooftop and a covered courtyard (fig.3) capable of hosting exhibitions and outdoor uses.The first one uses the waves from the roof to shape a succession of concatenated amphitheaters.The result is a public observatory of the city of Zhuhai and its surroundings.On the other hand,the exterior space of the patio follows a protection strategy against rain and solar radiation that will be one of the most unique features of the project.

The design of pergolas or ‘umbrellas’ for shading and sun protection started from two basic ideas:the capture of rainwater for the use of the building,and the visual continuation of the topography of the roof by virtually completing the spatial unity of the whole.The form of this system is inspired by the study of the dracaena cinnabari or "dragon's blood tree" whose peculiarity lies in the fact that -in addition to providing a generous shade-it does not collect water from the underground with its roots,as most trees do,but it absorbs moisture from atmospheric air through its top and distributes it through the sophisticated geometry of its branches.In this way,six artificial trees inspired by the dragon tree are proposed (fig.4),which not only collect and distribute rainwater,similar to its organic predecessor,but also are used to manage the air flows in the patio.

The engineer Salmaan Craig collaborated in the development of these trees defining two flow functioning regimes:flow down (descending) and flow up (ascending).Down-draft brings the cool air to the courtyard in the morning and up-draft take up the hot air in the afternoon.The temperature of the stainless-steel mass of the tree drops during the night and when the morning comes it cools the air in contact with its surface making it descend into the courtyard through the interior of its network of circular tubes.Also,the humidity of the morning dew begins to evaporate with the first sun rays,contributing to the drop-in air temperature around it.This flow down strategy is substituted,at a point of the afternoon,by a flow up operation as the mass of the tree is heated by the sun.At this moment,the operation of the air flow is reversed:the air inside the tree is heated through its mass and starts to be expelled up through the trees.

To allow its correct operation,the shape of the trees has been carefully established by very precise geometric laws.At their base,they have a large opening that allows upward and downward flow.Starting from a single trunk,a series of bifurcations are made up to a higher level of 180 branches.The design principle of this structure dictates that the sum of the areas of the tube sections must be constant in order to maintain a homogeneous air flow.One of the effects of this design is a very high surface ratio versus the volume of air contained.This means that the tree itself functions as a heat exchanger that tempers the temperature of the air inside and around it.

The whole shows a powerful and recognizable image from the bay,necessary to give visibility to a cultural program of great ambition and strategic interest,being the gateway to Zhuhai for drivers who cross the bridge from Hong Kong.

PLANTA Project for Sorigue foundation.Balaguer,Lleida,Spain.2016-

Located in a gravel pit (fig.5) in a completely different climate and location,a building is commissioned to contain an important collection of contemporary art.In this case,we dealt with a cold,semi-arid steppe climate(BSk).Compared to the previous case study,in this case,the most significant feature of this climate is not humidity but rather high temperature contrasts.The elaboration of an accurate diagram of thermal oscillations has been key to define the design approach of our project.This diagram collects the variation curves of the monthly average temperature during the day (red) and night (blue) as well as the human thermal comfort area (yellow).At first glance,we can recognize that the extreme oscillation of temperatures,compared to the almost constant demands of human users,already indicates the importance of the search for thermal stability as a crucial project resource.For this reason,we have resorted to the high thermal inertia of the terrain (black curve),which maintains a temperature of around 14 degrees throughout the year (fig.6).

The search for stability already gives us important clues about design.On one hand,the form factor of the building,the relation between contained volume and exchange surface,must be optimal.Therefore,a compact form is proposed -a cube-which,to make use of the thermal stability of the soil,is embedded into the ground.On the other hand,the roof is shaped according to the solar orientations,opening us to the north and closing us to the south.In this way,we achieve adequate protection against direct solar radiation (necessary for the conservation of works of art).Later,we transferred this deformation of the roof to the facades,rotating the building 45 degrees in order to achieve the maximum indirect natural lighting from the north orientation,to which all the windows of the building open.

Seeking stability at the building demands a material of great inertia.Not only for the exterior cladding but especially for the interior structural skeleton.We decided to work with reinforced concrete slabs and walls,generating a continuous structure that runs through all the interior spaces and provides them with a uniform temperature.The result is a monolithic building where extensive use is made of concrete and where structure and finish are one and the same architectural element.

Another key tool for the analysis of climatic conditions is the elaboration of diverse series of psychrometric charts (fig.7).Each series is made up of four diagrams,one per season of the year,in which the points represent the temperature and humidity of every day of the year and the so-called ‘comfort zone’ represents the environmental limits of human well-being (blue area).

