摘 要:喀斯特生态环境极为脆弱,尤其是土壤环境,喀斯特地区经济发展迟滞与当地生态环境密切相关。研究喀斯特地区土壤与经济作物的关系尤为重要,花椒是当前针对喀斯特地区最为有效的经济作物。研究基于知网核心数据库简要分析了当前花椒种植土壤的研究概况,从发文量、研究结构、基金资助、来源期刊、高被引论文、研究主题和关键词为指标分析花椒种植土壤的研究历史,研究结果显示发文量最多的是贵州师范大学,贵州师范大学和四川农业大学是研究最为关注机构,国家层面的基金是该领域主要的资助来源,《水土保持学报》是发文量最多的期刊,最多被引的论文是贵州师范大学的龙健关于土地利用对土壤团聚体有机碳和活性有机碳特征影响的论文。花椒种植土壤的研究内容主要集中在土壤养分、坡耕地、土地用途等主题以及花椒、喀斯特、土地利用方式等热点。本研究以期为研究人员厘清当前领域的发展脉络,也为花椒的优质增产提供帮助。
关键词:花椒 土壤 研究概况 文献计量学
中图分类号:F272 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2020)08(c)-0103-07
Abstract: The karst ecological environment is extremely fragile, especially the soil environment, and the economic development delay in karst area is closely related to the local ecological environment. It is very important to study the relationship between soil and cash crops in karst area. Based on the core database of CNKI, this paper briefly analyzes the current research situation of planting soil of of Zanthoxylumbungeanum, and analyzes the research history of soil cultivation of Zanthoxylum bungeanum from the paper number, research institute, fund, journal, high cited papers, research topic and key words. The results show that Guizhou Normal University received the most publications, and Guizhou Normal University and Sichuan Agricultural University are the most concerned institutions; The funds at the national level are the main sources of funding in this field;The Journal of Soil and Water Conservation is the most widely published journal; The most cited paper is Long Jian of Guizhou Normal University on the effect of land use on soil aggregate organic carbon and active organic carbon characteristics. The research on soil cultivation of Zanthoxylum bungeanum mainly focuses on soil nutrients, sloping farmland, land use and other hot spots, such as Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Karst, land use methods and so on.The purpose of this study is to clarify the development of the current field for researchers, and also to provide help for the high quality production of Zanthoxylum bungeanum.
Key Words: Zanthoxylum bungeanum; Soil; Research situation; Bibliometric