If there is anyone out there who still doubts that Americais a place when all things are possible,who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time,who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
1. As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country. As a coach, she led the China womens volleyball team to medals at world championships and the Olympics. As a person, Lang Ping is loved by fans at home and abroad.(選自2020人教版必修一Unit 3 P38)
分析:运用三个as a ...描述出了郎平无论是作为一名运动员还是一名教练亦或是一个人,她都是非常成功的。
2. Music gave me happiness. ... Music gave me strength and brought me relief. ... Moreover, music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction. ...(选自2020人教版必修二Unit 5 P56)
分析:作者运用三个music gave me... 排比句,层层递进,增强了语言感染力,排比手法的运用突出了音乐带给我的积极影响。
3. When it comes to wildlife protection, all species---the good, the bad, and the ugly--- should be treated equally.(选自2020人教版必修二Unit 2 P20)
4. A list of buildings undestroyed was now only a few addresses. A list of the brave men and women would fill a library. A list of all those killed will never be made.(选自旧人教版必修一Unit4 P65)
分析:运用三项“a list of ...”排比,阐述了地震的破坏性。
5. I came; I saw; I conquer.(选自罗马统治者 Julius Caesar)
6. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. (选自培根《论读书》)
1. 我爱学校的一草一木,我爱学校的一桌一凳,我爱学校的老师同学。
2. 老师就是一盏灯,照亮我们前进的路程,指引我们梦想的方向,帮助我们走向成功。
3. 时间就是金钱。时间就是知识。时间就是力量。
4. 这是一个很好的机会,让我感受大自然的美,风的柔软,大海的凉爽,天空的清澈。
5. 她在森林里迷路了,没有食物,没有灯,没有被救的希望。
6. 作为一位母亲,她给了孩子们无私的爱。作为一个妻子,她给了丈夫无限的支持。作为一名教师,她深受学生们的爱戴。
7. 朋友是冬天里的一杯热茶,夏天里的一缕清风,秋天里的一句问候。
1. I love the grass and trees of the school. I love the desks and chairs of the school. I love teachers and classmates of the school.
2. The teacher is a lamp, lighting our way, guiding the direction of our dreams and helping us to succeed.
3. Time is money. Time is knowledge. Time is power.
4. It was a good chance for me to enjoy the beauty of nature, the softness of the wind, the coolness of the sea, the clearness of the sky.
5. She was lost in the forest, without food, without lights and without hope of being saved.
6. As a mother, she gave the children selfless love. As a wife, she gave her husband endless support. As a teacher, she was loved by the students.
7. A friend is a cup of hot tea in winter, a wisp of breeze in summer and a greeting in autumn.