
2019-12-14 08:16
心理学报 2019年12期



正字法深度对汉族、维吾尔族大学生汉字词命名的影响................................................................... 杨 群 王 艳 张积家 (1)

联结再认中双语者第二语言记忆优势效应..................................... 刘贵雄 贾永萍 王余娟 买合甫来提·坎吉 郭春彦 (14)

目标数量与运动框架旋转角度对不同场认知风格个体多目标追踪表现的影响............. 吕 馨 刘景瑶 魏柳青 张学民 (24)

厌恶与恐惧面孔的记忆编码、保持、提取......................................................... 张丹丹 蔺义芹 柳昀哲 罗跃嘉 蒋冬红 (36)

奖赏通过增强信号监测提升认知控制................................................................................. 王宴庆 陈安涛 胡学平 尹首航(48)

习得年龄对客体和动作图画口语命名的不同影响:ERP研究...................................................... 娄 昊 李 丛 张清芳 (143)

个体关于加工流畅性的信念对字体大小效应的影响....................................................................... 陈 颖 李锋盈 李伟健 (154)

部件启动范式下可成字部件的位置效应........................................................................... 王 丹 王 婷 秦 松 张积家 (163)

“没有”为什么隐含着“消极情绪”?——否定加工中的情绪表征.................................................................... 高志华 鲁忠义 (177)

目标预知对路径整合的影响........................................................................................................... 过继成思 黄建平 宛小昂 (188)

色觉疲劳、语义饱和对颜色范畴知觉的即时影响........................... 吴柏周 李 杰 何 虎 侯 友 贾缨琪 冯慎行 (196)

情绪对连续事件定向遗忘的影响....................................................................................... 任小云 李玉婷 毛伟宾 耿秋晨 (269)

学习材料组块方式对相似词长时记忆的影响................................................................... 张 蕾 鲁成柔 林军凤 梅磊磊 (280)

常识性知识和语篇语境对代词指认的影响....................................................................... 吴 岩 高约飞 赵思敏 王穗苹 (293)

父亲参照效应的语言与文化差异:来自提取诱发遗忘的证据....................................................... 杨 群 冯意然 张积家 (304)

语言和文化对自我参照条件下提取诱发遗忘的影响——来自汉族人和摩梭人的证据............... 王 斌 付 雅 张积家 (450)

视觉工作记忆负载类型对注意选择的影响....................................................... 李寿欣 车晓玮 李彦佼 王 丽 陈恺盛 (527)

语言和文化影响颜色认知:直接语言效应抑或间接语言效应?..................................... 杨 群 张启睿 冯意然 张积家 (543)

状态焦虑对时距知觉的影响:认知评价和注意偏向有调节的中介作用....................................................... 刘静远 李 虹 (747)

不同SOA下视觉返回抑制对视听觉整合的调节作用.................................... 彭 姓 常若松 李 奇 王爱君 唐晓雨 (759)

注意范围分布对视觉工作记忆巩固过程的影响............................................................................... 张 頔 郝仁宁 刘 强 (772)

高善良特质在情绪调节行动控制中的内隐优势............................................................... 孙俊才 寻凤娇 刘 萍 张文海 (781)

汉字形声字识别中义符和声符的家族效应....................................................................... 王 娟 马雪梅 李兵兵 张积家 (857)

场景对面孔情绪探测的影响:特质性焦虑的调节作用................... 李婉悦 韩尚锋 刘 燊 杨亚平 张 林 徐 强 (869)

自我参照加工的近空间距离增强效应:来自行为与ERPs的证据................ 章鹏程 李杨卓 周淑金 高湘萍 潘 鑫 (879)

情绪效价、唤醒度和有无评价影响手部动作................................................................................... 唐日新 李佳佳 王志鹏 (890)

中文词间词和词内词预视加工的差异:词间阴影的作用............................... 关宜韫 宋悉妮 郑玉玮 张颖靓 崔 磊 (969)

感觉记忆中含语义对象的视觉表征................................................................................................... 胡晶晶 徐昊骙 曹立人 (982)

羞耻情绪对欺骗行为的影响:自我控制的作用............................... 范 伟 任梦梦 肖俊泽 简增郸 杜晓明 傅小兰 (992)

汉语图画命名过程的年老化机制:非选择性抑制能力的影响..................................................................... 杨 群 张清芳 (1079)

任务性质、家族大小和词类一致性对义符语法信息激活的影响................................................................. 章玉祉 张积家 (1091)

掩蔽刺激对目标识别加工的作用:来自fNIRS的证据................................................ 杨海波 刘和珺 章 鹏 李 量 (1187)

反馈评估的局部背景依赖效应:ERP研究.................................................................................... 朱树青 翟 昱 贾世伟 (1198)

奖励和惩罚在注意控制过程中的优化和分离:眼动研究............................................. 张 阔 何立媛 赵 莹 王敬欣 (1207)

