
2020-08-24 12:58钱盈盈
疯狂英语·读写版 2020年8期




1. gaze /ge·z/ v. 凝视;注视

2. spine /spa·n/ n. 脊柱;脊椎

3. parallel /·p·r·lel/ adj. 平行的

4. vibe /va·b/ n. 感应;气氛

5. disingenuous /·d·s·n·d·enju·s/ adj. 不真诚的;不坦率的

6. bilateral /ba··l·t·r·l/ adj. 双边的;双方的

7. intimidating /·n·t·m·de·t··/ adj. 吓人的;令人胆怯的

Body language is an important part of being an effective communicator. You can make a positive impression on other people when you learn to use good body language. Here are some effective tips.

Get in the right mindset

One of the easiest ways to ensure friendly body language is to go into a room with friendly intentions. “Before meeting someone, imagine that you really like the person,” said Elena Ledoux. “Then when you start the meeting, try to find reasons why you sincerely like him or her. This leads to a friendly gaze, relaxed body posture, and more smiling.” When you make someone feel special, theyre more likely to go the extra mile for you in the future.

Perfect your posture

The foundation of good body language is great posture. Straighten your spine, relax your shoulders, and keep your chin parallel to the floor. Youll also want to keep your arms in a position that doesnt close off your chest. “Keep your body open or unblocked,” said John P. Garrison, a psychologist and body language expert. "We tend to cover our chest when we feel anxious or threatened so when it is open, were seen as more open and honest.”

Flash a smile

Everyone knows that smiling gives off positive vibes and shows people youre open to conversation. But not just any smile will do; in fact, a disingenuous one could wind up backfiring. “Honest emotions are bilateral," said Garrison. "That means they show up on both sides of the face. So make sure if you are going to smile, that it is a full and genuine one. A smile on one side of the face is unconsciously interpreted as contempt, so a quick grin or an attempted polite onesided smile is not a good idea."

Make eye contact

Strong eye contact is key to appearing friendly and confident. “Looking someone in the eyes is too intimidating,” body language expert Lillian Glass said. “Instead, look at the total face for one second.” Obviously, youll also want to avoid looking around the room or checking your phone.

Shake on it

A firm handshake makes a strong first impression. Reach out vertically and meet the other person in the middle. “Dont attempt to dominate nor be submissive in your hand positioning," said Mark Anderson, director of training and development at Anderson Investigative Associates. “Move straight forward and with some measure of firmness. This is not the time for dead fish hands, and if your hand is sweaty, wipe it off.”

Use hand gestures

Once youve started your conversation, youll want to let your body move naturally. “Because we freeze when we feel threatened, minimal body movement can be seen as attempting to be dishonest or deceive,” said Garrison. “Research shows that people who speak with more hand gestures are believed to be more honest than those who do not use their hands when they talk.”

Reading check

What can you learn about the use of body language from the text·


Ⅰ. 热词积累


1. greet 迎接,问候

2. approach 接近

3. defend 保护;保卫

4. misunderstand 误解

5. frown 皱眉

6. hug 拥抱

7. yawn 打哈欠

8. bow 鞠躬

9. shake hands 握手

10. interpret 把……理解为

11. perceive 察觉;理解

12. stare 凝視

13. react 回应

14. weep 抽泣

15. doubt 怀疑

16. nod 点头

17. bend 屈身

18. touch触碰


1. angry 生气的

2. confident自信的

3. confused困惑的

4. embarrassed 尴尬的

5. curious 好奇的

6. interested 感兴趣的

7. puzzled 迷惑的

8. disgusted 厌恶的;反感的

9. excited 兴奋的

10. enthusiastic 热情的

11. satisfied/content 满意的

12. sensitive 敏感的

13. worried/concerned 忧虑的

14. scared/frightened 害怕的

15. indifferent 冷漠的

16. mild 温和的

17. subjective 主观的

18. objective 客观的

19. neutral 中立的

20. ambiguous 含糊的

21. negative 消极的

22. positive 乐观的

23. supportive 赞成的

24. approving 同意的

25. opposed 强烈反对的


1. head 头

2. face 脸

3. cheek 脸颊

4. eye 眼睛

5. nose 鼻子

6. eyebrow 眉毛

7. tooth 牙齿

8. mouth 嘴巴

9. ear 耳朵

10. chin 下巴

11. elbow 肘部

12. hand 手

13. thumb 大拇指

14. forefinger 食指

15. middle finger 中指

16. ring finger 无名指

17. little finger 小指

18. leg 腿

19. knee 膝盖

20. foot 脚


1. communicate 沟通

2. express/convey 表达

3. relieve 缓解

4. imply 暗示

5. replace 代替

6. strengthen 加强

7. distinguish 区分

8. make inferences 推理;判断

9. employ 使用;雇佣

Ⅱ. 美句背诵

1. With so many cultural differences between people, it is lucky to have some similarities in body language.


2. Making a fist and shaking it means that someone is angry and threatening another person.


3. Body language is the unspoken element of communication that we use to reveal our true feelings and emotions.


4. Being aware of negative body language in others can allow you to pick up on unspoken issues.


5. Theres a common perception that people who touch their faces while answering questions are being dishonest.


6. Try to hold the other persons gaze for a few seconds at a time. This will show her that youre sincere and engaged. But, avoid turning it into a staring match!

试着一次盯住对方几秒钟。 这会让她看到你的真诚和投入。 但是,不要把它变成一场盯人的比赛!

7. Truth reveals itself more clearly through our actions than it does through our words.


8. The body says what words cannot.


9. A single look can convey so much.


10. When talking about using the eyes as nonverbal communication, eye contact immediately comes to your mind.


11. All animals use body language to organize and run their private and social lives.


12. Body language may be the determining factor in a job interview.


Ⅲ. 读后创写

假定你是李华,你所在的班级将举行一场以“Body language”为主题的演讲比赛。请你写一份演讲稿,要点如下:

1. 身体语言的重要性;

2. 身体语言在世界各地的差异性;

3. 学习身体语言的必要性。


1. 词数150左右;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Ladies and gentlemen,

Its my great honor to be here and give a speech titled “The importance of body language”.

Thats all. Thank you for listening.

The Application of Body Language in English Teaching