文/马克·力文 (Mark Levine,美) 译/张佳艺
Chinese universities regularly undergo inspections by the national or provincial ministries of education. For provincial universities, it is the provincial government that is responsible for this and for national universities it is the national Ministry of Education. This process is especially important in China which is actively seeking to improve the standards of its universities and, in particular, working to develop a number of “World Class” universities. Minzu University of China (MUC) is proud to be one of those that have achieved this status.
MUC is getting ready for an MOE inspection. Finally, about 1-2 weeks before the actual evaluation, we are notified of the dates and a few other details. The inspection will take a week and will be done by a team of 11. Furthermore, particularly because of the desire for the World Class University designation the team will include 2 foreigners. Both of the foreigners are Americans.
In 2018, the second day after the team arrived, there are a total of 10 English teachers for a meeting. Most of us are from the English department where we teach to English literature and translation majors.We meet for about an hour and the early questions focus on our students’ abilities followed by questions related to evaluating the progress by our students in their English abilities. After some discussion of these matters, the other American, who has worked as a proposal evaluator for the US National Science Foundation for more than two decades, asks, “You have all of these students from every Chinese ethnic minorities and faculty from different ethnic groups. How do you deal with ethnically related conflicts between students and teachers of these different groups?”
My hand shoots up and answers this question: “I look out among my students in my classes and I see Han students, Tibetans, Buyi, Li, Kazakh, Uyghur, Mongolian, ethnic Koreans, Zhuang, Qiang, Hui, Yi, Tujia, Miao and students from other Chinese ethnic groups. They study together, play together, and shop together. If they go to eat and if one of these classmates or dorm mates is a Moslem, they will eat in one of the several Halal canteens on campus or of an even larger number of restaurants in the neighborhood. I am in my 11th year teaching at MUC. I know lots of people here, students, faculty and administrators. People confide in me with all kinds of information. And, throughout those nearly 11 years, I have neither
seen nor heard of a single instance of any ethnically-based conflict between
any members of the campus community.”
在2018年10月的一次校园演讲比赛中,我对民大有了更深入的了解。该比赛旨在挑选学生参加外语教学与研究出版社组织的赛事。选拔赛的获胜者是英语专业的大一新生李欣璐(音译)。几乎每个人都认识Lily,她的英语水平很高,相当于英语母语者的水平。Lily也投票给了那位获胜者,但引起我注意的是另一名学生。这是一位出色的演说家,她叫Sandy Quan(全雅婷,音译)。
I introduce the fact that the motto of the university is “Unity in Diversity, Theory in Practice” and that is exactly what you see on campus.
As a look of astonishment comes to his face, he asked:“How could this be? Why aren’t their clashes?”
I answer: “Minority students are especially proud to be able to attend MUC which many consider to be like the Harvard for Chinese minority students. I have traveled to nearly 30 provinces in China and when I go to minority areas, people are very happy to tell me about their classmates, friends or relatives who are studying or have studied at MUC. Meanwhile most Han students, who attend MUC, come to appreciate the specialness and uniqueness in being able to attend this place where they can learn about the great diversity of their own country. They are all proud of China’s gains and realize that unity in diversity, the weaving together of so many different cultures merely makes China stronger.”
“Is this intentional?”
“Frankly, while I cannot confirm this because I have never seen a mission statement of the university but it seems that both the educational and social environments encourage this unity. I am a sociologist and although I have been away from academic sociology for many decades, I am confident that if I were to undertake a study of changes in students’ knowledge of and attitudes towards those from other ethnic groups, the results would show both an increase in knowledge and a decrease in whatever negative images or stereotypes that might have existed when they first arrived on campus.”
This is neither the first nor the last time I explain this but it has become an increasingly common topic for my presentations. My presentation on “Stories and Songs from my Chinese Journey,” that I have done at a number of universities across China, tells this story. The story of Minzu University is one that I will continue to tell wherever I go but my learning of that story continues.
My learning about MUC continues after my “Unity in Diversity” comments to the evaluators in 2018. Learning which reinforced what I said on that day and in subsequent discussions I have had and presentations I done since then.
An important lesson begins to take shape in October 2018 at a campus public speaking competition to select a student to represent MUC in the upcoming competition organized by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. The winner of the selection competition is Li Xinlu, a freshman English major. Lily, as virtually everyone knows her, is a well-known for her strong abilities as English speaker. Lily’s selection is unanimous but it is a different student who gets my attention. It is another excellent public speaker and her name is Sandy Quan [Quan Yating).
I ask her major.
“I major in Uyghur language and literature.”
“Are you Uyghur?”
“No, I am Man.”
When I was in the US I personally knew only a handful of students who were majoring in Black (African-American) studies who were not African-American and while most students majoring in specific Chinese minority languages and culture come from those minorities, there are a few who don’t.
“And you study Uyghur? Are there many non-Uyghur students who do that?”
“When I was a freshman our class had 20 but 6 changed majors so now we have 14.”
I come across Sandy on campus a few times before the semester is over and learn that as a result of her performance on the evening I meet her she is selected to be is selected to represent MUC at a different competition run byChina DailyEnglish-language newspaper and its student-oriented paper21st Century.
I don’t see Sandy again until early in the fall semester of 2019. We are walking on campus when I see her and suddenly realize that it had been a long time since I had last seen her. I comment on that and she responds,
“I was away all last semester. I was in Xinjiang.”
“Really, that’s great but what were you doing there?”
“I was staying with a host Uyghur family in a village.”
“Did you work this out on your own or was this arranged by the school?”
She explains that the university arranged for her entire class, all 14 students, to spend their fourth semester in a single village in Xinjiang.