预期对路径整合的影响..................................................................................................................... 张为威 黄建平 宛小昂 (1219)

颜色范畴知觉效应发生在大脑两半球:来自纳西族和汉族的证据............................................. 谢书书 张积家 朱 君 (1229)

具身模拟在汉语肢体动作动词理解中的作用................................................................. 王 斌 李智睿 伍丽梅 张积家 (1291)

相对熟悉度和同音线索在谐音型歇后语理解中的作用................................. 马利军 马云霄 何晓清 刘海涛 张静宇 (1306)

提问类型对自传体记忆概括化的影响............................................................................................. 宫火良 杨 迪 张方屹 (1318)


面孔吸引力和信息正确性对幼儿选择性信任的影响......................................................... 唐卫海 钟汝波 许晓旭 刘希平 (71)

儿童早期的母亲生活压力对其5岁行为问题的预测效应:链式中介分析..............................................郝叶芳 王争艳 董书阳 刘斯漫 武 萌 卢 珊 (85)

正念训练提升3~4岁幼儿注意力和执行功能.................................................................. 李 泉 宋亚男 廉 彬 冯廷勇 (324)

新生儿情绪性语音加工的正性偏向——来自事件相关电位的证据..............................................张丹丹 陈 钰 敖 翔 孙国玉 刘黎黎 侯新琳 陈玉明 (462)

发展性阅读障碍儿童的新词习得及其改善....................... 白学军 马 杰 李 馨 连坤予 谭 珂 杨 宇 梁菲菲 (471)

元刻板印象对随迁儿童攻击行为的效应及挫折感的中介作用....................................... 黄潇潇 张宝山 张 媛 麻雨婷 (484)

儿童在不同卷入情境下基于资源价值的分配行为特点:内群体偏爱的作用..............................................刘 璐 肖 雪 刘丽莎 徐良苑 张旭然 李燕芳 (584)

自然情境下舌尖效应的认知年老化——日记研究....................................................... 赵瑞瑛 娄 昊 欧阳明昆 张清芳 (598)

发展性阅读障碍儿童阅读中的眼跳定位缺陷:基于新词学习的实验证据..............................................梁菲菲 马 杰 李 馨 连坤予 谭 珂 白学军 (805)

母亲守门行为与母亲教养投入、母子依恋的关系及发展性差异................................... 邹盛奇 伍新春 黄彬彬 刘 畅 (816)

负性生活事件与青少年早期抑郁的关系:COMT基因Val158Met多态性与父母教养行为的调节作用..............................................王美萍 郑晓洁 夏桂芝 刘迪迪 陈 翩 张文新 (903)

9~10岁儿童和成人的一致性序列效应............................................................................................. 赵 鑫 贾丽娜 周爱保 (914)

小学儿童词汇知识与阅读理解的关系:交叉滞后研究................... 陈红君 赵 英 伍新春 孙 鹏 谢瑞波 冯 杰 (924)

班级欺凌规范与欺凌行为:群体害怕与同辈压力的中介作用....................................... 曾欣然 汪 玥 丁俊浩 周 晖 (935)

3岁幼儿的二级观点采择及合作互动的影响.................................................................................. 金心怡 周冰欣 孟 斐 (1028)

侗歌经验对侗族中学生执行功能的影响......................................................................... 王 婷 植凤英 陆禹同 张积家 (1040)

发展资源在减少青少年外化问题行为中的累积效应及关系模式................................................. 常淑敏 张丽娅 王玲晓 (1244)


个人目标相关性对非临床抑郁者未来想象的影响................................................. 胡治国 陈 静 吴惠君 Georg Northoff (58)

右腹外侧前额叶对高抑郁水平成年人社会情绪调节的作用:一项tDCS研究............ 张丹丹 刘珍莉 陈 钰 买晓琴 (207)

远期恐惧记忆再巩固更新机制的线索选择性特点..............................................胡静初 张蔚欣 陈小婷 王文清 王子洁 庄楚群 冯 彪 郑希付 (316)

社会支持缓解高互依自我个体的急性心理应激反应....................................................... 任 曦 王 妍 胡 翔 杨 娟 (497)

理解双人肢体运动表达的友好和敌对意图的ERP证据................................................. 黄 亮 杨 雪 黄志华 王益文 (557)

第三方惩罚的神经机制:来自经颅直流电刺激的证据................................... 殷西乐 李建标 陈思宇 刘晓丽 郝 洁 (571)

抑郁倾向对个体情绪调节目标的影响——来自事件相关电位的证据........................... 李 红 杨小光 郑文瑜 王 超 (637)

工作记忆刷新训练改善抑郁倾向大学生情绪调节能力的HRV证据............................................ 彭婉晴 罗 帏 周仁来 (648)

接纳承诺疗法的作用机制——基于元分析结构方程模型............... 任志洪 赵春晓 卞 诚 朱文臻 江光荣 祝卓宏 (662)

