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10 月18 日上午,我们在龙湖源著一家名叫“香肠兄弟”的餐厅里见到了马丁(Martin)。
马丁今年27 岁,来自德国科隆,大学在英国念的金融。读书时,马丁和一位重庆姑娘认识后相爱。
虽然马丁在重庆已经有了3 家德国餐厅,但他却说自己对做饭和美食并不“感冒”。
早在2016 年的3 月,马丁便在解放碑王府井开了第一家“香肠兄弟”,“香肠兄弟的初衷是提供一个外国人与本地人互动交流的场所,用德国的方式享受德国的美食,体验德国的文化和生活。”
餐厅开起来后,马丁在这里结交了很多朋友,中文也是在那个时候和客人聊天练出来的。“当时店面很小,只有20 平方米左右。而且只有香肠和啤酒,很多人给我们提出建议,这两样太单一。和大多数人想象的西餐不一样,店里没有座位,因为在德国,大家喜欢直接站着吃香肠、喝啤酒。但中国人却很不习惯,他们更喜欢坐着吃东西。”
01 在店面装修上,马丁特地选了更年轻化、更开放式的设计风格
02 香肠兄弟的招牌菜品
03 特色菜是香肠、猪肘
04 马丁与大厨合影
马丁在开店的时候发现,来餐厅就餐的人群普遍是两三个人。于是,他专门在美团和大众点评上做了2-3 人的团购套餐。
“Sausage Brothers” and Martin
◇ Article | Reporter Hu Ting Figures | You Yu
05 在重庆电视台参加美食节目
In the morning of October 18, we met Martin at a restaurant called "Sausage Brothers" in Longhuyuanzhu.
With the height of 1.94 meters, blond hair and whiskers, and pronounced facial features, Martin stood out in the crowd.
Martin is now 27 years old. He comes from Cologne, Germany and has studied finance in the UK. At college, Martin met a Chongqing girl and quickly fell in love with her.
Five years ago, Martin and his girlfriend came to Chongqing after graduation, then got married, had children and started a business, starting his own new life in Chongqing.
Martin is Sausage Brothers' owner.
During the chitchat, as soon as Martin saw a guest coming, he took the menu and recommended specialties in Chinese as a waiter, "Hello, our specialties are sausage and pork leg, which are the most ordered." We also offer packages. You can order on Meituan or Dianping.com."
First-time guests who don't expect Martin to speak Chinese so fluently would often stare at Martin in amazement.
--Why is your Chinese so good?
--I studied at a very good university.
--Which university?
--The society.
Such humorous answer made the customers giggle.
Although Martin already owns three German restaurants in Chongqing, he said he is
06 马丁为客人送上啤酒
FACES OF EXPATS not interested in cooking and food.
Why did you open western restaurants in Chongqing if you don't like cooking and food?
Martin replied somewhat shyly, "I can't cook, but I enjoy talking to people. A restaurant is a great place to talk."
As early as March 2016, Martin opened the first "Sausage Brothers" in Wangfujing of Jiefangbei. "The original intention of the Sausage Brothers was to provide a place for foreigners to interact with locals, enjoy German cuisine in a German way, and experience German culture and life."
When the restaurant opened, Martin made a lot of friends here, and it was at that time that he learned Chinese by chatting with his guests. "At that time the shop was very small, only about 20 square meters, and only sausage and beer were served. So, many guests suggested that more dishes could be added to the menu. Unlike most people's impression of a western restaurant, there are no seats here, because in Germany people usually eat sausage and drink beer standing up. But Chinese people are not used to eating while standing up. They prefer sitting while eating."
Martin's restaurant was closed last year when Wangfujing announced its withdrawal from the Jiefangbei business district.
With his first restaurant experience, Martin began to think seriously about starting a business. "After all, I'm German, and I'm serious about doing things."
In order to do a good job of "Sausage Brothers", he did a detailed market research.
"In the past, there were some high-end western restaurants in Jiefangbei, but they all failed because people in Chongqing were slow to accept western food. In addition, the highend western food is generally pricy," Martin told us of his initial market research findings. "Our restaurant is aimed at younger groups and the majority of people."
For this reason, Martin chose a younger, more open interior style in his restaurant. "For example, the entrance of the restaurant is open and there is no door, so guests can see the inside of the restaurant directly from the outside." The kitchen also adopted an open design. The overall design of the restaurant is relatively simple, inside are wooden tables, with a mild tone of lighting. It also incorporates German elements, such as old photos of German castles and streets on the walls."
"Since the positioning of our restaurant is the mass market, the food should not be too expensive. However, considering that the portion of food should be guaranteed to satisfy the guests, the price should not be too cheap. Besides sausage and beer, we now offer pork legs, ribs, pasta, desserts and other traditional western food." Martin said.
"90 percent of the guests in our restaurant are Chongqing natives, many of whom have become our regular customers. "So far, Martin's three restaurants have been very running successfully, and he is already planning to open two more.
07 圣诞节,餐厅还会举办主题活动
In running the restaurant, Martin noticed that most of the time, two or three people come together. So he made a group-buying package for 2 to 3 people on Meituan and Dianping.com.
"We adjust the menu according to the season, and as winter approaches we offer stronger stout instead of bright beer, and carrot soup instead of pumpkin soup. For Christmas, we will also offer a traditional Christmas red wine from Germany, which is warm." Martin said.
Martin often checks suggestions from customers on Meituan and Dianping.com on his phone, as well as their comments on dishes and restaurant.
Last year, his restaurant was named "five-star merchant" by Dianping.com.
Usually, Martin would stay in his restaurant to chat with customers and listen to their opinions, then make some improvements. "German sausage, for example, has a salty taste, so it needs to be eaten with sauerkraut to make it tasted not too salty. But many people in Chongqing are still not used to the salty taste, so I asked the factory to put less salt."
Another thing Martin said was that he used a paste that tasted like toothpaste when he roasted ribs. Foreigners liked it, but most Chinese didn't, so he stopped using it.
"My future plan is to develop my restaurants into a chain brand, setting up my own business base in Chongqing, the mountain city." Martin said with a smile.