Kristen Fisher 笪景行
The power of saying no can be simply life-changing. Whether you are a believer in this concept or not, it depends on the situations youve been involved in. For instance, some people who have been subjected to situations where they feel uncomfortable may have felt pressured to say “yes” in the first place. Sadly, this is become more common, although, more light is being shed on the “if I feel like staying home, then I will” with the Millennial2 generation.
If you were to type into your search engine “saying no”, youll uncover around 5,360,000,000 results. Nearly all revolve around “gently saying no”. Its not that the human species doesnt want to interact (it may feel like that at times) but it comes down to “wanting to impress and pressure”. This happens in forms of peer pressure, family pressure, friends, etc. Eventually, the majority of us fit into the “people pleaser” category, we hate letting anyone down and intend on being the one friend/family/work member who is reliable enough to cover any function or need.
Why do we feel the need to be a “people pleaser”
The psychology from being a “people pleaser” can stem from childhood or recent developments in your life. Lets take a look at the most possible attributes3:
·Noticing a friend who ends up receiving more recognition for being “overly reliable”.
·Suddenly having the feeling that if you dont say “yes” to something you may miss the opportunity.
How to say no
Essentially by applying “no” to certain areas of your life create healthy boundaries. Setting the right boundaries in your relationships can lead to a healthier life and even lifestyle.
Some may be joking around when they say “Oh, you are just being a buzz kill” or “stop being a Debbie Downer”. This can ultimately paint a depressive portrait4 in our own minds. Do not feel bad for saying no. Whether you have prior commitments, do not allow another to force you towards a negative self-image.
Once you understand the power of saying no, building healthy boundaries, and understanding when to say yes...there will be fewer limitations.
Stand up for yourself and embrace how “no” can change your life for the better.