12 月10 日,国际中文教育大会在湖南省长沙闭幕。本次大会以“新时代国际中文教育的创新与发展”为主题。来自160 多个国家的1000 多名中外代表围绕深化体制改革、丰富办学资源、提高办学质量、推动多元发展等议题热烈讨论。
来自9 个论坛的代表:埃塞俄比亚职业教育培训学院副校长哈布特沃德,马来西亚世纪大学校长纪平光,中国政法大学校长马怀德,北京师范大学副校长周作宇,哈萨克斯坦欧亚大学副校长佐尔达斯·别科娃,肯尼亚内罗毕大学代理校长、孔子学院院长姆贝齐,世界汉语教学学会理事、越南胡志明市师范大学中文系副主任阮福禄,孔子学院总部荣誉理事、英国爱丁堡大学前校长提摩斯·奥谢,世界汉语教学学会理事、美国威斯康辛大学中文部主任张洪明,对本论坛的讨论情况进行了总结交流。
本次大会设立“中文+职业技能”项目专题论坛,邀请中外企业共同讨论如何开展就业创业对接,使中文教学更好地服务当地经济社会发展。大会的32 个工作坊讨论内容涉及国际中文教育政策、标准、师资、教材、教学方法、考试、品牌项目建设,以及深化中外合作等国际中文教育重要课题,先后有150 多名中外代表专题发言,900 多人次参与讨论。孔子学院中外合作方院校也在大会期间进行了充分交流。
目前,全世界有3 万多所中小学开设了中文课程,4000 多所大学设立了中文院系或课程,还有4.5 万所华文学校和培训机构开展中文教育,全球学习中文的人数超过2500 万人。162 个国家和地区建立了550 所孔子学院和1172 个孔子课堂,在开展国际中文教育、促进中外人文交流、帮助各国朋友了解中国等方面发挥了很好的示范引领作用。
On December 10th, the closing ceremony of the International Chinese Language Education Conference was held in Changsha, Hunan Province. The theme of the conference is“Innovation and Development of International Chinese Language Education in the New Era”. Over 1,000 representatives from more than 160 countries had heated discussions on deepening reform of systems, enriching education resources, improving quality of school-running and promoting diversified development.
Tian Xuejun, Vice Minister of Education, attended the closing ceremony and delivered a speech. He pointed out that there is a strong practical demand for international Chinese language education and that all parties need to be gathered for consolidating social and public foundation of Chinese language education. He hoped that relevant parties would make joint efforts to better enhance mutual understanding, communication and cooperation among the peoples of the world through the international Chinese language education. He also hoped that the great minds of the world can be brought together to promote cultural and people-to-people exchanges between China and the rest of the world, and to contribute wisdom and strength to building a community with a shared future for mankind and a better future for human society.
At the closing ceremony, Tian Xuejun, Vice Minister of Education, He Baoxiang, Vice-Governor of Hunan Province,Timothy O’Shea, Honorary Council Member of the Confucius Institute Headquarters and former Principal of the University of Edinburgh, Wojciech Nowak, Honorary Council Member of the Confucius Institute Headquarters and President of Jagiellonian University in Poland, and Joël Bellassen, Former Vice President of the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching and Inspector-General of Chinese Language Teaching of the Ministry of Education of France, presented awards including the “Confucius Institute of the Year”, the“Confucius Classroom of the Year”, the “Confucius Institute Individual Performance Excellence “and the “Outstanding Confucius Institute Chinese Partner” to awardees, and granted plates to overseas sites of “Chinese Bridge” clubs, the excellent Chinese proficiency test centers, and member units of the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching.
