
2019-11-27 12:24
疯狂英语·新读写 2019年12期



Step 2 实践·文本解读


Ⅰ.①in favor②broader appeal③exercise brain④mellow you out⑤occupy spare timeⅡ.

1.Many schools have adopted a policy requiring high school students to take at least one art class.People's opinions vary from person to person,with some in favor of it,while others against.2.①To show the usefulness of art classes.②Making/Giving examples

Step 3 运用·读写整合1.Students at Tsinghua University have been told that they must have the ability to swim before they graduate,which sparks off a fierce debate on China's social media.2.①in favor②survival skill③physical fitness④social atmosphere

3.From my standpoint,the decision can never be praised enough.In other words,I'm in favor of it.

Firstly,regarded as a key survival skill,swimming plays an important role when we are in the face of drowning,thus saving not only ourselves but also other people.Secondly,due to the fact that many students ignore exercise during the time at university,making swimming compulsory is a must.It is the regular exercise that can help improve physical fitness,so that students perform better in their academic study with a stronger body.What's more,with distinguished universities like Tsinghua taking the lead,more universities will follow suit to attach importance to students'all-round development,thus creating a social atmosphere where working out becomes a routine.


Reading Check

1.college 2.cheesecake 3.recipe 4.them 5.continue

Language Study

1.stressed out2.gives back to;seeking to


Reading Check

1.A 2.C 3.D 4.F 5.G

Language Study

The program aimed at helping children to build up confidence is very popular with parents and their children.



Ⅰ.1.B 2.A 3.C

Ⅱ.1.A 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A


Reading Check

1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D

Language Study

failed to;be absent from


Reading Check

1.B 2.D

Language Study

1.in which 2.acting on


Reading Check

1.A laptop,a projector and a canvas screen.

2.In 1921.

3.①In a year's time,there won't be a kid in Rojava who hasn't been to the cinema.

②The mobile cinema's objective is also to screen films linked to protecting the environment and personal freedoms.

4.A wild horse captured by humans who dreamsofbreakingfreeandreturning to his herd.

5.Because theyhaven'tbeen to the cinema for decades.

6.To open a movie theater at a fixed location after the war ends.Language Study

1.wait to 2.depend on


Reading Check

1.C 2.B 3.A

Language Study

1.had visited 2.taking;trying to


Reading Check

1.D 2.C 3.A

Language Study

1.that 2.was inspired to


Reading Check

1.B 2.C

Language Study

Upon seeing his father,he told him the exciting news.


Reading Check

1.B 2.C 3.A

Language Study

1.were broken down 2.hit their targets


Reading Check

Maybe it was eaten by the big cat.

Language Study

1.for;permitted;to 2.it;who/that


Reading Check

1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C

Language Study



Reading Check

1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A

Language Study



Reading Check

1.Last summer.

2.It is made up of sensors and four artificial“muscles”.

3.Cat,tiger and seahorse.

4.No,it isn't.

5.It can help people with balance and muscle disorders.It could also be used to help steady elderly users,or to provide extra support for jobs that require lifting heavy objects.It has potential in the entertainment industry.

Language Study

1.attached to 2.making


Reading Check

1.C 2.D

Language Study

1.grown;spreading 2.led to


Reading Check

1.B 2.D

Language Study

1.whether 2.Although;ask for directions


Reading Check

1.B 2.B 3.A

Language Study

1.it;why 2.as well as




1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C


Ⅰ.1.adding 2.is 3.specifically 4.to 5.delighted


1.It is meaningless to force children to study.

2.Playing with fire is dangerous.



Critical thinking

Any answer is possible.





Dear Alice,

Hope everything goes well with you.Do you still stay up very late every night?I'm writing to share my ideas on how to live a healthy life.

First of all,I think it's a good idea to eat more fruits instead of snacks.Also,you need to get rid of the habit of drinking cola.Why not drink more water?Besides,if you spend less time on your smart phone,you can have more time to get together with friends.What's more,don't you think doing sports often can make you look more energetic at the same time?

All in all,a healthy life style makes us healthy,wealthy and wise in the future.Hope you can follow my advice and make a change from now on.

Yours,Li Hua



Exercise and food are both important to us

Nowadays more and more people realize that a healthy lifestyle is very important.Some people believe that healthy food and drink is more necessary,just like the old proverb goes—An apple a day keeps the doctor away.However,other people believe that an hour walking a day keeps the doctor away.

I think healthy living habits are very important for us.In current society,people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habits.Healthy living style includes two sides:we should eat plenty of fruits,vegetables and drink lots of fresh water.Besides,doing exercise is essential.It brings us health as well as relaxation and pleasure.In short, healthy living habits bring many benefits,although sometimes you even do not realize.Remember food and exercise are both important to us.



