
2019-11-08 00:56刘晓冰王玉玺张兴义
农业工程学报 2019年18期

李 浩,杨 薇,刘晓冰,王玉玺,张兴义


李 浩1,杨 薇2,刘晓冰1,王玉玺2,张兴义1※

(1. 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,哈尔滨 150081; 2. 黑龙江省水利科学研究院,哈尔滨 150080)



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侵蚀沟的动态发展是土壤退化的重要表征。中国将沟蚀分为浅沟侵蚀、切沟侵蚀、冲沟侵蚀和干沟侵蚀等[1],而国外将其分为临时性切沟侵蚀和切沟侵蚀[2]。朱显谟在1956年将现代沟蚀分为浅沟侵蚀和切沟侵蚀,认为浅沟由主细沟演变而来,并能发展为切沟[1]。早期国内学者对浅沟形态的划分有所不同,但均认为能否阻碍横向耕作是浅沟与切沟的本质区别[3-5],与美国的临时切沟侵蚀概念一致。为此,Zhang等[6]在撰写《Encyclopedia of Soil Science》沟蚀(gully)条目时,将中国定义的浅沟侵蚀与美国定义的浅沟侵蚀归为同一类沟蚀类型(ephemeral gully)。坡耕地中沟蚀吞蚀耕地,降低农机具耕作效率,是坡耕地土壤侵蚀的主要方式之一[7]。侵蚀沟道是径流泥沙输送与污染物运移的重要通道,流域侵蚀产沙的重要来源,其发生发展影响现代地貌发育及演化过程[8]。



1 沟蚀发生地貌临界理论来源


Horton[11]较早提出沟头生成临界坡长概念,认为当汇流长度超过临界坡长时,侵蚀沟头才能形成。Schumm等[12]发现切沟沟头多形成于局部坡度较大位置。Brice[13]将沟头处及点绘于双对数坐标系内以研究二者的关系。Patton等[14]搜集了美国怀俄明、卡罗拉多等多个州的数十条侵蚀沟及未侵蚀沟谷的地形特征,点绘了坡度最大处的及,并在侵蚀沟点群底部目视绘制直线,作为区分侵蚀沟与未侵蚀沟谷的临界线。该临界线显示侵蚀沟沟头处的与存在反向趋势(inverse relationship),即沟头局部坡度越大,沟头生成所需要的上方汇水面积越小。











图3 不同沟蚀生成条件下的临界条件[17-18]

2 数据采集方法




表1 已有文献中沟蚀发生地貌临界模型方法及具体参数

3 参数计算方法


3.1 目视+下限值法

Begin和Schumm[15]使用侵蚀沟点群底部的两点或多点目视绘制直线,得到值;将点群最低点(lower-most points)的和及值代入到式(3)的左侧,得到值。已有研究[19,35-37]较为完整得描述了该方法。然而,该方法依赖点群底部2个点作出临界线,人为主观性较强,很有可能作出多条临界线,且受极端点的影响较大。因此,实际应用中通常需要剔除异常极值点,以保证临界条件的合理性[32]。

3.2 正交回归+95%置信区间下限法

Gómez 等[20,31]采用正交回归分析获得点群的回归线,以表征侵蚀沟点群的平均地貌临界条件,然后将其95%置信区间的下限作为沟道生成临界线。尽管该方法考虑了侵蚀沟点群-的统计关系,但并不完全符合沟蚀发生的临界条件概念,因为临界线下方仍有部分侵蚀沟点,因此获取的值可能大于实际的沟蚀发生临界值,即可能偏高。

3.3 正交回归+下限值法


3.4 分位数回归法


4 临界模型因子值及影响因素

4.1 相对剪切力指数b


4.2 临界常数k


1.比利时中部 2.比利时中部 3.葡萄牙 4.法国 5.英国南部:实地调查 6.美国卡罗拉多州 7.美国内华达州 8.美国加利福尼亚州 9.美国俄勒冈州 10.澳大利亚 11.中国黑龙江(1) 12.中国黑龙江(2)

1.Central Belgium 2.Central Belgium 3.Portugal 4.France 5.UK (South Downs) 6.USA (Colorado) 7.USA (Sierra Nevada) 8.USA (California) 9.USA (Oregon) 10.Australia (New SouthWales) 11.China (Heilongjiang)(1) 12.China (Heilongjiang)(2)


Note: 1, 5 and 7-10 from field survey; for 11 and 12, slope from field survey and area from topographic map; others from aerial photos and topographic map.

