Five Questions That Will Change Your Life

2020-02-25 04:24:31
Special Focus 2020年3期

If you ask yourself the following five questions,life will become less mysterious.

I.Are you not hungry when others are full? Your life is made up of what you do.Your achievements will never be completed by others.It is always your own efforts that lead you to success.

II.Are you willing to pay for other people’s mistakes? No one is obligated to be nice to you.Getting hurt is inevitable in your growth.Other people’s mistakes belong to them.Therefore,never ruin your own life because of them.

III.Are you remorseful for past mistakes? Life is experienced through trial and error.Whatever happened in the past belongs to the past.It is the future that belongs to you.

IV.Are you afraid to walk because of the fear of falling down? The only way to fail is to give up for fear of failure.

V.Are you equipping yourself with varied skills for life? The challenges ahead are unprecedented.Lifelong study is a must for self-achievement.The most important thing in life is to understand.If you can understand,everything will be easy for you.

(FromI Love Every Day When I Try My Best,Taihai Publishing House.Translation: Geng Yuanjun)