人类镜像系统参与音乐情绪的自动加工:来自EEG的证据......................................... 赵怀阳 江 俊 周临舒 蒋存梅 (795)

社会互动视角下人际公平形成的脑机制......................................................................................... 张如倩 刘洁琼 李先春 (1007)

视觉正常的自闭症儿童双眼注视点间距的特点及其意义............................................. 高世欢 陈顺森 苏彦捷 林彩云 (1018)

多巴胺系统基因与母亲教养行为对青少年抑郁的影响:一项多基因研究................................................. 曹衍淼 张文新 (1102)

基于事件相关电位(ERPs)和机器学习的考试焦虑诊断................................................. 章文佩 沈群伦 宋锦涛 周仁来 (1116)


恩威并施、积极执行与工作绩效——探索中国情境下双元领导的有效性................................................... 侯 楠 彭 坚 (117)

恶意报复还是认同驱动?新员工的角色社会化程度对其职场排斥行为的作用机制..............................................王海波 严 鸣 吴海波 黎金荣 王晓晖 (128)

形状−性别内隐联结及其对消费者形状偏好的影响........................................................................ 丁 瑛 庞 隽 王妍苏 (216)

累并快乐着:服务型领导的收益与代价——基于工作−家庭资源模型视角................................................ 康勇军 彭 坚 (227)

辱虐管理与员工创造力:心理契约破坏和中庸思维的不同作用..............................................沈伊默 马晨露 白新文 诸彦含 鲁云林 张庆林 刘 军 (238)

未雨绸缪:变革前非正式信息对员工变革抵制意愿的影响........................................................................... 杜 旌 崔雨萌 (248)

如何消除子团队的消极作用——子团队成员交换的作用............................................................................... 倪旭东 季百乐 (259)

员工负性情绪对情绪劳动策略的影响............................................... 房俨然 魏 薇 罗 萍 刘晓东 施俊琦 战宇杰 (353)

权力层级与团队绩效关系:权力与地位的一致与背离................................... 季 浩 谢小云 肖永平 甘小乐 冯 雯 (366)

移动购物更快吗?决策场景与思维模式的相容性........................................................................................... 黄敏学 王 薇 (612)

质量还是价格?折衷产品缺货情境下的消费者选择....................................................................................... 姚 卿 陈 荣 (625)

集体心理所有权、地位晋升标准与团队创造力............................................... 卫利华 刘智强 廖书迪 龙立荣 廖建桥 (677)

创造性产品评价中的从众效应........................................................................................... 张 红 任靖远 刘晨阳 罗 劲 (688)

消费者何时愿意选择与规避群体关联的品牌?................................................................................. 杨德锋 江 霞 宋倩文 (699)

团队权力分布差异对团队冲突的影响:程序公平和合法性的作用............................... 朱 玥 谢江佩 金杨华 施俊琦 (829)

数字有形状吗?数字信息精确性和品牌标识形状的匹配效应....................................................................... 杨 晨 陈增祥 (841)

网络环境下广告怀旧有助于品牌的口碑传播吗?基于情感双维度视角....................................... 廖以臣 许传哲 龚 璇 (945)

工作压力对建设型和防御型建言的差异影响................................. 卢红旭 周 帆 吴 挺 严 进 邵 闫 刘艳彬 (1375)


享受当下, 还是留待未来?——时间观对跨期决策的影响.............................................. 徐 岚 陈 全 崔 楠 陆凯丽 (96)

身体姿势启动的内隐权力感对公平决策的影响............................................................................... 黎晓丹 丁道群 叶浩生 (106)

风险决策和跨期决策的过程比较:以确定效应和即刻效应为例................... 周 蕾 李爱梅 张 磊 李 纾 梁竹苑 (337)

人非理性且难教化?论支持自由家长主义的证据............................................................ Gerd Gigerenzer 栾胜华 刘永芳 (395)

如何用行为经济学应对不确定性:拓展有效助推的范围............................................................................................... 王晓田 (407)

网络公益平台默认选项设置对个人捐赠意愿的影响及作用机制................................................... 樊亚凤 蒋 晶 崔稳权 (415)

生育年龄限制感提高女性的计划生育数量....................................................................... 邢 采 孟彧琦 林青青 秦子玉 (428)

接受还是拒绝?反应模式助推基础课与拓展课均衡选择............... 刘 隽 张 震 孙 彦 韩布新 陆 勤 刘萍萍 (437)

虚拟和真实金钱奖赏幅度对海洛因戒断者风险决策的影响..............................................杨 玲 王斌强 耿银凤 姚东伟 曹 华 张建勋 许琼英 (507)

道德相对主义和厌恶情绪对道德直觉判断的影响........................... 耿晓伟 房津如 韩彦芳 李中权 赵 蜜 杨 烨 (517)