Representatives from nine forums summarized and exchanged their views on discussions, including Ato Habtewold Hailu, Vice President of Technical, Vocational Education and Training Institute of Ethiopia, Patrick Kee Peng Kong,Vice Chancellor of SEGi University in Malaysia, Ma Huaide,President of China University of Political Science and Law,Zhou Zuoyu, Vice President of Beijing Normal University,A. Zh. Zhussupbekov, Vice President of Eurasian University in Kazakhstan, Isaac Mbeche, Acting Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi and Foreign Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Nairobi, Nguyen Phuoc Loc,Council Member of the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching and Deputy Director of the Chinese Department of Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Vietnam,Timothy O’Shea, Honorary Council Member of the Confucius Institute Headquarters and Former Principal of the University of Edinburgh, and Zhang Hongming, Council Member of the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching and Director of the Chinese Language Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
In the seminar “Chinese + vocational skills” of the conference, Chinese and foreign enterprises were invited to discuss how to connect employment with entrepreneurship,so that Chinese language teaching can better serve the local economic and social development. 32 workshops of the conference covered important topics such as policies, standards,teachers, teaching materials, teaching methods, tests, and construction of brand projects of international Chinese language education, as well as enhancing cooperation between China and other countries. More than 150 representatives have delivered speeches, and more than 900 people have participated in the discussion. Through the conference, Chinese and foreign partners of the Confucius Institute fully exchanged their views.
The International Society for Chinese Language Teaching also held the general election of the council and seminars during the conference.
At present, more than 30,000 primary and secondary schools around the world have set up Chinese language courses; more than 4,000 universities have Chinese language departments or courses, and 45,000 Chinese language schools and training institutions offer Chinese language education,with a total of over 25 million people learning Chinese all over the world. Besides, 550 Confucius Institutes and 1,172 Confucius Classrooms have been set up in 162 countries and regions, which play leading roles in developing international Chinese language education, promoting cultural and people-to-people exchanges, and strengthening people’s understanding of China.
先进孔子学院/课堂Confucius Institute (Classroom) of the Year