It is now 2019, 12 years after I arrived at MUC and this is the first time I have heard of such an arrangement. I am intrigued and impressed by this and realize that this is something else that can he breakdown cultural misunderstandings or conflicts. I tell Sandy that I am very interested in learning more about this and tell her I will contact her with a few weeks.
About 10 days later, we meet for a more focused discussion about it. We begin by talking about how she came to be one of those 14 non-Uyghur students major in Uyghur language.
She explained: “I wanted to study a language. I took the gaokao (the college entrance exam) but my overall score was not high enough for admission to the School of Foreign Studies. I could be accepted at Minda if I entered at a Uyghur language major. If I wanted admission here, it was the only thing available for me to study.”
“Only in Uyghur?”
“Some years you can enter to study Tibetan or Kazakh, but in 2017 when I started it was only Uyghur.”
“What did you think about this?”
“I was glad to come here and it was a chance to study a language. After our first year we are allowed change majors. Some of my classmates changed theirs to subjects like history, museology or sociology. I was thinking about it but I actually enjoyed my studies so I didn’t. I am really glad that I didn’t.”
“What about your semester in Xinjiang?”
“Part of this program is that during the second semester of our sophomore year, Minda sends us all to a village in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Each of us stays with a different host family in the same village. The school gives the family some financial support to cover expenses.”
“And what you do while you’re there? Do you have classes?”
“On the weekends we have a classes and a teacher but the rest of the time we are just living there. We are talking with our host family, talking with their kids, helping them. My host family was very friendly. They redid a room for me; got me a new bed. They had 3 kids, all boys who called me older sister.
When we walked through the village, people would stare at but were very friendly when we talked to them.
In the village, there are special tea parties when someone moves a new home. Relatives would come and I would go with my host family. I would say ‘nice to meet you’ in Uyghur and everyone would applaud.”
“What else about your time in the village?”
“Everyone knows about Minzu University and is very impressed that students from here are coming to this village. About once a week I would take a trip to a larger city nearby to go shopping. I would come back by taxi. The driver would always ask what I was doing there; why did I come? Even the drivers would be excited that MUC students come to stay and learn in the village.”
I ask Sandy to tell me more about the Uyghur Department at Minda and she explains that there are three majors with between 40-60 students in each year. Within the department some major in Uyghur language and literature and others major in Uyghur/Chinese translation. These are all Uyghur students. She is in the third major focusing on Uyghur language and literature for non-Uyghurs. Through the department she interacts both informally and through formal activities with students in the department’s other majors.
“We all know each other and I have several of friends within the department. I think this a wonderful way to learn. I not only can learn about the language and culture but also about other ways of thinking.”
Finally I ask Sandy if she knows similar students majoring in Tibetan and Kazakh. She confirms that she knows one in each of these majors and she offers to introduce me to them. She puts me in touch with both of them later that day and within 24 hours I have scheduled individual appointments with both of them within the next several days.
Alice (Su Yuanqi) is from Heilongjiang Province in the Northeast. She is a majority Han Chinese and is studying Tibetan. When we get together she is in the first semester of her sophomore year, one year behind Sandy.
Her story is similar to Sandy’s. Alice is a good English speaker but according to her overall entrance exam scores, the only major she was eligible to take was Tibetan. Once again, changing majors after at the end of the freshman year is an option and while 5 out of her 20 classmates do, Alice doesn’t.
Alice will spend the next semester in Tibet but she adds, “My classmates all spent one month in Tibet last summer. We went with our teacher and everyone we met was very friendly and helpful. During that trip we all stayed in a hotel but when we go back in the spring we will all be staying in a few villages.”
Alice has two Tibetan students while most like Alice are Han. She explains:“My two Tibetan students both speak Tibetan but they cannot write so they are in our class.”
Alice spends time with her classmates and joins the Tibetan dancing in the campus square every Friday night. She has Tibetan roommates whose English is not very good. “They help me with Tibetan and I help them with English.”
Like Sandy, she enjoys her major. “We study history, language and culture.”
Katherine is also a sophomore and, like Sandy, is from the Man ethnic group. She is coming from Jilin Province. She, however, majors in Kazakh language and literature.
“Ever since I was a child I wanted to do something for my country. When I learned about the Belt and Road Initiative I decided that is what I want to help with. President Xi’s announcement of the Belt and Road was first made in Kazakhstan so learning the language seemed like a good choice for me.”
The field placement for Katherine and her 18 classmates - two of whom are Kazakh but do not speak the language-is a little more involved than it is for either Sandy or Alice. Katherine and her classmates spent one month after their freshman year in a Kazakh village in Xinjiang during the summer.
She enjoyed her month and says she learned a lot.
“My host family was very big. It included the parents, four kids, the grandfather, aunts and uncles. Everyone was very friendly and the food was great. They took me to visit different sites. We talked a lot and I learned much about the culture.”
“They have a son and joked with me asking if I wanted to be his wife. They actually introduced another student to a local boy. I helped their kids and we even went to local primary schools to teach Chinese to local students.”
Back at school, her department had a trip to the great wall that was led by a retired Kazakh teacher. She not only enjoyed the visit but also appreciated it when “he introduced me to other teachers as a friend.”
Katherine is eagerly looking forward to her junior year when and her classmates will spend both semesters studying at a university in Kazakhstan. This is just another step in realizing early ambition to help China and contribute to the Belt and Road Initiative. That ambition led her to reject her parents’ wishes for her to study economics. “I want to do something new, something different. Maybe I can be a translator for diplomats, or I can be that diplomat.”
Hearing Sandy’s, Alice’s and Katherine’s stories simply strengthens my understanding of the accuracy of the MUC motto of “Unity in Diversity, Theory in Practice.”