不同权力关系对消极特质否定句使用偏向的影响........................... 李 婷 魏小平 郑梓鑫 易湘杰 赵雪汝 何先友 (714)

一种齐当别思想下的量子决策模型:对囚徒困境中的分离效应的解释....................... 辛潇洋 李 瑛 毕研玲 晏碧华 (724)

公平或是利益?权力对分配公平感的影响....................................................................... 孙 倩 龙长权 王修欣 刘永芳 (958)

中国人的善与恶:人格结构与内涵................................................................. 焦丽颖 杨 颖 许 燕 高树青 张和云 (1128)

不同热情−能力社会群体刻板印象激活效应的行为模式:基于刻板印象内容模型..............................................杨亚平 徐 强 朱婷婷 郑旭涛 董晓晔 陈庆伟 (1143)

知觉冲突印象形成的认知控制策略:以刻板化信息与反刻板化信息为例................................. 崔诣晨 王 沛 崔亚娟 (1157)

反驳文本对患方信任和道德判断的影响与机制............................................................................. 吕小康 付春野 汪新建 (1171)

越多接触就越愿意接触?取决于效价与效能......................... 黄 飞 王昌成 石宽宽 阿巴拜克热·哈力克 李林鹏 (1256)

认知模糊程度和动机强度对有意识和无意识自我欺骗的影响..................................... 钟罗金 汝涛涛 范 梦 莫 雷 (1330)

适应性时间管理:死亡意识对时间知觉和跨期决策的影响......................... 王 鹏 王晓田 高 娟 黎夏岚 徐 静 (1341)

社会知觉视角下道德诉求方式如何提升劝捐效果......................................................................... 陈斯允 卫海英 孟 陆 (1351)

寻求者的注视方向对建议者建议提出的影响................................................................................. 段锦云 施 蓓 王啸天 (1363)


预测视角下双因子模型与高阶因子模型的一般性模拟比较........................................................... 温忠麟 汤丹丹 顾红磊 (383)

一种基于多阶认知诊断模型测评科学素养的方法........................................................... 詹沛达 于照辉 李菲茗 王立君 (734)

让自适应测验更知人善选——基于推荐系统的选题策略............................................................................. 王璞珏 刘红云 (1057)

基于分部评分模型思路的多级评分认知诊断模型开发................................. 高旭亮 汪大勋 王 芳 蔡 艳 涂冬波 (1386)


“操作性定义”和“证伪标准”不足以为心理学奠基.......................................................................... 舒跃育 石莹波 袁 彦 (1068)

生成认知:理论基础与实践走向..................................................................................................... 叶浩生 曾 红 杨文登 (1270)

孙中山的心理建设思想及其现实意义............................................. 王 静 霍涌泉 宋佩佩 张心怡 杨双娇 柏 洋 (1281)

8 其他

第二十一届全国心理学学术会议在京圆满召开....................................................................................... 中国心理学会秘书处 (392)

中国心理学会第十二届二次全国会员代表大会在京召开....................................................................... 中国心理学会秘书处 (394)

中国心理学会第十二届理事会第二次全体会议、中国心理学会理事会和监事会党员会议在京召开..............................................中国心理学会秘书处 (394)

“中国人应对历史危机的心理特征与行为表现”专栏征稿启事........................................................................................ (5期封三)

Total Contents of, Vol. 51, 2019

1 Cognition & Experimental Psychology

Effects of orthographic depth on Chinese word naming for Han and Uyghur students..............................................YANG Qun; WANG Yan; ZHANG Jijia (12)

The bilingual L2 advantage in associative recognition..............................................LIU Guixiong; JIA Yongping; WANG Yujuan; MAIHEFULAITI·Kanji; GUO Chunyan (23)

The effects of field dependent-independent cognitive style and abrupt rotation of the reference frame on multiple object tracking..............................................LÜ Xin; LIU Jingyao; WEI Liuqing; ZHANG Xuemin (34)

Memory encoding, retention and retrieval of disgusting and fearful faces..............................................ZHANG Dandan; LIN Yiqin; LIU Yunzhe; LUO Yuejia; JIANG Donghong (46)

Reward improves cognitive control by enhancing signal monitoring..............................................WANG Yanqing; CHEN Antao; HU Xueping; YIN Shouhang (57)

Distinct effects of age of acquisition in Chinese object and action picture naming: An ERP study..............................................LOU Hao; LI Cong; ZHANG Qingfang (153)

The influence of learner’s beliefs about processing fluency on font-size effect.............................................. CHEN Ying; LI Fengying; LI Weijian (162)

Location effect of Chinese wordable components in the component priming paradigm..............................................WANG Dan; WANG Ting; QIN Song; ZHANG Jijia (175)

Why “no” implies “negative emotion”? Emotional representation in negation processing.............................................. GAO Zhihua; LU Zhongyi (187)

