贲洪奇 赵志强 丁明远
摘 要:单相单级全桥PFC变换器变压器双向励磁,具有功率密度高和电气隔离等特点,适用于中大功率场合,但该变换器由于其工作方式的特殊性,存在特有的变压器偏磁现象。通过对单级全桥PFC变换器的工作原理与变压器偏磁产生机理进行分析,得出每1/4工频周期内磁化曲线中心点偏移情况,并递推得到偏移量的最大值。在此基础上,提出一种正负半周对称的数字抑制策略,通过设计开关管的时序,使每个开关周期内变压器正负向励磁时间相等,进而消除了变压器偏磁;与传统偏磁抑制方式相比,该策略不增加电路的复杂程度与系统的体积、重量,实现较为容易。最后,通过搭建额定输出电压/电流为48V/12A的样机验证了所提出的偏磁抑制策略的可行性。
中图分类号:TM 461文献标志码:A文章编号:1007-449X(2020)03-0020-08
Abstract:Singlephase singlestage fullbridge PFC converter transformer bidirectional excitation, with high power density and electrical isolation characteristics, is suitable for medium and high power applications. However, due to the particularity of its working mode, the converter has its own transformer bias phenomenon. Through the analysis of the working principle of singlestage fullbridge PFC converter and the generation mechanism of transformer magnetic bias, the central point offset of the magnetization curve was obtained in every quarter of the power frequency cycle, and the maximum value of the offset was obtained recursively. On this basis, a digital suppression strategy with positive and negative halfcycle symmetry was proposed, which makes the positive and negative excitation time of transformer equal in each switching period, then eliminates the transformer bias. Compared with the traditional suppression method, the strategy does not increase the complexity of the circuit and the volume and weight of the system, and the realization method is easier. Finally, a prototype with rated output voltage and output current of 48V/12A was built to verify the feasibility of the proposed strategy.
Keywords:singlestage fullbridge; PFC converter; biasmagnetic; suppression strategy; digital
0 引 言
隨着科学技术的发展,电力电子设备的大量使用,对电网造成的谐波污染也日趋严重。功率因数校正(power factor correction,PFC)技术能有效消除输入电流谐波,提高功率因数,因此一直是电力电子领域研究的热点[1-3]。有源功率因数校正(active power factor correction, APFC)技术相对于无源功率因数校正技术功率因数校正效果更好,效率更高,应用更为广泛。有源功率因数校正变换器从电路结构来分,可分为单级APFC结构和两级APFC结构。两级式结构中APFC和DCDC变换分别独立完成,体积大、功率密度低。单级APFC将APFC和DCDC变换合二为一,电路减少了元器件、提高了功率密度,因此应用更为广泛[4-5]。单级桥式APFC变换器变压器双向励磁,磁心利用率高,适用于中大功率场合,但由于其工作方式的特殊性,存在固有的变压器偏磁问题。当偏磁严重到一定程度, 磁心将进入单向饱和区,此时磁心磁导率急剧下降,磁心损耗增加,变换器效率降低;此外,还会造成变压器单向磁化电流急剧增加,最终导致功率器件烧毁[6-8]。为了使系统正常运行,有必要对变压器进行偏磁抑制。
针对单级全桥PFC变换器变压器偏磁问题,基于数字处理器(digital signal processor,DSP)TMS320F28335,提出一种正负半周对称的数字抑制策略,该策略不需要改变主电路,通过设计开关管的开关时序,就能消除变压器偏磁,不需要添加辅助电路和隔直电容,简单且易于实现,具有不影响PFC效果、不影响变换器性能等优点。基于理论分析,搭建额定输出电压/电流为48 V/12 A的单级全桥PFC变换器的实验样机,验证了所提出的正负半周对称的偏磁抑制策略的可行性。
1 变换器偏磁机理分析
1.1 变换器工作原理
4 结 论
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