Blockchain’s Big Innovation Is Trust, Not Money 区块链的最大创新在信任不在金钱

2020-06-24 14:07杰森莱博维茨
英语世界 2020年5期


Its been referred to as a “revolutionary technology” by IBM, and a “once in a generation opportunity” by PricewaterhouseCoopers. But perhaps the most descriptive title came from The Economist when they dubbed blockchain “the trust machine”.

It is a breakthrough in computer science that holds the promise of reducing the cost of establishing and maintaining trust for both individuals and organizations.

“Blockchain” is a relatively new term that refers to a specific type of computer database. The Oxford English Dictionary defines blockchain as “a digital ledger in which transactions… are recorded chronologically and publicly”. The etymology dates back to 2008 when the creator of the cryptocurrency “bitcoin” called its ledger a “blockchain”, or a chain consisting of blocks of transactions.

Since then, there have been many competing versions and iterations1, but most operate on the same premise: they are open-sourced, run 24×7 and continuously update in real-time.

What makes blockchain technology unique and groundbreaking is that its not controlled by any single entity; instead the ledgers are distributed among all parties involved (also referred to as a “distributed ledger”). This means that no central party has ownership of the ledger, therefore no one can individually amend the entries already on a blockchain.

This makes the blockchain an immutable store of information.

Removing intermediaries2

One of the primary values of blockchains in business is the role they assume by disintermediating3 middlemen.

Because blockchains are decentralized and immutable, counterparties can independently transact and verify the data on a ledger without the need to hire costly third parties to perform similar tasks. Often the role of third parties is to add trust and integrity to transactions, especially between unknowns.

For example, in real estate transactions, escrow4 companies act as one of the many third parties who sit between the buyer and seller to collect fees for the service of exchanging funds for documents. On a blockchain, individuals and businesses would be able to transact directly, peer-to-peer.

“Standard practices that normally involve specialists, like title searches, legal, finance, etc will be less needed or in most cases totally unnecessary. [Using blockchains] the speed to transact will be shortened from days/weeks/months to minutes or seconds”, explains Jason Ray, CTO of the Urban Land Institute, a global real estate body.

The application of this technology in real estate will make waves by increasing transparency, expediting5 lengthy processes and overall reducing the costs of transacting.

Achieving trust

Over $1bn of venture capital money has already been invested in blockchain-related companies around the world. Leading-edge businesses and investors across many industries have begun to recognize that this technology holds the key to revolutionizing the way money, assets and securities are transferred, accounted for and reconciled.

The goal is to harness blockchain technology to save time and money for businesses and their customers—the product of which will be increased trust and transparency in many currently opaque industries. One beneficiary will be the financial markets, where the pricing of complex derivative instruments (exotic options6 on securities, equities and commodities), including those on mortgage-backed securities7, contributed to the 2008 financial crisis.

Trust is the key element of blockchain technology. When transactions are executed and settled on a distributed ledger, counterparties dont need to have an established trust relationship. If each participant in the transaction trusts the blockchain itself then they dont need to directly trust each other. This opens up new avenues of customers for businesses operating on blockchains.

Here is a real-world example in the insurance industry:

SafeShare Global is a modern insurance company that has a unique edge: they employ blockchain technology to offer affordable insurance solutions specifically designed for the sharing economy. Companies such as AirBnB and Vrumi8 allow users to rent out space to interested parties, however, this means the hosts need to be comfortable letting complete strangers into their homes.

This is where insurance plays an important role: to protect the hosts from potential liabilities. (It is important to note that typical home insurance policies do not cover individuals or families when using residences as unregistered quasi-hotels, which forces space sharing companies to offer their own insurance.)

Vrumi, a startup launched in 2014, has partnered with SafeShare Global because they cannot afford to self-insure like some of their competitors. Once a Vrumi host and renter are matched, and the host opts-in for insurance through the website, the material information about the policy gets directly uploaded onto a distributed ledger. At this point all logistics are essentially automated as Vrumi, SafeShare, the underwriter and all other parties involved behind the scenes simultaneously receive and can view the time-stamped information about each policy.

The use of a distributed ledger eliminates the need for these companies to employ labor-intensive middle and back offices to handle the details and coordination of each policy. What differentiates this from a typical database is the immutable and distributed aspect of the ledger. No one can amend or duplicate policy information, otherwise fraudulent policies would immediately be visible by all parties running the ledger.

The transparency of this distributed ledger virtually eliminates fraud, which further reduces the costs of doing business for all parties involved.                    ■


















SafeShare Global是一家拥有独特优势的现代保险公司:他们使用区块链技术为共享经济提供普通价位的专门保险方案。爱彼迎和Vrumi这样的公司允许用户把自家空间出租给有意向者,不过这意味着房东要忍受完全陌生的人进入自己的家。


Vrumi是成立于2014年的初创公司,之所以和SafeShare Global合作,是因为它无法像某些竞争者那样负担自我保险。Vrumi的房东和租客匹配后,房东在网站上选定保险,保单相关信息就会直接上传到分布式账本上。这一环节所有过程均自动完成,因为Vrumi、SafeShare、保险受理人以及所有幕后相关方都能同时查收每个保单的时间戳信息。


分布式账本的透明性使欺诈行为几乎无处容身,进一步减少了所有参与者的交易成本。                                           □

(译者为“《英语世界》杯” 翻译大赛获奖者)
