
2019-11-14 10:13何新泽林书卿杨涛王成刚李芹于立志孙金占王培
中国当代医药 2019年25期

何新泽 林书卿 杨涛 王成刚 李芹 于立志 孙金占 王培

[摘要]目的 探讨大鼠脑损伤联合他克莫司促进坐骨神经再生的效果。方法 选取180只SD大鼠,随机分为4组,每组各45只,按照颅脑损伤模型(Feeney法)和坐骨神经损伤模型(Sunderland V型)造模,A1组:颅脑损伤合并坐骨神经损伤联合应用他克莫司;A2组:颅脑损伤合并坐骨神经损伤联合应用生理盐水;B1组:单纯坐骨神经损伤联合应用他克莫司;B2组:单纯坐骨神经损伤联合应用生理盐水。造模后第4、8、12周,测定坐骨神经指数(SFI)、腓肠肌恢复率,进行神经组织Masson染色;造模后第8、12周观察脊髓神经元辣根过氧化物(HRP)的逆行示踪标记。结果 造模后第4周,A1组与A2组、B1组与B2组的SFI比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);造模后第4周,A1、A2组的SFI均优于B1、B2组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);造模后第8、12周,A2组与B1组的SFI比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);造模后第8、12周,A1组的SFI优于A2、B1、B2组,A2、B1组的SFI均优于B2组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);4周后,各组大鼠的SFI逐渐升高(P<0.01)。造模后第4周,A2、B1、B2组的腓肠肌恢复率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);A1组造模后第4周的腓肠肌恢复率高于A2、B1、B2组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);造模后第8、12周,A1、A2、B1组的腓肠肌恢复率均明显高于B2组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);造模后第8、12周,A1组与A2组的腓肠肌恢复率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);A1、A2组造模后第8周的腓肠肌恢复率均高于B1组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);造模后第12周,A1组的腓肠肌恢复率高于B1组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);A2組与B1组造模后第12周的腓肠肌恢复率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);4周后,各组大鼠的腓肠肌恢复率逐渐升高(P<0.01)。Masson染色观察造模后第12周A1组胶原纤维均匀分布,并呈波浪形随神经纤维排列,A2、B1组可见绿染与红染分布均匀,B2组可见大量胶原纤维,少量再生的轴突。造模后第8周,A1组的HRP标记阳性率高于A2、B1、B2组,A2组的HRP标记阳性率高于B1、B2组,B1组的HRP标记阳性率高于B2组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);造模后第12周,A1组的HRP标记阳性率高于A2、B1、B2组,A2、B1组的HRP标记阳性率均高于B2组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);A2组造模后第12周的HRP标记阳性率与B1组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 脑损伤合并周围神经损伤联合应用他克莫司干预可促进神经损伤修复,颅脑损伤与他克莫司作用的机制不完全相同,脑损伤促进周围神经损伤修复的机制仍需进一步深入研究。


[中图分类号] R318          [文献标识码] A          [文章编号] 1674-4721(2019)9(a)-0007-06

Effect of rat brain injury combined with Tacrolimus on promoting sciatic nerve regeneration

HE Xin-ze1   LIN Shu-qing1   YANG Tao1   WANG Cheng-gang1   LI Qin1   YU Li-zhi2   SUN Jin-zhan2   WANG Pei3