The influence of target knowledge on path integration..............................................GUO Jichengsi; HUANG Jianping; WAN Xiaoang (195)

Categorical perception of color can be instantly influenced by color vision fatigue and semantic satiation..............................................WU Baizhou; LI Jie; HE Hu; HOU You; JIA Yingqi; FENG Shenxing (205)

The effect of emotion on directed forgetting for continuous events..............................................REN Xiaoyun; LI Yuting; MAO Weibin; GENG Qiuchen (278)

Impacts of chunking strategy on memorising similar words..............................................ZHANG Lei; LU Chengrou; LIN Junfeng; MEI Leilei (291)

The effects of discourse context and world knowledge on pronoun resolution..............................................WU Yan; GAO Yuefei; ZHAO Simin; WANG Suiping (302)

The language and cultural differences of father-reference processing: Based on the retrieval-induced forgetting..............................................YANG Qun; FENG Yiran; ZHANG Jijia (314)

Influence of language and culture on retrieval-induced forgetting under the self-referential condition: Evidence from the Han and the Mosuo.............................................. WANG Bin; FU Ya; ZHANG Jijia (461)

The effects of capacity load and resolution load on visual selective attention during visual working memory..............................................LI Shouxin; CHE Xiaowei; LI Yanjiao; WANG Li; CHEN Kaisheng (541)

Language and culture influence cognition: Effects of indirect or direct language..............................................YANG Qun; ZHANG Qirui; FENG Yiran; ZHANG Jijia (555)

How state anxiety influences time perception: Moderated mediating effect of cognitive appraisal and attentional bias..............................................LIU Jingyuan; LI Hong (757)

Visually induced inhibition of return affects the audiovisual integration under different SOA conditions..............................................PENG Xing; CHANG Ruosong; LI Qi; WANG Aijun; TANG Xiaoyu (770)

The effects of the attention resource allocation on visual working memory consolidation process..............................................ZHANG Di; HAO Renning; LIU Qiang (779)

The implicit advantage of a high kindness trait in the action control of emotion regulation..............................................SUN Juncai; XUN Fengjiao; LIU Ping; ZHANG Wenhai (793)

The neighborhood effect of semantic and phonetic radicals in phonogram recognition..............................................WANG Juan; MA Xuemei; LI Bingbing; ZHANG Jijia (868)

Scene effects on facial expression detection: The moderating effects of trait anxiety..............................................LI Wanyue; HAN Shangfeng; LIU Shen; YANG Yaping; ZHANG Lin; XU Qiang (877)

Enhancement effect of near spatial distance on self-referential processing: Evidence from behavioral and ERPs studies..............................................ZHANG Pengcheng; LI Yangzhuo; ZHOU Shujin; GAO Xiangping; PAN Xin (889)

Valence, arousal and appraisal of emotion influence the hand movement..............................................TANG Rixin; LI Jiajia; WANG Zhipeng (901)

Preview processing of between words and within words in Chinese reading: No word highlighting effect..............................................GUAN Yiyun; SONG Xini; ZHENG Yuwei; ZHANG Yingliang; CUI Lei (981)

Visual representation of items with semantic information in sensory memory..............................................HU Jingjing; XU Haokui; CAO Liren (991)

The influence of shame on deceptive behavior: The role of self-control..............................................FAN Wei; REN Mengmeng; XIAO Junze; JIAN Zengdan; DU Xiaoming; FU Xiaolan (1005)

Aging effect of picture naming in Chinese: The influence of the non-selective inhibition ability..............................................YANG Qun, ZHANG Qingfang (1090)

Effects of task type, family size, and grammatical consistency on the activation of grammatical information of semantic radicals..............................................ZHANG Yuzhi; ZHANG Jijia (1101)

The role of masking stimulation in target recognition processing: Evidence from fNIRS..............................................YANG Haibo; LIU Hejun; ZHANG Peng; LI Liang (1196)

Local context dependence in feedback evaluation: An ERP study..............................................ZHU Shuqing; ZHAI Yu; JIA Shiwei (1206)

Optimization and asymmetry effects of reward and punishment on control attention: Evidence from eye movements ..............................................ZHANG Kuo; HE Liyuan; ZHAO Ying; WANG Jingxin (1217)

Influence of expectations on human path integration.............................................. ZHANG Weiwei; HUANG, Jianping; WAN Xiaoang (1227)

Categorical perception of color is significant both in the right visual field and the left: Evidence from Naxi speakers and Mandarin speakers.............................................. XIE Shushu; ZHANG Jijia; ZHU Jun (1242)

Effects of embodied simulation on understanding Chinese body action verbs..............................................WANG Bin; LI Zhirui; WU Limei; ZHANG Jijia (1305)

Processing of Chinese homophonic two-part allegoric sayings: Effects of familiarity and homophone..............................................MA Lijun; MA Yunxiao; HE Xiaoqing, LIU Haitao; ZHANG Jingyu (1316)

