People today eat far more than they used to—and far more than they need to. This means that theyre always taking in more calories1 than their bodies can use. However, many of us dont know that were eating too much. Its easier for people who always eat too much to become overweight. They will easily get a number of healthy problems, including2 breathing and sleeping problems, and even depression3. More fat people will have heart disease4 and stroke5.
So what can you do to stop it? Firstly, you should know about two things: serving sizes and how many kingds of different foods should you eat.
About Serving Sizes
The label6 on any food package7 will give you a nutrition8 information9. The information can give a serving size for that food. This serving size is not telling you how much food you should eat. Its just telling you how many calories and nutrition, how much fat, sugar, and salt youll get from the food.
Learn How to Eat
Serving sizes tell you how much nutrition youre getting from the food. They dont tell you which foods you need to stay healthy. But MyPlate can do that for you. For MyPlate, there are four parts and milk product, so that there are five food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein10 and milk product.
The Divided11 Plate
Heres a great way to keep the food you eat, that is “divided plate”. Divide your plate into four parts. Use one of the quarters for protein. Use another quarter for starch12. Then fill the half with vegetables and fruit. None of the foods should cover another kind of food!“Divided plate” can help you keep the food you eat. It can also help you to balance13 your meals.
Most importantly, let your stomach tell you when youre done with a meal. The key to keeping health is to see your body when its hungry and when its full.