1. Department of Emergency, Binzhou Central Hospital, Shandong Province, Binzhou   251700, China; 2. Department of Trauma Orthopedics, Binzhou Central Hospital, Shandong Province, Binzhou   251700, China; 3. Department of Hand and Foot Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Chengde Medical University, Hebei Province, Chengde   067000, China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect of rat brain injury combined with Tacrolimus on promoting sciatic nerve regeneration. Methods A total of 180 SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups with 45 rats in each group and modeled according to the craniocerebral injury model (Feeney method) and the sciatic nerve injury model (Sunderland V type). Group A1: cerebral injury combined with sciatic nerve injury and Tacrolimus; group A2: saline in cerebral injury combined with sciatic nerve injury; group B1: sciatic nerve injury combined with Tacrolimus; group B2: simple sciatic nerve injury combined saline. At the fourth, eighth, and twelfth weeks after modeling, the sciatic nerve function index (SFI) and the gastrocnemius recovery rate were measured, and the tissue was subjected to Masson staining. Retrograde tracer markers of spinal cord neurons horseradish peroxide (HRP) were observed at the eighth and twelfth weeks after modeling. Results At the fourth week after modeling, there was no significant difference in SFI between group A1 and group A2, group B1 and group B2 (P>0.05). At the fourth week after modeling, the SFI of the group A1 and A2 was better than that of the group B1 and B2, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). At the eighth and twelfth weeks after modeling, there was no significant difference in SFI between group A2 and group B1 (P>0.05). At the eighth and twelfth weeks after modeling, the SFI of group A1 was better than that of group A2, B1 and B2, the SFI of group A2 and group B1 was better than that of group B2, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.01). After 4 weeks, the SFI of each group of rats gradually increased (P<0.01). At the fourth week after modeling, the recovery rate of gastrocnemius muscle in group A2, B1 and B2 was not statistically significant (P>0.05). The recovery rate of gastrocnemius muscle at the fourth week after modeling in group A1 was higher than that in group A2, B1 and B2, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.01). At the eighth and twelfth weeks after modeling, the recovery rate of gastrocnemius muscle in group A1, A2 and B1 was significantly higher than that in group B2, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.01). At the eighth and twelfth weeks after modeling, there was no significant difference in the recovery rate of gastrocnemius between group A1 and group A2 (P>0.05). The recovery rate of gastrocnemius muscle in the group A1 and A2 was higher than that in the group B1 at the eighth week after modeling, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.01). At the twelfth week after modeling, the recovery rate of gastrocnemius muscle in group A1 was higher than that in group B1, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). There was no significant difference in the recovery rate of gastrocnemius muscle between the group A2 and the group B1 at the twelfth week after modeling (P>0.05). After 4 weeks, the recovery rate of gastrocnemius muscle in each group gradually increased (P<0.01). Masson staining showed that the collagen fibers at the twelfth week after modeling in the group A1 were evenly distributed, and they were arranged in a wave shape with nerve fibers, the green staining and red staining distribution were uniform in the group A2 and the group B1, and a large number of collagen fibers were observed in the group B2. At the eighth week after modeling, the positive rate of HRP label in group A1 was higher than that in group A2, B1 and B2, the positive rate of HRP label in group A2 was higher than that in group B1 and group B2, and the positive rate of HRP label in group B1 was higher than that in group B2, with statistically significant differences (P<0.01). At the twelfth week after modeling, the positive rate of HRP label in group A1 was higher than that in group A2, group B1 and group B2, and the positive rate of HRP label in group A2 and group B1 was higher than that in group B2, with statistically significant differences (P<0.01). There was no significant difference in the positive rate of HRP label at the twelfth week after modeling between group A2 and group B1 (P>0.05). Conclusion Brain injury combined with peripheral nerve injury and Tacrolimus intervention can promote the repair of nerve damage. The mechanism of brain injury and Tacrolimus is not exactly the same. The mechanism of brain damage promoting peripheral nerve injury repair needs further study.

[Key words] Craniocerebral injury; Peripheral nerve; Nerve repair and regeneration; Tacrolimus





实验动物:选用SPF级雄性SD大鼠[北京维通利华实验动物技术有限公司,许可证号:SCXK(京)2012-0001]180只,200~220 g。饲养在昼夜各12 h节律下,实验室温度维持在(23±1)℃。将大鼠完全随机分为4组,每组各45只。本研究经过滨州市中心医院动物伦理委员会批准,按照国际动物实验标准执行。

主要设备及试剂:手术显微镜(LZL-6A型,镇江中天公司);光学显微镜(BH-3型,Olympus公司);电子分析天平(ESJ200-4±0.0001 g);他克莫司(Tacrolimus)100 mg(Selleck);Masson三色染色试剂盒(标准型,江苏KeyGEN生物);Peroxidase来源于辣根100 mg(Sigma)。


