China Is at the Forefront of the Quantum Revolution 中国走在量子革命最前沿

2020-03-08 14:33:31珍妮·惠伦孙加
英语世界 2020年2期

珍妮·惠伦 孙加

More than a decade ago, Chinese physicist Pan Jian-Wei returned home from Europe to help oversee research into some of the most important technology of the 21st century.

At a conference in Shanghai last summer, Pan and his team offered a rare peek at the work he described as a “revolution.”

They spoke of the hacking-resistant1 communications networks they are building across China, the sensors they are designing to see through smog and around corners, and the prototype computers2 that may someday smash the computational power of any existing machine.

All the gear3 is based on quantum technology—an emerging field that could transform information processing and confer big economic and national-security advantages to countries that dominate it. To the dismay of some scientists and officials in the United States, Chinas formidable4 investment is helping it catch up with Western research in the field and, in a few areas, pull ahead.

Beijing is pouring billions into research and development and is offering Chinese scientists big perks5 to return home from Western labs.

Quantum technology seeks to harness6 the distinct properties of atoms, photons7 and electrons to build more powerful tools for processing information.

In 2018, China had nearly twice as many patent filings8 as the United States for quantum technology overall, a category that includes communications and cryptology9 devices, according to market research firm Patinformatics10. The United States, though, leads the world in patents relating to the most prized segment of the field—quantum computers—thanks to heavy investment by IBM, Google, Microsoft and others.

Helping oversee Chinas program is Pan, whom Chinese media call the “father of quantum.” From his labs at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), in Shanghai and Hefei, the 50-year-old leads a team of 130 researchers. In 2017, the journal Nature named him one of “ten people who mattered this year,” saying he had “lit a fire under11 the countrys efforts in quantum technology.”

In his talk at the Shanghai event, Pan detailed how China is harnessing qubits12 to safeguard its communications from hacking—one of the fields in which China appears to have a lead over the West.

Pan and his team are aiming to launch a constellation of13 satellites and a nationwide fiber-optic14 network that use qubits to securely transmit information. An almost 1,300-mile fiber link connecting Beijing, Shanghai and other cities is already up and running. So is a satellite China launched in 2016, which has conducted several prominent experiments, including facilitating15 a hacking-resistant video conference between Beijing and Vienna.

If the technology gains traction16 globally, China could be in a strong position to sell it, given the large number of patents its universities and companies have registered for devices and technology relating to quantum communication and encryption17, according to Patinformatics.

For now, China is lagging behind18 the US tech industry in perhaps the most important race in the field: building a quantum computer.

A fully functioning quantum computer has the potential to be transformative. The exponentially19 greater calculation power could help identify new chemical compounds to treat intractable20 diseases, and eliminate traffic snarls21 by predicting and managing the flow of vehicles.

To get a fully functioning computer—a goal still a decade or more away, most scientists agree—researchers must coax22 a large number of qubits into working together efficiently. Thats difficult because qubits are finicky23 and have the propensity24 to stop functioning at the slightest disturbance, such as a minor change in temperature.

Google and IBM are at the forefront, using superconducting25 circuits to manipulate qubits. In 2018, Google unveiled a quantum processor with 72 qubits, surpassing IBMs previously announced 50-qubit computer.

Chinese researchers so far have reported a 12-qubit processor, using superconducting technology similar to Googles and IBMs.

The leader of that work, USTC professor Zhu Xiaobo, presented his teams results at the Shanghai conference, flashing a picture of their prototype on the screen—a shiny tangle of coaxial cables26 resembling an intricate golden chandelier.

“We are now working on 24 qubits,” Zhu said. “We hope next year we will go to 50, and maybe sometime we will go to quantum supremacy27,” he added, referring to the point at which a quantum computer is able to perform a calculation that existing computers cant. Lu Chaoyang, a young physicist who earned his PhD at Cambridge University, also stepped to the lectern to deliver an update on his teams approach to quantum computing. It relies on photons, which he dubbed28 “fast-flying qubits.”







根据专注市场研究的 “专利信息分析”公司的数据,2018年,中国在量子总体技术(包括通信及密码学设备)方面申请的专利,达到了美国的两倍。但是,在量子技术最有价值的一块——量子计算机方面,美国申请的专利则领先全世界。这多亏了IBM、谷歌、微软及其他公司的大量投资。













1 hacking-resistant防黑客入侵的。  2 prototype computer原型计算机,指投入量产前的创新样品计算机。  3 gear设备。

4 formidable惊人的。  5 perk津贴,额外补贴。  6 harness控制,掌握。  7 photon光子。  8 patent filing专利申请。  9 cryptology密码学。  10 Patinformatics该公司名称由patent、information、analytics三词合成,意为“专利信息分析”。

11 lit a fire under推动。  12 qubit量子比特,量子信息的计量单位。  13 a constellation of一系列。  14 fiber-optic光纤,光导纤维的简称,由玻璃或塑料制成的纤维,利用光的全内反射原理传输的光传导工具。  15 facilitate协助实现。  16 traction牵引力,此处引申为影响。  17 encryption加密。  18 lag behind落后。

19 exponentially以指数级别地。  20 intractable棘手的。  21 snarl堵塞,混乱。  22 coax设法实现。  23 finicky挑剔的。  24 propensity倾向。  25 superconducting超导的。超导现象指材料在低于某一温度时,电阻变为零的现象,特征是零电阻和完全抗磁性。

26 coaxial cable同轴电缆。  27 supremacy优势,最高地位。  28 dub称为。

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