The influence of questioning type on the generalization of autobiographical memory..............................................GONG Huoliang; YANG Di; ZHANG Fangyi (1328)

2 Developmental Psychology & Educational Psychology

Effects of facial attractiveness and information accuracy on preschoolers’ selective trust..............................................TANG Weihai; ZHONG Rubo; XU Xiaoxu; LIU Xiping (84)

The predictive effects of maternal life event stress in early childhood on 5-year-old child behavioral problems: A chained mediation model..............................................HAO Yefang; WANG Zhengyan; DONG Shuyang; LIU Siman; WU Meng; LU Shan (94)

Mindfulness training can improve 3-and 4-year-old children’s attention and executive function..............................................LI Quan; SONG Yanan; LIAN Bin; FENG Tingyong (335)

Early preference for positive over negative prosody in neonates: Evidence based on event-related potentials..............................................ZHANG Dandan; CHEN Yu; AO Xiang; SUN Guoyu; LIU Lili; HOU Xinlin; CHEN Yuming (469)

The efficiency and improvement of novel word’s learning in Chinese children with developmental dyslexia during natural reading..............................................BAI Xuejun; MA Jie; LI Xin; LIAN Kunyu; TAN Ke; YANG Yu; LIANG Feifei (482)

Effects of meta-stereotype on aggressive behavior among migrant children and the mediating effect of frustration..............................................HUANG Xiaoxiao; ZHANG Baoshan; ZHANG Yuan; MA Yuting (495)

Children’s quality-based resource allocation in different involvement contexts: The role of in-group favoritism..............................................LIU Lu; XIAO Xue; LIU Lisha; XU Liangyuan; ZHANG Xuran; LI Yanfang (596)

Aging of the tip of the tongue in daily life: A diary study..............................................ZHAO Ruiying; LOU Hao; OUYANG Mingkun; ZHANG Qingfang (611)

Saccadic targeting deficits of Chinese children with developmental dyslexia: Evidence from novel word learning in reading..............................................LIANG Feifei; MA Jie; LI Xin; LIAN Kunyu; TAN Ke; BAI Xuejun (815)

Maternal gatekeeping behavior, mother involvement and mother-adolescent attachment, and differences in their developmental stages..............................................ZOU Shengqi; WU Xinchun; HUANG Binbin; LIU Chang (827)

Association between negative life events and early adolescents’ depression: The moderating effects of Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) Gene Val158Met polymorphism and parenting behavior..............................................WANG Meiping; ZHENG Xiaojie; XIA Guizhi; LIU Didi; CHEN Pian; ZHANG Wenxin (912)

Congruency sequence effects in 9~10-year-old children and young adults..............................................ZHAO Xin; JIA Lina; ZHOU Aibao (923)

The relation between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension in Chinese elementary children: A cross-lagged study..............................................CHEN Hongjun; ZHAO Ying; WU Xinchun; SUN Peng; XIE Ruibo; FENG Jie (933)

Classroom bullying norms and bullying behavior: The mediating role of fear induced by group identity and peer pressure..............................................ZENG Xinran; WANG Yue; DING Junhao; ZHOU Hui (944)

Level 2 visual perspective-taking at age 3 and the corresponding effect of cooperation..............................................JIN Xinyi; ZHOU Bingxin; MENG Fei (1038)

Effect of Dong Chorus on the executive function of Dong high school students..............................................WANG Ting; ZHI Fengying; LU Yutong; ZHANG Jijia (1056)

The cumulative effects and relationship model of developmental assets used to reduce adolescent externalizing behaviors..............................................CHANG Shumin; ZHANG Liya; WANG Lingxiao (1255)

3 Physiological Psychology & Clinical Psychology

Future thinking in non-clinical depression: the relevance of personal goals ..............................................HU Zhiguo; CHEN Jing; WU Huijun; Georg Northoff (70)

The role of right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex on social emotional regulation in subclinical depression: An tDCS study..............................................ZHANG Dandan; LIU Zhenli; CHEN Yu; MAI Xiaoqin (214)

Cue specificity of reconsolidation update mechanism in remote fear memories..............................................HU Jingchu; ZHANG Weixin; CHEN Xiaoting; WANG Wenqing; WANG Zijie; et al. (323)

Social support buffers acute psychological stress in individuals with high interdependent self-construal..............................................REN Xi; WANG Yan; HU Xiang; YANG Juan (505)

Brain spatio-temporal dynamics of understanding kind versus hostile intentions based on dyadic body movements..............................................HUANG Liang; YANG Xue; HUANG Zhihua; WANG Yiwen (570)

Neural mechanisms of third-party punishment: Evidence from transcranial direct current stimulation..............................................YIN Xile; LI Jianbiao; CHEN Siyu; LIU Xiaoli; HAO Jie (582)

