陈金妹在捷克华人圈里小有名气,她是KK EUROPE 国际进出口有限公司董事长,也是捷克华人华侨妇女联合会会长,还兼任着欧洲华人华侨联合总会常务副主席、世界传统文化研究院捷克分院院长。
对于拉歌这件事,陈金妹特别上心。问了一圈周遭的朋友,尤其是旅捷华人华侨妇女联合会的姐妹们,大家几乎给了她统一的意见: “不但要唱,还要唱出自己的心声,唱出自己最好的水平。即便是唱不好,多多练习也能熟能生巧。”按照陈金妹的说法,在外的华人华侨们都是吃苦过来的,相比起在异乡谋生之艰难,唱歌就是一个最小最小的考验了。
经过十多年的发展,她的公司在捷克境内建立了30 多个批发站,为100 多个连锁超市提供商品,在东欧华人贸易界享有较高美誉度。“每个国家、每个时代都蕴藏着成功的机遇,而我们女子并不输于男子,只要肯拼搏、肯思考、不怕苦,我们女同胞也能在异国他乡走出一条成功的坦途。”
Chen Jinmei now lives in Prague, Czech. She is a native of Qingtian, a rural county in southern Zhejiang. People from Qingtian are a major part of some Chinese communities in Europe. In fact, Qingtian natives are now in 120 countries and territories across the world. In July 2019, Qingtian launched a campaign asking overseas Qingtian natives to sing songs in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. The county gave a list of 13 well-known songs. Participants could sing one of the songs and send the video back home. The organizers would decide who would be winners.
Chen is a prominent figure in the Chinese community in Prague. She operates an international trade business and plays a key part in the overseas Chinese community affairs in Prague and across Europe.
After learning about the singing event, she made an inquiry among her friends in general and among the members of the Overseas Chinese Women Federation of Czech. They all wanted to have a go at singing of their motherland. They picked from the list.
None of them had known much about singing, but they practiced hard, wishing to do their best, firmly believing that singing of their motherland was the best way to express their pride of Chinas successful modernization and express their wish for a better tomorrow. They got their singing videoed on a public square by the Vltava River in old downtown of Prague. It turned out that the video they sent back to Qingtian was the first contribution the organizers received after the singing competition was announced in July.
Born in 1963 and brought up in Wenxi Town with a population of 60,000, Chen worked as an accountant for a business in her younger years. In the early 1990s, people in Qingtian began to go abroad on a large scale. The 29-year-old Chen went alone to Germany where she worked in restaurants. In 1995, her husband came from China to join her. He stopped in Czech on his way to Germany. It was Czech that attracted his attention. He saw business opportunities in the Eastern European country where economy was undergoing restructuring. Chen came over to Czech to join her husband. “I saw familiarities in Czech I had experienced back home in our hometown. Market economy was taking off just like in China.” Chen and her husband did a thorough field study across Czech and made up their mind. In 1997, the couple set up KK Europe, a company engaged in international trade. Over a period of 10 plus years, the company set up 30 wholesale outlets across Czech, making itself into a major supplier to franchised 100 supermarkets.
Chen is a high-profile leader in the Chinese community in Czech. Since 2011, she has been serving as president of the Overseas Chinese Women Federation of Czech. The federation encourages Chinese women to merge into Czech society and love Czech meanwhile encourages them to love China, work hard and contribute to local economic and social development. The federation also helps women protect their legal rights and interests. Chen was instrumental in setting up an international school in Prague and setting up , a Chinese newspaper that serves the local Chinese community. She and her husband have invested in Qingtian since 2005. She is also an overseas ambassador of culture for Qingtian, promoting the Belt & Road Initiative and enhancing ties between Prague and Qingtian.