
2020-05-21 10:03
阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2020年5期

Robert Siegel (Host): Now a story about a mother and daughter bound through impersonation. Comedian Maria Bamford imitates her mother for laughs on stage. And that got NPRs Alix Spiegel wondering about how that mightve affected their relationship.

Alix Spiegel (Byline): In her professional life, Maria Bamford often plays her mom.

(Soundbite of archived recording)

Maria Bamford: My mom—Ill tell you a little about myself. My mom told me before I went to my first girl-boy party in the eighth grade, she said, “OK, remember what we talked about—gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, one, two. Watch the cold sores. Date rape is a lot more common than people think. You look so gorgeous. Oh, Jennys moms here to pick you up. Well, have a good time.”(Laughter)

Spiegel: Bits like this are standard in Bamfords act. Sometimes, the version of her mom that she plays is just funny because the mom can be so charmingly upbeat about the horrors of the world that its hilarious. But sometimes the imitation feel like theyre about elements in their relationship that have a darker side, like in this YouTube bit she did.

(Soundbite of YouTube video)

Maria: So sweetie you taking a shower? Can I just get in there real quick and just show you something? Oh, I didnt know you were naked. Oh, sweetie, listen, if you want to get breast implants, we will support you—not financially, but emotionally.

Spiegel: So what happens when you mess in a very public way with an entanglement thats pretty complicated already—the emotional entanglement between mother and daughter—how does that affect things? On two different days, in two different states, with the blessing of both, we spoke to Maria and her mom, whose name is Marilyn Bamford, about this. We started with Maria, who said her mom imitations were some of the very first comedy bits she ever did and that, in the beginning, she did them to get a kind of distance or control over her relationship with her mother.

Maria: For me, it was a time in life of, like, detaching from my family or detaching from, you know, what I think they want me to be. Like, my mom, I remember she did—or what I heard her say—of course, she may have a different feeling of what she said at the time, but she said if you dont wear makeup…

(Soundbite of archived recording)

Maria: …Honey, when you dont wear makeup, you look mentally ill. So now, when I go home, Im certain to wear thick, green eye shadow and a line of lipstick around my lips. Uh? Baby look pretty now, mommy?


Marilyn Bamford: Oh, it feels like shes got me down perfectly in terms of voice, cadence, vocabulary. You know, shes…

Spiegel: And what about the things that you say? I mean…

Marilyn: Well, quite a bit of that is not exactly what I say. The one I think about was the one where she has me saying when you dont wear lipstick, you look mentally ill.

Spiegel: Yeah.

Marilyn: And she and I have gone back and forth about that because I—I know I didnt say it that way. I said you look depressed. I mean, thats my memory of it. On the other hand, she remembers what she remembers.

Spiegel: But, still, Marilyn doesnt seem disturbed at all by her daughters impression of her, even by the things that she feels are misrepresentations of what she said or how she is. She sees the impression as helpful.

Marilyn: And so when I say something like, oh, I dont think I said that, and then we have a discussion about it, it is helpful in the end. But I know there are probably some times where I have chosen not to say anything about it because Im not sure I want to discuss it or have the energy to discuss it.

Maria: You know, I think the real reason youre down is because youre 36, and you look 36. And thats hard.

Spiegel: Do you learn anything about yourself from watching her imitation of you?

Marilyn: Oh, yes (laughter). I kind of remind myself of my mother. My mother was a believer that you put your lipstick on and you powdered your nose. And I think I see that there in myself and I say, oh, no (laughter). I dont wanna be that way. But, what can you do?

Spiegel: And speaking of the inevitable gravity of being your mother, though Maria Bamford started her imitation to detach from her mom, it ended up having the reverse effect. It brought her closer.

Maria: Like, it cheers me up to think about what she would say about things. Like, I like the idea that she has a certain point of view on life and things are certain or—or if I—if shes not around, I can make her be around. In terms of, like, I would like to be more like her as I get older. Like, Im hoping that my impersonation just bleeds into—Im her (laughter) as I grow older.

Spiegel: Are you really hoping that?

Maria: Yeah. You know, I could just be the full-on Marilyn Bamford because shes a very likable person, you know? Shes always bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Its like, oh, honey, were going—were in Turkey and I wanted to call you because the hotel next door is on fire and your father is Vining it. We are going to have dinner tonight in the town square and everybodys out…

Spiegel: And Marilyn Bamford, in her own way, has experienced an unanticipated benefit from her daughters impressions of her.

Marilyn: I think that many women my age who are, you know, catching up with 70, you know, feel kind of invisible. So therefore, when you have your daughter doing these really wonderful and gifted impressions of you, it makes you kind of immortal in some way. And thats kind of a lovely thing to happen at this age.















玛里琳: 很大一部分都不是我所说的。我介意的是她学我说:“当你不化妆的时候,看起来就像个神经病”。














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