Emotional regulation goals of young adults with depression inclination: An event-related potential study..............................................LI Hong; YANG Xiaoguang; ZHENG Wenyu; WANG Chao (647)

HRV evidence for the improvement of emotion regulation in university students with depression tendency by working memory training..............................................PENG Wanqing; LUO Wei; ZHOU Renlai (660)

Mechanisms of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A meta-analytic structural equation model..............................................REN Zhihong; ZHAO Chunxiao; BIAN Cheng; ZHU; Wenzhen; JIANG Guangrong; ZHU Zhuohong (675)

Role of the human mirror system in automatic processing of musical emotion: Evidence from..............................................EEG ZHAO Huaiyang; JIANG Jun; ZHOU Linshu; JIANG Cunmei (804)

Neural mechanisms of fairness formation in the perspective of social interactions..............................................ZHANG Ruqian; LIU Jieqiong; LI Xianchun (1016)

Characteristics and significance of binocular point of regard in children with autism having normal vision..............................................GAO Shihuan; CHEN Shunsen; SU Yanjie; LIN Caiyun (1027)

The influence of dopaminergic genetic variants and maternal parenting on adolescent depressive symptoms: A multilocus genetic study..............................................CAO Yanmiao; ZHANG Wenxin (1115)

Classification of test-anxious individuals using Event-Related Potentials (ERPs): The effectiveness of machine learning algorithms..............................................ZHANG Wenpei; SHEN Qunlun; SONG Jintao; ZHOU Renlai (1126)

4 Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Authoritarian-benevolent leadership, active implementation and job performance: An investigation on the effectiveness of ambidextrous leadership in the Chinese context..............................................HOU Nan; PENG Jian (127)

Hostile retaliation or identity motivation? The mechanisms of how newcomers’ role organizational socialization affects their workplace ostracism..............................................WANG Haibo; YAN Ming; WU Haibo; LI Jinrong; WANG Xiaohui (140)

The shape-gender implicit association and its impact on consumer preference for product shapes..............................................DING Ying; PANG Jun; WANG Yansu (226)

Benefits and costs of servant leadership behavior: A work-home resource model perspective..............................................KANG Yongjun; PENG Jian (237)

Linking abusive supervision with employee creativity: The roles of psychological contract breach and Zhongyong thinking style..............................................SHEN Yimo; MA Chenlu; BAI Xinwen; ZHU Yanhan; LU Yunlin; ZHANG Qinglin; LIU Jun (247)

Take precautions: Impact of informal information before organizational change on employee resistance to change..............................................DU Jing; CUI Yumeng (258)

Eliminating the negative impact of subgroups by exchanging members in the subgroups.............................................. NI Xudong; JI Baile (268)

Daily negative affect and emotional labor strategies..............................................FANG Yanran; WEI Wei; LUO Ping; LIU Xiaodong; SHI Junqi; ZHAN Yujie (364)

Does power hierarchy benefit or hurt team performance? The roles of hierarchical consistency and power struggle..............................................JI Hao; XIE Xiao-Yun; XIAO Yong-Ping; GAN Xiao-Le; FENG Wen (381)

Does mobile shopping make fast decisions? The role of contextual factors and thinking style..............................................HUANG Minxue; WANG Wei (623)

Quality or price? The effect of stock-out middle option on consumer choices..............................................YAO Qing; CHEN Rong (635)

Collective psychological ownership, status conferral criteria and team creativity..............................................WEI Lihua; LIU Zhiqiang; LIAO Shudi; LONG Lirong; LIAO Jianqiao (687)

Conformity effect of the evaluation of creative products..............................................ZHANG Hong; REN jingyuan; LIU Chenyang; LUO Jing (698)

When will consumers choose brands associated with dissociative groups?.............................................. YANG Defeng; JIANG Xia; SONG Qianwen (712)

Power disparity and team conflict: The roles of procedural Justice and legitimacy..............................................ZHU Yue; XIE Jiangpei; JIN Yanghua; SHI Junqi (839)

Do numbers have shape? The matching effect between precise numerical information and brand logo shape..............................................YANG Chen; CHEN Zeng-Xiang (855)

Does nostalgic advertising contribute to the spread of a brand’s word of mouth? An emotional two-dimensional perspective..............................................LIAO Yichen; XU Chuanzhe; GONG Xuan (957)

The divergent effects of work stress on constructive voice and defensive voice: A cross-level of moderated mediation model..............................................LU Hong-Xu; ZHOU Fan; WU Ting; YAN Jin; SHAO Yan; LIU Yan-Bin (1384)

5 Personality & Social Psychology

Enjoy the present or wait for the future? Effects of individuals’ view of time on intertemporal choice..............................................XU Lan; CHEN Quan; CUI Nan; LU Kaili (105)

The influence of embodied implicit power on fair decision making..............................................LI Xiao-dan; DING Dao-qun; YE Hao-sheng (115)

