
2019-11-17 20:11小松道彦
重庆与世界 2019年5期

□ 文/小松道彦


“ I love Chongqing! What a lovely city!” Michihiko Komatsu,who was appointed as Consul General of the Republic of Japan in Chongqing from September 2017 to March 2019,wrote this sentence in his last diary before leaving office.During his tenure,the Consulate General of Japan in Chongqing actively conducted various exchanges for better mutual understanding and friendly relations between Japan and Southwest China.Komatsu wrote some words,called theDiary of Chongqing,the Foggy Cityto record his life.We select his dairy to enable readers to experience Komatsu's Chongqing time that gave him unforgettable memory.

2017年9月2日 星期六




Saturday,September 2,2017

Chongqing Impression

This is my third visit to Chongqing.The first time I came here was more than 20 years ago,when I just passed by the city.After taking a boat trip to the Three Gorges,I took a flight from Chongqing back home.At that time,the city was a bit backward.In recent years,however,Chongqing has been developing at an alarming rate,with high-rise buildings and developed transportation.But when it comes to beautiful night scene,the tales do the city no justice.

It is the Japanese barbecue that my colleagues took me to eat in the evening that give me a great surprise.I cannot believe that Chongqing actually has such a delicious Japanese restaurant.Located at the 26th floor of the Marriott Hotel,the Consul General is very comfortable.The hotel’s staff are very hospitable.Although I have heard that Chongqing people have a straightforward character and a hot temper,I don’t think so.Instead,they are gentle,energetic,modest and quality,with these quality shared by Cantonese I used to get along with.Both of them are intelligent and hardworking southerners.

2017年11月7日 星期二




Tuesday,November 7,2017

Chongqing Hot Pot and Noodles

It is a must-have to eat spicy food in Chongqing.In order to integrate into the local life as soon as possible,I am determined to train myself to eat spicy food.Today I finally take the courage to walk into a special hot pot restaurant.With the rolling of the red oil soup,my “uphill battle” against hot pot begins.It is when I take a bite that I am impressed by the charm of Chongqing hot pot,which has a welldeserved reputation.It is so hot that my tears and nose flow together.Perhaps,I have to try more in the future.

Compared to hot pot,Chongqing small noodle tastes milder,and I like it very much.I found a small noodle shop,where I fell in love with Dan Dan noodle.There is also a kind of pasta called Chao Shou,which is bigger than the wontons.It’s OK if you don’t put the pepper in it.Since I am tired of the hotel’s buffet,I’d like to try something different.And it is so delicious that I can two bowls of Dan Dan noodle and Chao Shou.

2018年9月2日 星期日





Sunday,September 2,2018

Lovely Chongqing People

How time flies.A year went in a blink of an eye.Today marks the 1st anniversary of my working in Chongqing.I am very pleased to be able to work in this city.As the Consul General of the Japan in Chongqing,I have enjoyed a very fulfilling time.I have made more and more friends in Chongqing.Their excellent quality,such as simplicity,enthusiasm and hard work,has deeply influenced me.Gradually,I fell in love with the city and the people.When night falls,I will indulge myself in the beautiful night of the city.

Today,when having dinner with friends from Shanghai at noon,we exchanged a lot.She believes that development level of a city may determine the complexity of interpersonal relationships.As Chongqing is not as well-developed as the coastal areas,interpersonal relationships are not so complicated.Perhaps because of this,Chongqing people are simple,forthright and straightforward.She also said in the coastal areas are characterized by high labor and land prices,fierce competition,saturated development.Therefore,it is a defining trend to seek development in inland cities.

I told her that Chongqing is the fourth municipality after Beijing,Shanghai and Tianjin.With a long history of more than 3,000 years,it is an extremely important city,building itself as the center of politics,economy and culture in southwest China.There are many opportunities,and at the same time,many challenges.Compared with the coastal areas,the inland areas are relatively far from Japan.Therefore,the Japanese are not familiar with Chongqing.In response,we need to convey the potential and advantages of Chongqing to Japan.I am very lucky to be able to work in Chongqing during high speed development period of southwest China.
