Defence Technology

2019-12-05 22:23:39
Defence Technology 2019年4期

Aims and Scope

Defence Technology (ISSN 2214-9147(O); 2096-3459(P)), sponsored by China Ordnance Society, is published quarterly and aims to become one of the well-known comprehensive journals in the world, which reports on the breakthroughs in defence technology by building up an international academic exchange platform for the defence technology related research. It publishes original research papers having direct bearing on defence, with a balanced coverage on analytical, experimental, numerical simulation and applied investigations.It covers various disciplines of science, technology and engineering.


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Copyright © 2019, China Ordnance Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Peer review under responsibility of China Ordnance Society.

Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology

Sponsor: China Ordnance Society

Editor and Publisher: Editorial Board of Defence Technology (P.O.Box 2431, Beijing 100089, China)

Tel: 86-10-68964830

Fax: 86-10-68964830

Web Site:

Executive Editor: Ying LI; Xin MA

Subscription(Single copy, including postage): RMB ¥50.00 US$50.00

Order: Xin MA, Email:

Distribution Code :80-384(domestic);Q1917(international)


Serial parameters: CN 10-1165/TJ*2005*b*A4*208*en*P¥50.0*1000*15*2019-4