Abstracts of Papers in This Issue

2019-12-25 08:12:14
外文研究 2019年4期

Ananalysisofthepredictivepowerofquantitativecohesivefeaturesonmachinescores(p. 1)

WANGJian(Hope College, Southwest Jiao Tong University, Chengdu 610406, China)

This study analyzed the predictive power of quantitative features of textual cohesion on machine scores assigned by a given domestic Automated Writing Evaluation system by sampling 121 untimed argumentative essays produced by non-English majors. The results reveal that cohesion indexes are weak in predicting the machine scores of the sample essays, and can explain less than 15% of the score difference. These cohesive indicators have different explanatory powers for high-grade and low-grade essays, and mainly predict the quality of the latter ones, but their explanatory power is not significant.

MultidimensionalanalysisofmetaphoricalmeaningchangeofRussianverbs(p. 9)

PENGYuhai(College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China;

Center of Russian Language, Literature and Culture Studies of Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, China)

Linguistic cognitive semantics, syntactic semantics and communicative semantics constitute a mutual promotion synthesis, which is deeply reflected in the metaphorical meaning change of Russian verbs and their semantic realization. Focusing on the corresponding reflection of the semantic derivation of verb cognitive metaphor in syntactic and semantic act, this paper will carry out a multidimension analysis of the metaphorical change of Russian verbs from the perspective of integrative description of cognition, semantics and syntax. In specific analysis, firstly, we innovatively establish the semantic, communicative and syntactic multidimensional analytical methods and corresponding theoretical framework of verb metaphor sememes. Taking the Russian verb “падать” as an example, we then make a case study of metaphorical meaning change from four aspects of thematic structure variation, conversion of communicative semantic functions, unconventional grammatical attribute and lexical-syntactic transformation, in an attempt to deeply explore the semantic realization mechanism of verb metaphor cognition and corresponding communicative and syntactic-semantic variation from the perspective of multidimensional analysis and characterization. we hope to widen the theoretical vision and analytical ideas of syntactic-semantic integrated study of Russian verb polysemy, promoting the research of interface theory of linguistic cognitive, syntactic and lexical semantics.

Aninsurmountablewallofclassconsciousness:Ananalysisoftherootoftheheroine’stragicfateinWideSargassoSea(p. 19)

WANGZuowei(College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China;

College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Hexi University, Zhangye 734000, China)

Jean Rhys’WideSargassoSeadescribes the story of Cosway family’s gradual going into ruins afterEmancipationActin 19thcentury Britain. The causes of the heroine Antoinette’s becoming a mad woman are always the focus of study of the novel. This paper, from the perspective of Lukcs’ class consciousness, in connection with Jamaican colonial history, the social situation and class structure of Jamaica in the novel, analyzes the relationship between her class consciousness and her tragic life, and thus points out that the class consciousness or strata is the shackles of her life, and that the class conflicts are the hidden force that gradually drives Antoinette into the mad woman.

Seeingappearanceisseeingmind:Ananalysisoftheself-improvementoftheheroineinEmma(p. 24)

DUKun(Graduate School, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China)

The heroine Emma’s character and mental growth inEmmahave always been the focus of comments. Based on researches of socially situated cognition, this paper analyzes the action, language and mental operation of characters’ interaction under some special social situations, discusses Emma’s behavior, mental operation and mental interpretation of the others, and explores the causes and influences of behaviors. In the process of in-depth understanding and thinking about events, herself and others, Emma constantly explores her mental world and improves herself.

Areviewofthetheoryofmindinthestudyofcognitiveliterature(p. 31)

ZHANGZhicai(School of Foreign Languages, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing 402160, China)

Since the end of 1970s, extensive researches on human minds have been carried out with the guidance of psychology, and a set of Theories of Mind(ToM) hask been gradually formed. With the cognitive turn of literature studies, many scholars have explored the field of fictional literature with reference to ToM, and a group of scholars and their findings have turned up. This paper first summarizes the consensus findings of ToM, and then analyzes the research results from the aspects of ToM and characters, the various representations of literary minds, literary theory introspecting from the perspective of ToM, and literary feedback on ToM itself. With a solid capacity of interpretation, ToM is of crucial theoretical and practical significance in the study of cognitive literature. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to better understand and master this research method, which will propel the development of cognitive literature studies.