泰国海上丝路孔子学院/ Maritime Silk Road Confucius Institute, Thailand英国兰卡斯特大学孔子学院/ Confucius Institute at Lancaster University, UK美国长老会学院孔子学院/ Confucius Institute at Presbyterian College, USA美国新罕布什尔大学孔子学院/ Confucius Institute at the University of New Hampshire, USA美国韦伯斯特大学孔子学院/ Confucius Institute at Webster University, USA美国纽约州立宾汉顿大学戏曲孔子学院/ Confucius Institute of Chinese Opera at Binghamton University, USA吉尔吉斯斯坦比什凯克市第69 中学孔子课堂/ Confucius Classroom of Educational Teaching Complex No.69 by T.Satylganov in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan尼泊尔LRI 国际学校孔子课堂/ Confucius Classroom at Learning Realm International (L.R.I.) College, Nepal英国威根雷学院孔子课堂/ Confucius Classroom at Wigan and Leigh College, UK
孔子学院先进个人Confucius Institute(Classroom) Individual Performance Excellence Award
A阿do道lp夫he· M闵in库k阿o a· S西hePresid喀en麦t o隆If n 雅U s n t温ii tv u得e t e r第s a it二ty U 大o nf学 iY v a e校o r s长u i n t,yd o e雅f I 温I Y, aC得oh u第a ni二dr e o大 f I It学,h C e孔a B m子o e学a rr o院d o o理nf 事Co长nfucius K凯ar伦en· C查h德adVic C e o-加P n拿r fe us大ci id u萨e sn 斯I t n 喀o s t f彻i tU u温n t e iv大 a e学tr s t副i ht y e校 o U长f n S i,va es萨rk sa斯i t t yc喀 h o彻e f w S温aa s大n k, 学aC th c孔a h子i er w o学af 院nt h, 理e C a事B no长aa dr d a of Wan王g龙 LongVolunteer Chinese哥 T伦ea比ch亚e A安r n o第df e斯C so,大 n Cf学ou c l孔oi u m子s b 学I in a院sti志tu愿te者 at University of the李晓靖 埃及开罗大学孔子学院汉语教师Li XiaojingChinese Teacher of Confucius Institute at Cairo University, Egypt He 何Xi新nx香iangVolunteer Chines印e 度Te尼ac西h亚e r M玛 o af琅l aC n国o gn立,f I u大nc di学u os n孔 eI n s子s i a学titu院te志 a愿t 者State University of Zhan张g红 HongChinese Director o意f 大C利on罗fu马c Ri大u os学m I e孔n,s 子It ti a t学u l y院te中 at方 S院ap长ienza University of Shi川nic井h伸i K一awaiPresident of A日ich本i 爱Un知iv大ae tr 学s Ai it校cy h,长 C i U,h na爱ii vr e知o rf s大 t i h t学ye, 孔JB ao子pa a学r nd院 of理 C事on长fucius Institute Abdyku马lo拉v M特aratbekLocal MT吉C尔S O吉L斯 C斯h Oi n坦sh e奥s S e什t aL国ta en 立Ug u n大a i v学g ee r孔 sT i子e t y a,学 c Kh院ye rr“g o y汉zf sC硕to a”n n f本uc土iu教s I师nstitute at Li 李Ch程engChinese Director o墨f 西th U e哥n C i国vo e立n r s f自u i t c y治i u o大s f M I学n es孔t xi it子cu ot学e, M院at e中 t xh i方ce o 院N a长tional Autonomous拉姆·施瑞斯塔 尼泊尔加德满都大学校长,加德满都大学孔子学院理事长Ram Kantha MakajuPresident of Kathmandu University, Chair of the Board of Confucius ShresthaInstitute at Kathmandu University, Nepal周兵 新西兰奥克兰孔子学院中方院长Zhou BingDeputy Director of Confucius Institute in Auckland, New Zealand
Zo邹u W维e琴iqinVolunteer Ch尼in日es利e 亚Te纳ac姆he迪Ur n o·iv阿f eC r齐so i克n t y fu,韦 c N大i iu gs学e rI孔n i a s子tit学ut院e a志t 愿Na者nmdi Azikiwe鲁楠 挪威卑尔根孔子学院院长Rune IngebrigtsenDirector of Confucius Institute in Bergen, Norway C崔ui锦 Ji路nluVolunteer Chinese挪 Te威a卑c h尔er根N o o孔f r w子C a o学yn院f u志ci愿us者 Institute in Bergen,阿衣江·巴哈提汗 巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡孔子学院汉语教师Ayijiang BahatihanChinese Teacher of Confucius Institute in Islamabad, Pakistan W沃o伊j c切ie赫ch• N诺o瓦w