
2020-02-24 02:47邓婷婷
孩子·小学版 2020年5期


One day,a lion was taking a nap. Soon a little mouse came running by. He was in a hurry to get home. The mouse did not see the lion. So, he ran right over the Lions nose!


The lion woke up with a loud roar. He grabbed the little mouse with his big paw."Im going to eat you!" roared the lion."You woke me up!" The lion opened his big jaws. He was going to eat the little mouse."Dear Lion, please do not eat me!" said the mouse."I did not mean to wake you up. Please let me go!"

狮子大声咆哮着醒了。 他用他那巨大的爪子一把抓住了小老鼠。“我要吃了你!”狮子咆哮道,“你把我弄醒了!”狮子张开大嘴巴。他要吃了小老鼠!“亲爱的狮子,请不要吃掉我!”小老鼠乞求道,“我不是故意弄醒你的。求你放我走吧!”

The little mouse kept talking and begging."Dear Lion, please, please let me go! If you do, maybe one day I will help you."The Lion laughed at the little Mouse. He laughed so hard that he could not stop."You think you can help me?"he asked."How could a little Mouse ever help me?"


"What a funny little Mouse you are!"said the Lion."I think I will let you go. I am not that hungry, anyway."The little Mouse was so happy! He ran off to his home."Thank you, dear Lion!"he called. But the Lion did not hear him. He was still laughing too hard!


A few days later, the Lion was out walking. Suddenly, a hunters net trapped him. He was caught. The Lion roared and tried to get free. But he was trapped! The little Mouse was close by. He was taking a nap. The Mouse woke up when he heard the Lion roar."The Lion needs my help,"he said. So, he went to look for the Lion.


The little Mouse saw the Lion in the hunters net."I will help you, dear Lion,"he said."Do not be silly, little Mouse,"said the Lion."What can you do? No one can help me now!" I can help you,"said the little Mouse. So, the Mouse went to work.


He bit at the ropes with his little teeth. He bit and he chewed. He chewed and he bit. Then he bit and he chewed some more. It took the little Mouse a long time. But at last, the Lion was free!"How can I thank you?"asked the Lion."What can I do for you?"


"Well, there is one thing,"said the Mouse."I want to be your friend. The Lion and the Mouse became best friends. And the Lion learned this lesson:"A little friend can be the best friend of all!"



每一个故事,除了故事的内容和发展脉络(起因——经过——结果)之外,还会告诉我们一些道理。那么在阅读完故事之后,我们不但要总结出整个故事的发展脉络,还要认真思考,从这个故事中,我能学到什么道理呢?希望同学们看完故事之后,可以用From this story, I learned...这个句型来说一说你学到的道理。老师非常期待收到大家的作品!来信请发到:haizizazhi@yeah. net,标题注明“狮子和小老鼠英文绘本”。

串联知识脉络 巧用动态资源