
2020-05-21 03:31:21赵亮於杨
哈尔滨理工大学学报 2020年1期

赵亮 於杨

摘 要:基于广义光滑模的定义,研究了Banach空间下的广义光滑模与t之间的关系,证明了一致非方的三个等价条件以及关于广义光滑模的四个等价命题。此外证明了Banach空间和超自反的Banach空间分别满足limt→0ραX(t)t<12和ραX(t)<α+32tω(x)-1,t·ω(X)≤1的条件下具有一致正规结构,ραX(t)和ω(X)分别为广义光滑模和弱正交系数。最后给出了x,y∈X当‖x‖2+‖y‖2=2时关于广义凸性模的一个不等式。



中图分类号: O177.7

文献标志码: A

文章编号: 1007-2683(2020)01-0144-05

Abstract:Based on the definitions of generalized modulus of smoothness, the relation between generalized modulus of smoothness and t in the Banach spaces is studied, which proves three equivalent conditions of uniform normal structure and four equivalent propositions of generalized modulus of smoothness. In addition, which is proved that the Banach space and the super reflexive Banach space satisfy conditions of limt→0ραX(t)t<12andραX(t)<α+32tω(x)-1,t·ω(X)≤1 have uniform normal structure.ραX(t)andω(X)are generalized modulus of smoothness and weak orthogonal coefficient respectively. Finally, which gives an inequality about the generalized convex modulus when ‖x‖2+‖y‖2=2,x,y∈X.


generalized modulus of smoothness;generalized modulus of convexity;uniformly nonsquare;uniform normal structure

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