郑慧颖 宗文凯
[中图分类号]R758.73+3 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2020)03-0016-03
Abstract: Acne is one of the most common skin diseases in clinical work. Clinical diagnosis is usually made based on its classical lesions without using extra examinations. However, there are some other disease manifested by acneiform eruptions or acne, which are often confused with acne and result in inaccurate diagnosis. Acneiform eruptions can be caused by drugs, and can also be manifested as skin involvement in some rare diseases. It is often difficult to diagnose these diseases. To have a more comprehensive understanding of these diseases, this article reviews the skin diseases that present with acneiform eruptions.
Key words: acne; acneiform eruption; diagnosis; differential diagnosis; dermatoses
1 药物引起的痤疮样皮疹
1.1 皮质类固醇类药物:糖皮质激素可在局部外用、口服、静脉滴注或吸入后引起痤疮样皮疹[6-7],通常在摄入药物数周至数月后出现皮疹。临床上表现为形態单一的皮色或淡红色-红色圆顶状炎性小丘疹和小脓疱,皮疹常出现在皮脂腺丰富的区域,也有可能延伸到上肢[8]。
1.2 神经精神类药物:Francesco RICCI等于2014年首次报道1例乙琥胺治疗年轻女性癫痫患者而引发痤疮样皮疹的病例,经过服用抗组胺药及外用林可霉素后皮疹及瘙痒消退[9]。锂剂[10]、阿利哌嗪[11]等治疗神经精神药物均被报道引起痤疮样皮疹。
1.3 靶向药物:表皮生长因子受体抑制剂(EGFRI)包括EGFR单克隆抗体(mAbs)和酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKIs)[12]。EGFRI的皮肤副作用很常见,最常见的即是痤疮样皮疹。80%的患者在用药1~3周后出现皮疹,主要集中在鼻部或者脸颊、躯干,也可扩散至四肢[13]。EGFR mAbs如西妥昔单抗[14],TKIs如伊马替尼、尼洛替尼、达沙替尼等均可引起痤疮样皮疹[15];TNF-α单克隆抗体,如阿达木单抗[4]、英夫利昔单抗等[16];可溶性TNF-α受体融合蛋白,如依那西普等[17],均有报道可引起痤疮样皮疹。目前靶向药物在临床上使用愈发广泛,它所引起的痤疮样皮疹发生率也有所上升。目前用于治疗黑素瘤的靶向药物MEK(丝裂原细胞外信号调节激酶)抑制剂曲美替尼[18]、BRAF(鼠类肉瘤滤过性毒菌致癌同源体B)抑制剂维罗非尼[5,19]均有新近报道。
1.4 除此之外,既往曾有学者总结已报道的病例[8]包括维生素B1、B6[8]、B12[20]、免疫抑制剂如西罗莫司[21]、环孢素、他克莫司,抗结核药物如:异烟肼、利福平、乙硫异酰胺、卤素如碘化物、溴化物、含氯盐的药物及抗病毒药物利巴韦林[22]等也可引起痤疮样皮疹。
2 其他疾病引起的痤疮样皮疹
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本文引用格式: 鄭慧颖,宗文凯.表现为痤疮样皮疹的非痤疮皮肤病[J].中国美容医学,2020,29(3):16-19.