Task 1

1.A 细节题。根据第三款app介绍中的最后两句可知,如果你经常使用Campus Special,你可以得到更多的奖励,这些奖励可以补偿你在当地商场的消费,意味着你会花更少的钱。

2.A 细节题。根据第三款app的第一句可知答案选A。

3.B 细节题。根据第四款app介绍中的in searching for the nearest place to withdraw some cash,this app shall give you comfort in doing that可知,ATM Locator是一款自动取款机的定位软件,利用它你可以轻松地找到离你最近的ATM取款机。

Task 2

1.F 与上文语境中提到的“世界上最大的教育公司声称将向美国市场提供所有的数字化的图书”相呼应,此处选择F项“英国的皮尔逊公司提供教材,教辅材料以及测试”紧承上文。

2.C 与本段首句提到的“皮尔逊公司销售业绩在过去五年里,逐年下滑”相呼应,此处选择C项“但是现在好消息来了”呼应前文。

3.B 该空前语境中提到“皮尔逊公司会随时更新学业上的最新进展”,故此处选择B项“传统印刷的教材每3年才更新一次”符合语境。

4.G 本段的主旨是皮尔逊公司盈利的来源,此处选择G项“皮尔逊公司62%的收入来自数字产品及其服务”呼应该段主旨。

5.D 根据该段内容可知,本段主要讲述皮尔逊公司由于措施得当,在美国有了稳定的业绩增长,此处选择D项“数字化的举措同时降低了公司的成本”总领全段。

Task 3

1.C 作者和其他朋友一起长途跋涉去瞻仰一下自己即将就读(attend)的大学。

2.B 根据下文作者提到的想念家人可知,这里指作者感到孤立无援(alone)。

3.A 作者思念家人并且意识到(realize)如果来这里读书,就不能时常与家人见面了。

4.D 下文提到作者看到春季绿树成荫,秋季树叶色彩斑斓,故此处指的是作者走进森林(forest)的感受。

5.B 作者喜爱看着那些树叶在春天变幻出上千种不同的绿色(shade),到了秋天,它们又会变成红色、金色、橙色交融的小小海洋。

6.D 根据上文作者走进森林可知,这里指森林里面的数不尽的(countless)野花的香气。

7.C 而在爱荷华州,平(flat)原一览无余。

8.D 草木焦黑枯黄,作者只能闻到玉米、泥巴和猪身上的气味混合(mixture)的味道。

9.A 作者闭上眼睛,幻想着自己已经回到了家(home)中。

10.D 最后(finally),当作者再次睁开眼睛的时候。

11.B 根据语境可知,这里表示转折,然而(however)作者看到了一幕触及(touch)灵魂的画面:平原落日。

12.C 触及“touch”,符合语境。

13.B 铺天盖日,无边无涯。金色、红色、紫色和粉色的彩云相互交融(flow),组成一幅瑰丽的画卷。

14.A 如此浩瀚,作者不禁屏住了呼吸(breath)。

15.B 相比(comparison)之下,作者家乡那群山中的落日景观竟显得小气。

16.D 如此令人震撼,如此独一无二。作者也终于意识到,自己多么愚蠢,又多么怀有偏见(judgemental)。

17.A 这个地方,也有它独特的(special)美丽。

18.B 这里同样是大自然母亲的杰出作品(creation)。

19.C 我们每个人都有自己独特的天赋(talent)。

20.A 作者认为我们每个人都怀有美好而强大的爱,只有自己才能将它分享(share)出去。一、语法填空

Task 4

1.recently 考查副词。此处应该使用副词修饰动词introduced。

2.an 考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处应填不定冠词。

3.The 考查冠词。特指那个讨论组的负责人,故填定冠词The。

4.informed 考查时态。根据该段首句可知,这里是指发生在过去的事情,故用一般过去时。

5.have been awarded 考查时态和语态。根据下文的so far可知,此处应该使用现在完成时。

6.proud 考查形容词。由and可知,此处词性应与honored一致,故填proud。

7.is 考查系动词。宾语从句中主语是his goal,再根据前面的谓语动词says可知,此处用单数第三人称的一般式,故填is。

8.expressions 考查名词。面部表情比较丰富,接近人类,故将动词express变为名词的复数形式expressions。

9.or 考查并列连词。诸如生气、悲伤或失望,注意一次只可表现出一种情感,故用or而不可以用and。

10.to allow 考查非谓语动词。设计的意图是想让机器人能够与人一样进行有意义的感情交流,be intended后要求接动词不定式作主语补足语。二、书面表达


Dear Jim,

How's everything going?I'm LiHua,writing to invite you to attend a Chinese Kung Fu class held by our sports club.

Chinese Kung Fu enjoys great popularity in the world.It is usually popular among teenagers.Practicing Chinese Kung Fu can not only build up your strength,but also develop your character.You will become stronger and more confident.The class starts between 5:00 and 6:00 pm every Monday in our school gym next month.The closing date for entries is next Tuesday.Please let me know if you want to sign your name.

Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours,Li Hua



Critical Thinking

Any answer is possible.