Ethicalenvironment,ethicalidentityandethicalchoice:AnethicalliteraryanalysisofTheChangeling(p. 36)

YUXue(College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)

Through interrogating the ethics of marriage, interpersonal ethics and ethics of desire, Thomas Middleton’sTheChangelingsucceeds in showcasing the ethical panorama of the seventeenth-century England. The paper endeavors to analyze the ethical features of the drama from the perspective of ethical literary criticism. By tracing the ethical line of the “employing servants to kill fiancé” event in the drama, the paper aims to decode a set of ethical complexes such as ethical environment, ethical identity and ethical choice, thereby revealing Middleton’s ethical introspection on issues such as the clash between freedom of choice in marriage and the fetters of patriarchal order in the ethical environment of the seventeenth-century England, the ethical chaos caused by the inversion of master-servant ethical identity, and the ethical choice driven by the antagonism between human factor and animal factor.

TheinterpretationofGoodbye,Columbusfromtheperspectiveofintertextuality(p. 43)

PANZibin&BIQing(School of Foreign Studies, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China)

Goodbye,Columbus, as a masterpiece of Philip Roth, has received widespread praise. The rich reference of “Columbus” in the title towards its pretext and the relationship between Neil and the black boy has the characteristic of discourse. From the perspective of intertextuality, this paper tries to analyze the intertextual relationship between the story and its pretext and the discourse between characters in the story, which can carry out a study on the growth process of Neil in the love story.

Thedemonstrationofculturalconfidenceinpoliticalpublicitydiscoursefromtheculturalviewontranslation:AcasestudyofthetranslationofTheGovernanceofChina(p. 49)

ZHAOJing&ZHAOQiurong(School of Foreign Studies, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China)

A rising China calls for the corresponding discourse confidence in international communication. From Homi Bhabha’s cultural view on translation, based on its basic concepts like “otherness”, “hybridity”, “the third space”, “borderline negotiation”, this study explores how to demonstrate cultural confidence and display otherness in the translation ofTheGovernanceofChina. It has found that the translators have both language awareness and cultural awareness by employing literal translation which can be easily back-translated, preserving the “otherness” of the source culture, and reconstructing the “other” context, contributing to the hybridity of the translated text both linguistically and culturally. This could encourage the borderline negotiation in the third space between the source and target culture, and help to enhance the influence and radiation of China’s international discourse power.

ResearchonfiveEnglishversionsofLiuYong’sDieLianHuaunderthesystemofstrategiesintheEnglishtranslationsofclassicalChinesepoetry(p. 55)

JIYang&WENJun(School of Foreign Languages, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China)

On the basis of the system of strategies in the English translations of classical Chinese poetry, the author has collected English versions of Liu Yong’sDieLianHuaas many as possible and selected five of them to explore the translation strategies employed by translators and the similarities and differences between them from the angles of language, form, content, etc.

Theinfluenceofdiachronicchangesofsexualmoralityontranslators:AlookatChinesetranslationsofbawdyexpressionsinHamlet(p. 63)

LISiyi(School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240,China)

Quite a few bawdy expressions can be found in Shakespeare’sHamlet. These expressions are translated quite differently by different translators from different times over the past 100 years in their Chinese translations. This paper, by selecting one extract fromHamletwhich is a dialogue between Hamlet and Ophelia and analyzing different translations by different translators at different times, aims to reveal that diachronic changes of sexual morality at different times in China differ radically, which has a far-reaching impact on their choices of lexicons and structures in their translations of bawdy expressions.

OnthecreativeapplicationofmusicartisticlanguagetoHerbertAllenGiles’EnglishtranslationofclassicalChinesepoetry(p. 69)

DUXiong(Foreign Language School, Guangzhou Nanyang Polytechnic College, Guangzhou 510900, China)

On the basis of theories of music artistic language, the paper attempts to discuss the artistic features of the creative application of artistic language in music such as beat, rhythm and melody to Herbert Allen Giles’ English translation of classical Chinese poetry, which aims to explain translators’ artistic cognitive mechanism in the process of translation, reveal the value of musical language as a method for poetry translation and highlight the significance of cross-artistic research in literary translation.