a克k Rector of J波a I n g兰si e t雅l i l to u盖n t e隆ia a n大t U J学n a校i gv ie e长r l l s、oi t ny克i,a C拉n h U科a ni夫r i vo孔ef r 子t sh i t e学y ,B 院Po o理a l r a事d n do长f Confucius卡洛斯·莫伊拉斯 葡萄牙阿威罗大学孔子学院院长Carlos MoraisDirector of Confucius Institute at the University of Aveiro, Portugal Yi S李un昇g勲hoonPresident of Se韩h aa国tn 世S U e翰n hi a大v ne学 r Us校i nt y iv长, eC,rh s i a世t i yr翰, o R大f e t p学h ue孔b B li子o c a学or fd 院K o理of rC e事ao长nfucius Institute米M尔irc恰ea· D杜u米m特itr鲁u Rec罗to马r o尼f I n亚U sn t布ii tv u加e tr e勒s i at斯y t t特o hf e 大B U u学nc i校h va e长r re s,s i t t y布, oC加fh B勒ai u r斯c o h特f a t r大h ee s学 tB,孔 o Ra子or md学 ao院nf iC a理o事n f长ucius Zha张n蕈g X丽unliC俄hi罗ne斯s Oe圣r T ge彼aa n得c i z h a堡e tr i私o o nf立 oC补fo S n充uf u p教c pi育lu es m“ C e孔l na ts子as rr”yo E o东m d方u a c语t a tP言i o ri n文v a(化Ct e o 学I nn f院s ut ci孔t iu u子t si o),课n R 堂E ud s汉u s i c语aa t教io师nal Kara-S苏a珊l S娜iuzannaLocal MT俄C罗S O M斯L o莫 sC c斯h oi科n we 国Ss e t立a L t语ea n L言g i n u大ga u学g ie s孔 tT i c子e a U学c nh院i e ve r“ ro s汉f i tC硕y,o ”Rn uf本u sc s土i iu a教s I师nstitute at赫Kh理ri普pu诺no夫v .II..GG..Director o俄f C罗o斯n f新uc西iu伯s U I利n ns亚i t vi et国u r s t立e i t 技ya,t 术R N u大o sv s学o i a s孔ib子irs学k 院St院at长e Technical
Cao曹 L亮iangVolunteer Chin俄es罗e 斯Te乌ac拉Uh尔e nr i v 联o ef r邦 sC i大to yn,学 f Ru孔uc si子u ss i学a In院st志itu愿te者 at Ural Federal Li Q李ia乾nc超haoVolunteer Chinese Te西ac班he牙r 莱of昂 C大o Sn学pf u a孔c i n i子us学 In院st志itu愿te者 at University of Leon,Ainhoa Urm艾e努n e越ta LafuenteLocal MTCSO西L C班h牙i n巴es塞e 罗L Ba那an rg孔cu e子a l o g学ne a 院T,e S“a pc汉ah ie n硕r ”of本 C土on老fu师cius Institute in L刘iu茜 X琳ilinVolunteer Chin泰es国e K 南T ae邦na lc a嘎h y拉ne r e娅 eo f尼S C c学o h n o校f ou孔l,c i子Tu hs课 aC i堂ll aa n志s ds愿r o者om at Lampang M缪iao彧 YuVolunteer C U h ni n i菲ve es律re s 宾iT te y红a F溪c oh礼ue nr示 do a大f t C i学oo n孔n, 子f tu h学c ei u院Ps h志 I il n愿ip s者t pi i t nu et e s at Angeles Liang梁 G广ua寒nghanChinese Direct菲or律 Uo宾nf i亚C v e o典rn s耀f iu t y大c,i u学t h s孔e I n子Ps h学t ii lt i院u pt p中e i n方a et院 sA长teneo de Manila刘艳晖 阿联酋迪拜大学孔子学院中方院长Liu YanhuiChinese Director of Confucius Institute at University of Dubai, UAE于泓珊 英国赫尔大学孔子学院汉语教师Yu HongshanChinese Teacher of Confucius Institute at the University of Hull, UK伊恩·蒙哥马利 英国奥斯特大学副校长Ian MontgomeryPro-Vice-Chancellor of Ulster University, UK Z祖u 迪DiVolunteer Chine美se国 T阿ea拉ch巴e U马r n o农if v e工C ro s大n i t f学yu, c孔Ui u S子s A 学I n院sti志tu愿te者 at Alabama A&M李顺琴 美国克利夫兰州立大学孔子学院汉语教师Li ShunqinChinese Teacher of Confucius Institute at Cleveland State University, USA
修华静 美国肯塔基大学孔子学院院长Huajing MaskeDirector of Confucius Institute at the University of Kentucky, USA Sang S. Kim Director of Confuc美ius国 In密s苏tit里ut大e a学t孔th子e U学n院ive院rs长ity of Missouri, USA Sh施i J健ianChinese Teacher o津f C巴o布n f韦uc大iu Z学s i m I孔n bs a子t bi t学wu t e院e汉at语Un教iv师ersity of Zimbabwe,
先进中方合作机构Outstanding Confucius Institute(Classroom)Chinese Partner