1.2.1造模  禁食水4 h,术前30 min,肌肉注射头孢唑啉钠(鲁抗制药,20180120)10 mg/100 g预防感染,术区备皮剪毛。10%水合氯醛按照0.35 ml/100 g进行腹腔全麻;A1组和A2组:消毒,沿头部正中矢状切开,在颅骨冠状线后1.5 mm、中线偏左5 mm处开直径5 mm骨窗,撞击造成中度脑损伤;右侧臀部,显微镜下完全切断坐骨神经,9-0无损伤线缝合坐骨神经外膜4~6针[11]。B1组和B2组:大鼠仅于显微镜下完全切断右侧坐骨神经,缝合坐骨神经外膜。

1.2.2造模后干预  分笼饲养在同样环境中。他克莫司用0.9%氯化钠稀释,1 ml 0.9%氯化钠+1 mg他克莫司,现用现配制,4℃恒温保存;造模手术12 h后,A1组大鼠给予他克莫司,按1 mg/200 mg腹腔注射;A2组给予生理盐水,按 1 ml/200 mg腹腔注射;B1组大鼠给予他克莫司,按1 mg/200 mg腹腔注射;B2组大鼠给予生理盐水,按1 ml/200 mg腹腔注射。1次/d,连续2周。观察各组大鼠存活情况。


1.3.1坐骨神经指数(sciatic nerve function index,SFI)的测量  分别于造模后第4、8、12周,各组每次随机取10只大鼠。根据Schiaveto de Souza A的方法[8],实验侧足3个参数分别为:实验侧足印长度(SPL)、实验侧足趾宽度(STS)、实验侧中间足趾距离(SIT);正常侧足3个参数分别为正常侧足印长度(ZPL)、正常侧足趾宽度(ZTS)、正常侧中间足趾距离(ZIT)。SFI=-38.3×(SPL-ZPL)/ZPL+109.5×(STS-ZTS)/ZTS+13.2×(SIT-ZIT)/ZIT-8.8。以SFI值0时为正常,-100时为神经完全断离。

1.3.2腓肠肌恢复率  造模后第4、8、12周,各组随机取5只大鼠,取下完整的双侧腓肠肌,吸取肌肉周围的血液,双侧腓肠肌在分析天平上称重。计算腓肠肌的恢复率,推测运动功能恢复的情况。

1.3.3神经Masson染色  造模后第4、8、12周,各组随机取5只大鼠,切取吻合口远、近端0.5 cm坐骨神经,10%甲醛固定,梯度酒精脱水,石蜡包埋,切片厚度5 μm,染色、封片,光学显微镜下观察神经纤维、胶原纤维增生情况。

1.3.4辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)示踪  分别于造模后第8、12周,于坐骨神经断端以远0.5 cm处,注入30%HRP溶液5 μl。深麻醉下开胸,灌流固定,取坐骨神经相应脊髓节段,横断面连续振荡切片30 μm。光镜下统计脊髓前角运动神经元中被标记为蓝染颗粒的胞体数目。


采用SPSS 19.0统计学软件进行数据分析,计量资料用均数±标准差(x±s)表示,两组间比较采用t检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。



造模后所有动物均存活,未发现切口感染情况。造模手术后5 d,B2组大鼠出现足部红肿明显,其他组红肿较轻;3周后,A2、B1、B2组大鼠足跟出现程度不同的溃疡面,A1组大鼠足部未见明显溃疡;12周时,各组大鼠足部溃疡基本痊愈,B2组大鼠出现足部的自食现象。














在Sunderland V型的外围神经损伤后,神经损伤切断了神经内分泌的养分,不能将其输送到靶子器官上,靶子器官将失去活性和营养的支持。根据目前的他克莫司促进神经机制,促进外围神经修复相对明确是两个功能领域,发挥神经营养功能,形成一个FKBP12的综合体,加入功能地区后表达GAP-43,一个超蛋白质神经生长,并促进形成和扩大神经的生长由神经脉冲生成的生物电能、靶器官,再生轴突的内径上升,厚厚的神经膜层,作用范围增加[22-23]。这证实了他克莫司有助于恢复外围神经的营养功能,萎缩身体的部分看起来更容易溃疡,颅脑损伤联合他克莫司组恢复较好,提示促进外形神经损伤的作用,结合功能或复杂的FKBP12地区来促进表达GAP-43。






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(收稿日期:2019-03-29  本文编辑:任秀兰)
