童小龙 方志
摘 要:针对我国规范未对剪力墙受剪承载力可靠指标进行校准,本文研究钢筋混凝土剪力墙受剪承载力的可靠度水平. 根据剪力墙抗剪公式所依据的试验及试件情况,收集并筛选截面型式、混凝土类型、配筋型式、破坏形态等方面与其一致的74片剪力墙试验数据,对试件承载力的试验值与规范公式计算值进行分析,得出剪力墙受剪承载力计算模式不定性统计参数,进而得出抗力统计参数和概率分布类型;采用考虑基本变量概率分布类型的验算点法进行可靠指标计算. 结果表明:现行规范剪力墙受剪承载力可靠指标低于目标可靠指标3.7的要求,其中荷载效应比、剪跨比、轴向压力、配筋率、混凝土强度等级对可靠指标影响较小,风荷载与永久荷载效应比对可靠指标影响较大,分布钢筋采用HPB300时的可靠指标在同等条件下较小. 为保证剪力墙受剪承载力可靠指标满足目标可靠指标要求,引入承载力调整系数0.95对现行计算公式进行修正,修正后计算公式的可靠指标均值为3.738.
中图分类号:TU375 文献标志码:A
Abstract:Current Chinese design codes have not calibrated the reliable index of shear capacity of shear wall. In order to study the reliability level of shear bearing capacity of reinforced concrete shear wall, this paper collected and selected 74 shear wall specimens that are consistent with the ones based on the shear formulas of shear wall in terms of section type, concrete type, reinforcement type and failure mode. By analyzing the test and calculated values of shear capacity for the specimens, the statistical parameters of calculation model uncertainty were obtained, and then the statistical parameters and probability distribution types of resistance were obtained. The checking point method considering the probability distribution of basic variables was used to calculate the reliability index. The results show that the reliability index of shear capacity of shear wall in current code is lower than the target reliability index 3.7. Load effect ratio, shear span ratio, axial pressure, reinforcement ratio and concrete strength grade have little influence on the reliability index. The wind-to-dead load ratio has great influence on the reliability index. The reliability index of distributed rebar with HPB300 is small under the same conditions. In order to ensure that the reliability index of shear capacity of shear wall meets the requirements of target reliability index, a bearing capacity adjustment coefficient of 0.95 is introduced to modify the current calculation formula. The average value of reliable index in the revised formula is 3.738.
Key words:reinforced concrete shear wall;shear capacity;calculation model uncertainty;reliability
GBJ 68-84《建筑结构设计统一标准》[1]、GB 50068-2001《建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准》[2]对钢筋混凝土结构、钢结构、砌体及木结构等不同类型构件的承载能力可靠指标进行了较系统的计算,计算结果满足目标可靠指标要求. 但规范中钢筋混凝土构件受剪可靠指标仅以钢筋混凝土梁为对象进行校准,未对钢筋混凝土剪力墙受剪可靠指标进行分析. 很明显,钢筋混凝土剪力墙和梁属于不同的构件类型,其受荷形式、破坏形态、受剪承载力計算公式等方面均不同,剪力墙受剪可靠指标明显不能套用梁的结果. 我国现行规范JGJ 3-2010《高层混凝土结构技术规程》、GB 50010-2010《混凝土结构设计规范》中剪力墙受剪承载力基于4个假定,取中国建筑科学研究院12片剪力墙试验和美国波兰特水泥协会的3片剪力墙以及日本所做的1片剪力墙试验的偏下限作为计算公式,16个试件均为矩形截面,截面两端设有暗柱,均发生剪压破坏[3]. 基于此,本文按照剪力墙抗剪公式所依据的试验试件情况,收集并筛选截面型式、混凝土类型、配筋型式、破坏形态等方面与其一致的剪力墙试验数据,对剪力墙受剪承载力计算模式不定性进行统计分析,确定抗力不定性统计参数和概率分布类型,按相应的荷载效应组合,采用考虑基本变量概率分布类型的JC法计算我国规范公式的剪力墙受剪承载力可靠指标,并对其影响因素和计算结果进行分析,提出相应的设计建议.
5 结 论
2)可靠度分析表明,现行规范中剪力墙受剪承载力可靠指标低于目标可靠指标3.7的要求. 其中荷载效应比、剪跨比、轴向压力、混凝土强度等级对可靠指标影响极小;风荷载与永久荷载效应比χ对可靠指标影响较大,当χ从0增大至40,住宅楼面活荷载和办公楼面活荷载下的可靠指标分别减小了12.3%和15.8%;钢筋种类对可靠指标有一定影响,采用HPB300钢筋所得的可靠指标最小,钢筋配筋率变化对可靠指标的影响幅度在5%以内,HRB400钢筋不仅强度高而且同等条件下可靠指标较HPB300略有增大,本文建议剪力墙的水平分布钢筋类型应优先采用HRB400钢筋.
3)参照钢筋混凝土轴心受压构件正截面承载力计算公式,通过对规范现行剪力墙受剪承载力计算公式乘以0.95的承载力调整系数得到新的修正公式. 对修正公式进行可靠度校准,结果表明:可靠指标均值为3.738,满足目标可靠指标3.7的要求. 本文的剪力墙受剪承载力修正公式满足可靠度标准要求,可为规范修订提供参考.
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