Similarity in processes of risky choice and intertemporal choice: The case of certainty effect and immediacy effect ..............................................ZHOU Lei; LI Ai-Mei; ZHANG Lei; LI Shu; LIANG Zhu-Yuan (352)

Are we truly irrational and almost impossible to educate? Analyzing the scientific evidence behind libertine paternalism ..............................................Gerd GIGERENZER; LUAN Shenghua; LIU Yongfang (406)

Using behavioral economics to cope with uncertainty: Expand the scope of effective nudging..............................................Xiao Tian WANG (414)

The backfire effect of default amounts on donation behavior in online donation platform ..............................................FAN Yafeng; JIANG Jing; CUI Wenquan (426)

Effect of childbearing deadline on women’s wanted fertility..............................................XING Cai; MENG Yuqi; LIN Qingqing; QIN Ziyu (436)

Accept or reject?The nudge effect of response options on making a balanced choice between enhancement and enrichment classes·..............................................LIU Jun; ZHANG Zhen; SUN Yan; HAN Bu-Xin; LU Qin; LIU Ping-Ping (448)

The influence of hypothetical and real money rewards on the risky decision-making of the abstinent heroin user .............................................. YANG Ling; WANG Binqiang; GEN Yinfeng; YAO Dongwei; CAO Hua; ZHANG Jianxun; et al. (516)

The influence of moral relativism and disgust on moral intuitive judgment ..............................................GENG Xiaowei; FANG Jinru; HAN Yanfang; LI Zhongquan; ZHAO Mi; YANG Ye (525)

The effects of different power relations on negation bias of negative descriptions ..............................................LI Ting; WEI Xiaoping; ZHENG Zixin; YI Xiangjie; ZHAO Xueru; HE Xianyou (723)

Quantum decision-making model based on equate-to-differentiate method: Explanation for the disjunction effect in prisoner’s dilemma..............................................XIN Xiaoyang; LI Ying; BI Yanling; YAN Bihua (732)

Fairness or benefit? The effect of power on distributive fairness .............................................. SUN Qian; LONG Changquan; WANG Xiuxin; LIU Yongfang (968)

Good and evil in Chinese culture: Personality structure and connotation ..............................................JIAO Liying; YANG Ying; XU Yan; GAO Shuqing; ZHANG Heyun (1142)

The behavioral patterns of stereotype activation among four different warmth-competence social groups based on Stereotype Content Model.............................................. YANG Yaping; XU Qiang; ZHU Tingting; ZHENG Xutao; DONG Xiaoye; CHEN Qingwei (1155)

Cognitive control strategies from the perspective of perceptual conflict: An example of stereotyped information and counterstereotyped information·..............................................CUI Yichen; WANG Pei; CUI Yajuan (1168)

Effect and underlying mechanism of refutation texts on the trust and moral judgment of patients .............................................. LYU Xiaokang; FU Chunye; WANG Xinjian (1185)

Do more contacts bring stronger contact intention? It depends on valence and efficacy ..............................................HUANG Fei; WANG Changcheng; SHI Kuankuan; HALIKE Ababaikere; LI Linpeng (1268)

The effect of cognitive vagueness and motivation on conscious and unconscious self-deception ..............................................ZHONG Luojin; RU Taotao; FAN Meng; MO Lei (1340)

Adaptive time management: The effects of death awareness on time perception and intertemporal choice .............................................. WANG Peng; WANG Xiaotian; GAO Juan; LI Xialan; XU Jing (1349)

The impact of congruency between moral appeal and social perception on charitable donation ..............................................CHEN Siyun; WEI Haiying; MENG Lu (1362)

The influence of advice-seeker’s gaze direction on advisor’s advice-giving ..............................................DUAN Jinyun; SHI Bei; WANG Xiaotian (1373)

6 Psychological Statistics & Psychometrics

A general simulation comparison of the predictive validity between bifactor and high-order factor models .............................................. WEN Zhonglin; TANG Dandan; GU Honglei (391)

Using a multi-order cognitive diagnosis model to assess scientific literacy..............................................ZHAN Peida; YU Zhaohui; LI Feiming; WANG Lijun (745)

Make adaptive testing know examinees better: The item selection strategies based on recommender systems ..............................................· WANG Pujue; LIU Hongyun (1066)

7 Theory and History of Psychology

An “operational definition” and a “falsifiability criterion” are not sufficient to lay the foundation for scientific psychology.............................................. SHU Yueyu; SHI Yingbo; YUAN Yan (1078)

Enactive cognition: Theoretical rationale and practical approach.............................................. YE Haosheng; ZENG Hong; YANG Wendeng (1280)

An analysis on Sun Yat-sen's thought of mind construction and its practical significance ..............................................WANG Jing; HUO Yongquan; SONG Peipei; ZHANG Xinyi; YANG Shuangjiao; BAI Yang (1290)
