
2019-12-14 06:12:34
哲学分析 2019年5期

·Philosophical Issues

4 An Ethical Examination of Human Enhancement Technology XU Xiangdong

30 Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Ethics of World-Making WANG Tianen

41 Ethical Meaning, Constructive Analysis of Human-Machine Hybrid Agent and Its Inspirations WU Sang

·Philosophical Traditions

53 Translation-Elucidation and Yan Fu’s Creating Tianyan Lun:An Aspect of the Generation of Modern Chinese Thought LIU Liangjian

66 Husserl’s Program of Pure Logic and Its Significances:On the Philosophy of Logic in the First Volume of Logical Investigations QIAN Liqing

81 Can the Theory of Material Induction Resolve the Hume Problem? LI Shuai

·Philosophical Reflection on Modern Life

93 Why Equality: Kant, Rawls and Amartya Sen XUE Danni

103 How Confucian Justice Theory to Be Possible? QUAN Linqiang

·Philosophical Understanding of Science and Technology

114 Truth: A Traditional Debate Reviewed Crispin Wright

139 Psychologism: From a Perspective of Belief Revision CAO Qingchun

·Interviews and Book Reviews

153 Changing Mind Habits in the Age of Artificial Intelligence:An Interview of Professor Qian Xuhong HUANG Shijing CHENG Sumei

164 The Reflective Equilibrium Between Analytical Philosophy and Phenomenology:An Interview of Professor Dagfinn F llesdal Dagfinn Fllesdal LIU Jingxian LI Lin

178 Contemporary Chinese Philosophy Creation from the Perspective of“ General Philosophy”:A Review of Doing Philosophy, Some Thoughts on Methodology ZHANG Li-en

187 Deep Plough of Yangming’s Philosophy:A Review of Professor Chen Lisheng’s New Book SUN Haiyan