古代絲绸之路是人类历史上文明交流交融最耀眼的舞台,它浓缩了亚欧大陆漫长历史时期经济、政治、文化、社会的演进,见证了东西方物质文明和精神文明的交流与交融。 自先秦两汉以来,山东就一直是中国东西方贸易的重要货源地,是丝绸之路的源头之一。至今,山东各地仍保留着许多依托丝绸之路逐步发展起来的丝市街、绸市街、瓷器街等,见证了古代丝绸之路为东西方经济文化交流和民族融合发展做出的巨大贡献。
纵观世界开放发展史,深刻诠释着 “相通则共进,相闭则各退”的道理。山东把境外经贸合作园区建设作为“一带一路”建设的重要抓手,充分发挥实体经济优势,在帮助山东企业、山东品牌“走出去”的同时,也推动了园区所在国的发展,通过技术与理念、人才双向交流,更多造福当地人民, 日益受到国际社会和相关国家的认同和欢迎。
Since the pre-Qin and Handynasties, Shandong has alwaysbeen an important source ofsupply for China's West-East trade, andone of the sources of the Silk Road. Sofar, there are still many silk streets,satin streets, porcelain streets, etc.gradually developing in reliance uponthe Silk Road in all parts of Shandong.These streets have witnessed the hugecontribution made by the ancient SilkRoad to the economic and culturalexchanges between the East and theWest and ethnic fusion & development.
Today, with the emerging trendof global economic integration, for fullintegration into the "Belt and Road"initiative, Shandong enjoys uniqueadvantages, including geographicallocation, infrastructure, industrysystems, opening-up, as well as science &technology and humanities, and hasa solid foundation for acceleratingforeign cooperation development.Shandong has formulated a series ofmajor policies, taken practical andeffective measures, promoted high-quality development with high-levelopening-up, and continued to createnew advantages of open economicdevelopment. In 2019, Shandong'simport and export increased by 5.8%,with an increase by 15.9% in termsof trade with countries along the"Belt and Road", and the number of"Qilu" Eurasian trains reached over1,000, doubling that in the annualplan; the number of new foreign-invested enterprises exceeded2,000, with the actually usedforeign capital of USD 14.69 billion,an increase by 18.6%.