The first series represents the local climate of Lleida.The enormous variation between temperatures and its significant distance to comfort parameters can be easily observed.The second series represents the interior conditions of the building before its technical development,testing the architectural decisions of the aforementioned concepts of form,matter and flow.A considerable grouping of the points representing the daily temperatures is observed,guaranteeing comfort in spring and autumn,without using other means.Finally,another series of systems come on the scene to raise and lower the extreme temperatures of winter and summer that are still far from comfort standards.For this reason,it was decided to temper the reinforced concrete structural shell with air conducted through cloistered pipes inside slabs and walls.The concrete skeleton thus constitutes a continuous system of ducts through which air circulates not introduced directly from the outside,but filtered and tempered by the stabilizing action of the terrain.To do this we designed a long underground route so that the outside air exchanges heat with the soil.Then,a last series of diagrams shows the result of the building optimized by the incorporation of this so-called “Canadian tubes” system.In summer,the problems of high indoor temperatures have disappeared,while in winter the temperatures are slightly below comfort standards (remember that the temperature of the terrain is around 14°C).In this case,we could consider these results to be satisfactory,appealing that the visitor would have to wear some kind of warm clothing(as a sweater or light coat).Likewise,the art collection conservation environmental requirements,the ‘other’ user of our building,are already fully satisfied.To reach these mentioned conditions to the common standard comfort levels,that is,an interior temperature of around 21°C in winter,we have to implement some active systems.We proposed a radiant floor heating system,acting on a plane closer to the user for allowing us to guarantee interior comfort twelve months a year (fig.8).

The diffusion of the filtered and tempered air inside the building follows two schemes.For spaces 4 meters high,generally intended for exhibition uses,the air is blown down from the ceiling,while in spaces with higher heights it is blown up from below.These taller spaces are meant to have thermal gains by radiation from human bodies (greater audience attendance) and/or by machines such as video projectors,so that the greater height allows the accumulation of hot air away from user’s comfort zone.Likewise,on the upper floor,the sawtooth skylights(fig.9) enhance the evacuation of the air accumulated at the ceiling in the summer months,allowing ventilation of the entire interior by means of a vertical communication core that crosses all the floors of the building and is capable of function as a night time buoyancy chimney that thermally resets the building.

We understand the building as a thermodynamic prototype,used here as a container for an art collection and its exhibition.However,this container could be adapted to many other programs thanks to the great flexibility of its construction system based on a perforated concrete skeleton that uses local aggregates extracted from the same gravel pit where it is inserted as its main raw material.

Leisure Center.Azuqueca de Henares,Guadalajara,Spain.2007-2011

The third case study,also located in Spain,presents,however,a totally different climate from the previous two:what we can describe as warm Mediterranean (Csa).Much more benevolent than the other climates previously mentioned,the Mediterranean climate maintains comfort conditions around eight months a year.

The project (fig.10),located in Azuqueca de Henares,a small industrial town one hundred kilometers from Madrid,was the result of a contest won by Abalos +Sentkiewicz with an ambiguous leisure center program,which included computer rooms,library,auditorium,etc.The open definition of the program together with the industrial architectural -which have a strong presence in the location-favored the adoption of an extensive single floor constructive system at ground level.The interior is configured as a collection of rooms connected without corridors (fig.11).This sum of rooms shapes a matrix of full and empty spaces with very rich results:interior and exterior spaces,different orientations,sizes and lights,which allow a wide range of uses and environments to be established inside.This solution also remembers thethermodynamic functioning of a traditional type (La Mancha vernacular patio house),also configured by a succession of parallel bays with interior courtyards.The proposed program configuration relay on the tension between the south and north orientations to arrange the uses:the south-oriented uses are static programs,exposed to the sun where the user is mainly seated.On the other hand,the most active programs,such as the gym,are oriented to the north.

Despite the fact that the building is developed mainly on a single floor,its interior height is significant (4.20 meters high) (fig.12),in order to keep the accumulated hot air above the height of the human body.Other passive strategies implemented are natural cross-ventilation through patios,and an extensive green roof,conceived as a fifth facade as it is clearly visible from the surrounding buildings.It should be remembered here that these types of green roofs have a great insulation capacity as long as they are dry,so in this case,it will act in summer protecting from excessive solar radiation in a period in which there is hardly any rainfall in the Mediterranean climate.The south façade of the building is completely glazed,so that it serves as a large solar collector in winter while in summer it is protected with awnings to prevent interior spaces from overheating.In front of this south facade,we place two important landscaping elements that are key in the Mediterranean tradition:a water pond,that allows the temperature to drop in the summer by adiabatic cooling,and a series of precisely planted deciduous trees,which provide shading in summer while allowing solar radiation in winter.

We wouldn’t like to conclude this article without mentioning the team of world-class specialists who have collaborated with us in these and other innovative projects that constitute what we have named as ‘thermodynamic architecture’.Salmaan Craig (Zhuhai Museum of Contemporary Art),Aleksandar Ivancic and Oriol Gavalda from Aiguasol (Plant Project for the Sorigué Foundation),and Florencio Manteca and Philip Van den Enden from Cener (Leisure Center in Azuqueca de Henares).They have allowed us to fine-tune each of the taken decisions,as well as to technically develop,with accuracy and precision,every technical solution we proposed as architects.
