Can You Put the Sentences in Order?

2020-04-26 14:10河南信阳市固始信合外国语小学杨红艳
疯狂英语(双语世界) 2020年4期

河南信阳市固始信合外国语小学 杨红艳

I.Put the following sentences in order to make a conversation.Write the numbers on each of the lines in the conversation.

Ma Hua: ___________________________________________

Li Ming: ___________________________________________

Ma Hua: ___________________________________________

Li Ming: ___________________________________________

Ma Hua: ___________________________________________

Li Ming: ___________________________________________

Ma Hua: ___________________________________________

Li Ming: ___________________________________________

1.Is that a skirt too?

2.Hi,Li Ming.

3.It is a skirt.

4.You’re welcome.

5.No,it isn’t.It is a dress.

6.Hi,Ma Hua.

7.What’s this in English,Li Ming?

8.Thank you.

II.Put the following sentences in order to make a passage.Write the numbers of the sentences in each of the circles.

1.She is not tall.

2.And she is good at singing.

3.She likes Chinese and PE very much.

4.Jenny is a small girl.

5.She can play volleyball and table tennis.

6.She is eight.

7.Her classmates and teachers like her very much.

8.She is a student.

9.She reads many Chinese stories.

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