
2019-12-14 07:25杨艳ArticlePictureJournalistYangYan
重庆与世界 2019年11期

文 图/本刊记者 杨艳 Article/Picture Journalist Yang Yan



10月31日上午,在团结村中心站,随着三声汽笛长鸣,由重庆市政府口岸物流办组织的中欧班列(重庆)—中东欧国家班列顺利发车。此次发车仪式由渝新欧公司承办,罗马尼亚外交部国务秘书莫妮卡·多丽娜·格奥尔基策(Monica Dorina Gheorghita),黑山副总理顾问瓦特罗斯拉夫·贝兰(Vatroslav Belan),塞尔维亚总统特使、外交部公参玛娅·斯特法诺维奇(Maja Stefanovic),北马其顿外交部大使瓦西莱·安东诺斯基(Vasile Antonoski),拉脱维亚外交部总司长尤瑞斯·斯塔尔梅斯塔斯(Juris Stalmeistars),匈牙利驻重庆总领事罗澜(Lorand Diossi),捷克驻成都总领事卡雷尔·史诺(Karel Srol),波兰驻成都副领事爱嘉塔(Agata Pienkosz),拉脱维亚外交部一秘安德列斯·卡塞夫斯基斯(Andzejs Kasevskis),罗马尼亚外交部主管官员克里斯蒂娜·鲁克桑德拉·齐瓦克内丽娅(Cristina-Ruxandra Ciocanelea)等10位中东欧国家代表,以及中国外交部中国—中东欧国家合作事务特别代表霍玉珍,重庆市政府外办副主任王雯及沙坪坝区政府相关领导出席了活动。




下一步,中欧班列(重庆)将以高质量发 展为目标,不断提升 服务质量,提供新 的服务产品,在夯实 现有开行线路的基础 上,进一步开拓中东 欧地区市场,加强 站点布局,不断强化 对中东欧国家的覆盖 面,同时,拟在匈牙 利布达佩斯、波兰 波兹南等中东欧地区 进行前期调研,计划 建设海外集结仓。




At the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a delegation of coordinators from Central and Eastern European countries visited Chongqing from October 29 to November 1. During their stay in Chongqing, the delegation investigated Chongqing International Logistics Hub Park, visited Chongqing international logistics hub exhibition hall, and attended the departure ceremony of the China Railway Express freight train from Chongqing to CEE Countries.

On the morning of October 31 at the Tuanjiecun Central Station, three train whistles signaled the smooth start-off of the China Railway Express freight train from Chongqing to CEE Countries, which is organized by the Port and Logistics Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government. The departure ceremony was hosted by YUXINOU (ChongQing) Logistics Co.,LTD and attended by ten representatives from CEE countries including Monica Dorina Gheorghita, Romanian Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Vatroslav Belan, Adviser to the Montenegrin Deputy Prime Minister; Maja Stefanovic, Special Envoy of Serbian President and Minister-Counselor of Serbian Foreign Ministry; Vasile Antonoski, Ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia; Juris Stalmeistars, General Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia; Lorand Diossi, Consul General of Hungary in Chongqing; Karel Srol, Consul General of Czech Republic in Chengdu; Agata Pienkosz, Polish Deputy Consul in Chengdu; Andzejs Kasevskis; First Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia; Cristina-Ruxandra Ciocanelea, senior official of Romanian Foreign Ministry, as well as Huo Yuzhen, Special Representative of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs for China-Central and Eastern European Countries Cooperation; Wang Wen, Deputy Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, and relevant officials of Shapingba District Government.

考察重庆海扶医疗科技公司。 图片/市政府外办提供

The delegation learned in detail about Chongqing's accelerated endeavor to build itself as an opening-up highland in inland China. According to the on-spot narrator, as the starting point of the New Land-Sea Corridor, Chongqing international logistics hub serves as a critical vehicle for the city to connect the world as an important international logistics hub in inland China and transfer the Belt and Road Initiative into real practice with tangible outcomes. And among all the China-Europe Railway Express routes, trains between Chongqing and Europe is the earliest and most stable operation with the highest frequency and the largest value of goods transported, thus has become an important foundation and pillar for the Belt and Road Initiative and the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

China Europe Railway Express (Chongqing) starts from Tuanjiecun in Chongqing, leaves the country via Alashankou in Xinjiang, and eventually reaches Poznan in Poland, covering a total distance of more than 10,000 kilometers. The trains are mainly loaded with auto parts, machinery and equipment, notebook computers and other products. The CEE countries have always been important partners of Chongqing’s international economic, trade and cultural exchanges. Since its opening, China Europe Railway Express (Chongqing) has further strengthened Chongqing's cooperation with the CEE countries in the field of economic, trade and logistics. Through direct lines and distribution sites, it can cover most of the Central and Eastern European countries including Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic, and has also laid a solid foundation for friendly exchanges between Chongqing and CEE countries. At present, China Europe Railway Express (Chongqing) has run a total of more than 4,400 trips, with 1,300 trips made this year, leading the China Europe Railway Express with top-ranking indicators. The smooth operation of this train has further consolidated the radiation capability of China Europe Railway Express (Chongqing) in Central and Eastern Europe.

At present, China Europe Railway Express is the flagship project of the Belt and Road and it offers the most direct path for all countries to understand and participate in the Belt and Road cooperation. It is praised as the “Steel Camel Fleet” on the Belt and Road. In particular, China Europe Railway Express (Chongqing), as the most pioneering and influential brand among all the Railways, is a proud example of Chongqing to practice the Belt and Road Initiative.

In the next stage, China Europe Railway Express (Chongqing) will take high-quality development as its goal by continuously improving service quality and providing new services. On the basis of consolidating the existing service lines, it will further develop the CEE market by establishing more distribution sites and expanding its accessibility in CEE countries. At the same time, it plans to conduct preliminary research about the establishment of warehouses in Budapest (Hungary), Poznan (Poland) and other CEE cities.

During their stay in Chongqing, the delegation also visited Chongqing Haifu Medical, Jinkang NEV, Haizhuang Windpower, Chongqing Digital Economic Development Exhibition Center and Chongqing Planning Exhibition Hall. Through the visits, they gained a detailed understanding in Chongqing's advantages and international cooperation in such industries as innovative diagnosis and treatment technology, R&D and application of digital intelligent technology, R&D and manufacturing of new energy vehicles, railsea multimodal transport, clean energy, etc. Besides, they also had in-depth discussions with different parties on future cooperation and reached a series of cooperation intents.

Members of the delegation sincerely applauded the great achievements and potential in Chongqing's economic and social development. They believed Chongqing, as a place with outstanding geographical advantages and strong industrial foundation, building on its frequent business and cultural exchanges with CEE countries, shall have great prospects for further cooperation. Many of them expressed the plan to strengthen contacts with Chongqing and to promote practical cooperation in various fields.

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