
2019-11-22 10:41麦克·贝茨陈利霞
文化交流 2019年10期

麦克·贝茨 陈利霞
















“My mother-in-law is from Wuliang Village, Liushi, Dongyang. In this sense, I am the son-in-law of Zhejiang Province, or more specifically, of Dongyang,” says Lord Bates , a Conservative member of the House of Lords and currently Privy Counselor. His Chinese wife, Xuelin Bates, is from Hangzhou. Xuelin Bates graduated from Zhejiang University, and has lived in the UK for three decades. ‘Walk for Peace” was initiated by Lord Michael Bates in 2011. He has walked 14208 miles through 25 countries with her wife who through the walks has raised ?900,000 for charities.

The couple launched their ‘Walk for Friendship 2019 in Hangzhou, on August 19. The plan was to cover 500km by walk from Hangzhou to Wenzhou within a month, and raise a fund for charities targeting children and disabled people in Zhejiang, with a documentary named  to be made in the process for more people to understand China and the culture of Zhejiang Province.

My head was spinning with the facts about pearls and socks, but when Deputy Mayor He Hongcheng declared that Zhuji was also the centre of basketball in China, I asked whether that meant that they made basketballs–no, they play basketball. Zhuji has 2,500 basketball courts. I suggested that we might have a few shots on a court the next day. Deputy Mayor He agreed and immediately got on the phone.

I hadnt played basketball since school but I had watched hundreds of games with my sons who were both good players–my eldest son Matt managed to achieve his dream of playing basketball at college in the United States and went on to be an assistant coach at San Angelo University in Texas.

Next day we turned up for the game–I was expecting a street court or a school court, but instead we had a vast 5,000-seat arena, which is the home court of the Zhuji Lions. On the court there were two full teams of remarkably athletic people going through their pre-match exercises. The deputy mayor came up to us carrying a package–In the package was a special basketball jersey for ‘Walk of Friendship with Number 15 printed on the back. The pressure mounted as Xuelin said to me “are you sure you know how to play?”

After watching me take a few practice shots one of the team members asked “How long since you last played?” I replied “Forty years.” He said “Wow! You havent played for four years?” “No. Forty,” I repeated. He looked in disbelief as I took another shot that fell short of the backboard. Before I knew it the game was on and our coach was giving us all enthusiastic last minute instructions in Chinese–it was just as well that I didnt understand as I could at least claim ignorance.

Once the game started the basketball was of a very high standard and my touches were limited to playing a kind of point guard role which I had watched my son Matt play many times and then getting it to my able team mates to try and keep us in the game. I was lucky in getting a couple of fowl decisions and managed to land a couple of my free throws to score some points which eased the embarrassment.

Every time we stopped Xuelin would rush out onto the court with paper towels to wipe the sweat off my face–it was like having your mum at the game dabbing your forehead when all you wanted to do was join your team mates and listen to the tactical team talk that I couldnt understand. Still there was lots of laughter and fun and that is what sport can bring. It also has a remarkable power to bond teams and competitors alike and that was why it was the perfect activity for a Walk of Friendship.

In the evening we had the treat of attending a local opera performance by the river in Zhuji. It was like an Oriental Edinburgh Fringe. Regional operas are a key part of Chinese culture and there is competition and pride in local versions. The version we were watching was Yueju Opera which is distinctive because the male roles are played by females. The costumes and make-up are stunning and the music, which I confess took some getting used to when I first heard it, is now very enjoyable.

What I loved about this performance was that it was locally produced and not the polished professional performances that command great audiences in the major concert halls. There was lots of shouting behind the curtain and impatient actresses telling the sound guys to get the right piece of music. In the midst of the opera sets there was a comedy sketch in which a women again played the role of an old peasant man who was wanting to find his way to the market and encountering young ladies on the way. There was lots of laughter and all ages were just enjoying the fun.

The final piece was the famous  by Cao Xueqin that is one of the classical story lines in local opera. Xuelin bought some water melon and she sat intensely following the words as she would have done as a child. The plot surrounds two wealthy and aristocratic families who live next door to each other. It is regarded as an autobiographical of Cao growing up in the Qing dynasty.

As Xuelin explained it to me as we made our way home I found myself thinking of by Jane Austin and the Bennet family and Mr Darcy. The themes of wealth, power, rivalry, forbidden love and heroism and loss are a staple of the arts from the Greek tragedies to Netflix box sets. They remind us of another way in which culture connects us all if only in our dreams.

The Unhappy Body不快乐的身体