图4 发育中浅沟与切沟的临界坡度与上方汇水面积关系[7,40]

Fig.4 Relationship between critical slope and catchment area for development of gullies[7,40]

4.3 其他影响因素



5 沟道生成临界理论在中国的应用


随着3S技术的发展,近些年来中国学者应用沟蚀发生临界理论开展了定位研究[47]。约70%的研究集中于黄土高原区域,而在东北黑土区[47]、南方红壤区[48]、长江上游紫色丘陵区[49]和内蒙古风沙区[50]也有部分研究。在研究方法上,多使用野外实测或高分辨率遥感影像获取侵蚀沟头位置,进而使用地形图获取侵蚀沟头局地坡度及上方汇水面积。由于1:10 000地形图是目前能够获取到的覆盖面积最广、最为详细的地形图,因此被广泛应用。在阈值线和参数获取方式上,几乎所有研究均使用目视(下限值)法,对不同计算方式可能带来误差的考虑较少。

在具体研究方面,Cheng等[51-52]使用实时差分定位(real-time kinematic,RTK)实测汇水区地形图及沟头处坡度,研究了黄土高原、东北黑土区、内蒙古风沙区等沟蚀发生地貌临界条件。张永光等[40,47,53]等搜集了东北黑土区鹤山农场2个小流域内的浅沟和切沟和数据,通过下限点目视绘制临界线,并对比了二者的-关系式。结果表明,浅沟和切沟的值近似(0.141与0.148),可能是因为研究区沟蚀生成机制是近似的;同时值有一定差异(0.072与0.052),表明浅沟与切沟生成的地貌临界条件是不同的。李斌兵等[54]在黄土高原丘陵区借助RTK实测数据及GIS方法,建立了浅沟侵蚀和切沟侵蚀发生判定式,并提取了浅沟和切沟侵蚀分布区与野外调查结果相当吻合。


6 结论与展望





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Data obtained method and application for topographic threshold theory calculation of gully initiation

Li Hao1, Yang Wei2, Liu Xiaobing1, Wang Yuxi2, Zhang Xingyi1※

(1.150081,; 2.150080,)

Gully initiation topographic threshold theory describes gully initiation condition, and is represented by the size of catchment that controls discharge, and local slope at the channel head that controls the velocity of runoff. The main cause of gully formation is excessive (sub) surface runoff, a condition that might be brought about by either climate change or alternations in land use. In this study, this theory was reviewed from the following aspects: theory development, data sources, threshold value calculating methods, influencing factors and applications. The gully initiation threshold concept was originally developed to explain the onset of instability in 1 gully while its neighbours remained stable. The relative area (or shear stress) exponent was generally interpreted in relation to the gully erosion process in the catchment. Values higher than 0.2 were associated with erosion by surface runoff and those lower than 0.2 indicated subsurface processes or mass movement. The threshold coefficient reflected the resistance of the site to gully head development, affected by rainfall, land use, etc. The threshold values variation also depended on the methodology, including field reconnaissance survey and high-resolution remote sensing images as well as digital elevation model. The latter were more convenient for data acquisition, although field reconnaissance survey data would be more accurate. With fast development of unmanned aerial vehicles, high spatial resolution orthophotos derived from structure-from-motion photography could be used to identify the location of gully heads and corresponding catchment size and local slope values. In the early research, the topographic threshold straight line was eye-fitted through the “lower-most” points in a log–log scatter plot. The negative slope of that line was equal to relative area exponent value. Then the threshold value could be obtained as the intercept. Since this threshold line was manually drawn, it did not have statistical meaning. This method might also be problematic as multiple thresholds could exist, and the threshold line was very sensitive to extreme values. Based on orthogonal regression, the mean threshold line was fitted through the data-points. Then the minimum threshold line was defined either by the lower limit of the 95% prediction confidence interval around the mean threshold line, or parallel line below the lower limit of the scatter of the data. Quantile regression was recommended because it was statistically-based and robust to outliers. Since the domination mechanisms of gully initiation would not change within decades in a certain region, the relative area exponent could be fixed as a constant value. According to this hypothesis, the threshold coefficient of muti-periods could be used to investigate human effect on gully initiation. In China, about 70% of the research was carried out in the Loess Plateau region. The 1:10 000 topographic map was widely used to obtain local slope and catchment size, since this was the most extensive and detailed topographic map currently available. Most studies extracted the threshold conditions by using the eye-fitted line through the “lower-most” points, and few consideration was carried out for the potential errors between different calculation methods. Road construction altered the surface hydrology, and the road surface condition reduced the critical slope for a given drainage area required for gullying. Agricultural reclamation was the main reason for gully development in the Northeastern China, where ridge tillage was widely applied. Contour ridge changed runoff pathways and rearranged drainage networks, and longitudinal ridge accelerated flow concentration. Consideration of ridge-direction effect was important for gully initiation topographic threshold theory applications in this region. Using high-resolution topographic maps and adding the parameters that characterized the human activities effect on concentrated surface runoff could enrich the gully initiation topographic threshold theory. Current gully erosion model could simulate gully development while gully head needed to be mannually located. Hence gully initiation topographic threshold theory could be promoted by combining with such models, since this theory could predict where gully initiated.

geomorphology; erosion; gully; initiation; slope; catchment area; threshold condition

李 浩,杨 薇,刘晓冰,王玉玺,张兴义. 沟蚀发生的地貌临界理论计算中数据获取方法及应用[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(18):127-133.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.18.016 http://www.tcsae.org

Li Hao, Yang Wei, Liu Xiaobing, Wang Yuxi, Zhang Xingyi. Data obtained method and application for topographic threshold theory calculation of gully initiation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(18): 127-133. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.18.016 http://www.tcsae.org




李 浩,助理研究员,博士,主要从事地理信息系统与沟道侵蚀研究。Email:lihao@iga.ac.cn.






放缓坡度 因势利导 激发潜能——第二学段自主习作教学的有效尝试