AninterpretationofNienhausergroup’sthinkingmodesforannotatingShijifromtheperspectiveofculturalfidelity:AcasestudyofTheGrandScribe’sRecordsVol.Ⅶ(p. 76)

GUOChangchang(School of Foreign Languages, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China)

In the English version ofShijirendered by Nienhauser group, historical and cultural elements are adequately researched before they are explained in detail through extensive annotations. It is indeed a classic example of cultural fidelity. In this paper, based on the seventh volume ofTheGrandScribe’sRecordswhich involves memoirs of pre-Han characters, the translators’ thinking modes for annotating are summarized for the first time and the factors promoting cultural fidelity are analyzed with Bourdieu’s concept “Capital”. It is hoped that this study could provide implications and a reference for the spread of such great classics in a relatively faithful way.

Abriefanalysisofsome“poetictaste”problemsinthetranslationofRussianpoetry(p. 81)

XULaidi(Faculty of Foreign Languages, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)

The ultimate goal of the translation of Russian poetry is to attract ordinary Chinese readers who do not understand Russian to comprehend and appreciate Russian poetry. Therefore, in the Russian poetic translation, it is necessary for the translator to take into account the poetic aesthetic habits of Chinese ordinary readers and pay attention to the “poetic taste” advocated by the traditional theory of Chinese poetics. However, at present, there still exist some problems of “poetic taste” in the translation of Russian poetry in China, such as the dilution of “poetic eye”, the loss of “poetic flavour” and the deformation of “image”. The author thinks that the “faith” in the form of Russian poetry translation is important, while the “faith” in the aspect of “poetic taste” is more important.

AreviewofCategorialFeatures:AGenerativeTheoryofWordClassCategories(p. 89)

ZHUMin(College of Foreign Languages, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China)

YANGLiexiang(College of Foreign Languages, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Yueyang 421005, China)

One of the fundamental issues in linguistics is the identification and classification of word class category or part of speech. Different from current approaches to the issues, which almost assume the existence of grammatical property previous to syntactic building,CategorialFeatures:AGenerativeTheoryofWordClassCategories, adopting and incorporating the new researching conclusions of different linguistic schools such as cognitive linguistics, typology, and transitive-generative grammar, advocates an approach of category feature and syntactic decomposition to the word class category. Word class category, the combination of features in the sense of non-taxonomy, is a post-syntactic result, which triggers syntactic operations and imposes additional syntactic constraints, acting as interpretable orders of syntactic outputs being transferred to interfaces.

Amultidimensionalresearchontheinterpreter’srole:AreveiwofTheChangingRoleoftheInterpreter:ContextualisingNorms,EthicsandQualityStandards(p. 94)

ZHANGXin(School of English Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)

TheChangingRoleoftheInterpreter:ContextualisingNorms,EthicsandQualityStandardspresents a comprehensive view on the current studies on the interpreter’s role. The volume contains four parts. Each of the first three parts covers a thematic area, namely sociocultural perspective of the interpreter’s role, ethical challenges in a changing professional role, and norms and quality in changing professional practices. The last part opens the floor for discussion in which some renowned authors provide critical view on the studies in the first three parts. Through studies on the interpreter’s self-perception of the role, ethical challenges the interpreters face and the norms in interpreting practice, this book researches the interpreter’s role from multiple dimensions. This paper briefly introduces the studies in the volume and makes some comments on it.

AreviewofMultimodalPragmaticsandTranslation:ANewModalforSourceTextAnalysis(p. 98)

LIAOWenjun&LANHongjun(School of Interpreting and Translation Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420,China)

The rapid growth of the multimodal translation practice and research necessitates a theoretical framework that defines the nature, principle and potential challenges of multimodal translation based on an overarching rational of information structure and meaning interpretation of multimodal texts. Against this backdrop, in 2018, Palgrave Macmillan publishedMultimodalPragmaticsandTranslation:ANewModalforSourceTextAnalysis. This book is of great significance for the development of studies on multimodal translation and is instrumental in translator training.