My English Teacher

2019-10-14 13:24姜经志
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2019年8期

姜经志 男,中学英语高级教师,省级骨干教师,淮北市优秀教师,中国外语学习学研究会会员,《学英语》《英语周报》特约编辑。多年来,在省级以上报刊发表文章800余篇,并有多篇论文获奖。曾主编《初中生英语满分作文大全》《英语奥林匹克》《新目标英语八年级暑假作业》;参编《高中英语知识点反馈与阅读》《初中英语题典大全》《21世纪英语学习指南》《初中英语新作文》《中学生英语水平测试》等10余册;辅导学生30余人次在国家和省级英语竞赛中获奖。

My English Teacher

Hello, everyone!My name is Zhu Lei. Im in Baishan Middle School. Im in Class Three, Grade Seven. All of my classmates and I like one of our teachers very much. She is friendly to us. We all like having her class. Do you know her? Can you guess who is she①? Oh, shes my English teacher—Zhang Ling. We often call her “Miss Zhang”. Now, let me introduce Miss Zhang for② you.

She is neither too tall nor too short. She is thin. She has short hair because short hair is in fashion now. She has two big eyes and a small nose. She often wears red clothes.

Miss Zhang is good to③ singing. She can also plays④ the piano very well. She told us she could play the piano when she was eight years old.

She looks very cool.  She is very kind to us. In class, she is like our mother. She often reads short or long stories to us in English. From these, we cannt⑤ only increase our interests in English, but also extend our vocabularies. It is really good for us.

After class she has many things to do. There are always many exercises books on her desk. She will correct them for us. So her daily life is very busy. We learn from her that “No pains, no gains.” But sometimes she plays games with us.

This is our English teacher, a good teacher. We all like her very much.

安徽省濉溪縣百善中心学校七(3)班 朱蕾

1. 优点:


2. 需要修改的地方:

①is she应改为she is。宾语从句应用陈述语序,即主语在前,谓语在后。

②for应改为to。“向某人介绍某人”应用introduce sb. to sb.,介词必须用to。

③to应改为at。表示“擅长……”应用be good at。be good to sb. 则表示“对某人好”的意思。


⑤cannt应改为can not 或cant。can not可以缩写成cant,但不能缩写为cannt。

3. 评分:


三尺台传道授业 二十年甘为人梯——记重庆市酉阳县第三中学副校长、高级教师何毅