
2019-11-05 07:45李志阳
科技视界 2019年28期


【摘 要】本文研究三维理想费米气体的热力学性质,应用局域密度近似(LDA)方法求出处于幂函数型外势下的三维理想费米气体的总能E,费米能,高低温极限下的化学势和热容量C的表达式。讨论外势对三维理想费米气体热力学性质的影响。并对自由费米气体和外势下理想费米气体的热力学性质进行比較。


中图分类号: O414.1 文献标识码: A文章编号: 2095-2457(2019)28-0111-002


【Abstract】Thermodynamic properties of an Ideal Fermi Gas are studied basing on the local density approximation. The total energy E,Fermi energy,chemical potential  and heat capacity C in the high-and low-temperature approximations in a Three-Dimensional Space trapped in a generic power-law potential are derived.The influence of thermodynamic properties of an Ideal Fermi Gas by the power-law potential are discussed.And the thermodynamic properties of a freedom Fermi Gas are compared with an ideal Fermi Gas trapped in a generic power-law potential by using the list.

【Key words】Fermi gas; Generic power-law potential; Local density approximation