Julie’s Wolf Pack (Excerpt V)《朱莉的狼群》(节选五)

2020-03-08 14:33琼·克雷格黑德·乔治吴文安
英语世界 2020年2期

琼·克雷格黑德·乔治 吴文安

Kapu turned into the wind. The pack turned into the wind. Their ruffs and manes swept back. They squinted to protect their eyes until they could barely see where they were going. They did not need to see. They were on the snow-covered trail to their den. Their guides were the sounds of the stunted willows jangling to their right and the sigh of the reindeer moss beneath the wind-packed snow. And there was another guide: their innate sense of direction. They knew at all times exactly where they were.

A long-tailed jaeger flew over the wolves. The bird saw them running hard, which usually meant they were hunting. A wolf kill is a banquet for mammals and birds. The jaeger looked down on the ribbon of wolves and followed them. Then they took to the open tundra and traced graceful Ss, not the V-shaped formation of a pack about to make a kill. The bird turned away toward the frozen Arctic Ocean.

The Avalik Pack reached their nursery den on the riverbank. Kapu got down on his side and clawed through the snow to the den entrance. He raked out grass and wind-blown debris.

Silver sniffed the den. It smelled of Aaka and Sweet Fur Amy. She backed away. She was not pleased. She would seek the den where Kapu and Zing had been born.

Raw Bones felt her discontent. “Come with me,” he whimpered, and started off for his family den on the Colville River embankment. He loped into the ice mist and was gone. Silver did not follow him.

Kapu let him go.

Silver was not housecleaning but looking off to the north. Sweet Fur Amy sensed her grandmothers reluctance to den clean and scrambled through the entrance. She dug furiously, piling up icy stones. When she backed out, Zing went in. He kicked the stones and dirt out onto the playground as his contribution to the family.

It was the smell of the earth and the sight of everyone working that finally inspired Silver. She crawled into the tunnel and all the way back to the nursery. With her forepaws she dug the room wider, then scooped out a cozy bed for her pups and herself. She was content with the Avalik den.

Raw Bones returned as Silver came out of the den. The low rumbles of protest in his chest were audible as he entered the group, but he stopped complaining when he looked at Silver. Her face had softened. She wore the gentle look of an expectant wolf mother who had found a place for her pups. She glanced at him. His pups, her eyes said, would be born here. Her digging the nursery had worked the magic.











【第一段】这一段是充满感情和富有诗意的描写。第四句中的squinted to protect their eyes(直译:眯缝眼睛来保护他们的眼睛),译文把“保护”明晰化为“避开冷风”。第六句的原文主語是They,译文改为“小径”,因为“他们跑在大雪覆盖通往巢穴的小径上”有翻译腔。第七句和第八句中都出现了guide(向导),是隐喻,照搬到译文中会显得有点怪,所以改为动词“指引着”。


【第三段】短语nursery den即狼群育崽儿的巢穴。而got down on his side意思不太清楚,译者可以想象狼侧躺在地上刨土的样子。




【第七段】inspire(直译:鼓舞;赋予灵感)在这里指银白受到启发和鼓舞,直译即可。而cozy bed的译文把cozy的两个意思(comfortable and warm)全都翻译出来,确保译文达意。


