李前进 岳丽
摘 要:近年来随着新能源汽车技术快速发展,促进了高职高专院校新能源汽车运用与维修专业的发展,同时也给高职高专院校新能源汽车运用与维修专业的教学提出了新的要求,高职高专新能源汽车运用与维修专业如何在新时代背景下不断更新教学理念,创新教学模式,才能满足当前新能源汽车技术的发展呢?职业技能大赛在新能源汽车运用与维修专业教学改革中起到非常重要的作用,通过以职业技能大赛为载体,探索“赛教结合、寓教于赛、以赛促改”的教学模式,提升高职学生创新与实践能力。
关键词:技能大赛 新能源汽车运用与维修专业 教学模式
Research of the Application of Skill Competition in the New Energy Vehicles Application and Maintenance Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges
Li Qianjin Yue Li
Abstract:In recent years, the rapid development of new energy vehicle technology has promoted the development of the application and maintenance of new energy vehicles in higher vocational colleges, and also proposed the teaching of the application and maintenance of new energy vehicles in higher vocational colleges. In response to the new requirements, how can the new energy vehicle application and maintenance major of higher vocational colleges continuously update the teaching concept and innovate the teaching mode under the background of the new era to meet the current development of new energy vehicle technology? Vocational skill competitions play a very important role in the teaching reform of the major of new energy vehicle application and maintenance. Through the use of vocational skills competitions, the teaching mode of "combining competition with education, combining education with competition, and promoting reform with competition" is explored to improve higher vocational students' innovation and practical ability.
Key words:skills competition, new energy vehicle application and maintenance major, teaching mode
1 引言
2 高职高专新能源汽车运用与维修专业教学存在的问题
2.1 实践能力低
2.2 忽视学生的主体地位
3 技能大赛在新能源汽车运用与维修教学中的作用