Zhanlin WANG Ning an MEI Guoling ZHANG Jianning DING Yuping YAN
Abstract [Objectives] This study was conducted to investigate the effect of mixed silage of mulberry branches and leaves on the production performance of Tan Han hybrid mutton sheep and explore the feasibility in production.
[Methods] Twentysix Tan Han hybrid mutton sheep were selected and divided into two groups, 13 in each group. The experimental group was fed with the mixed silage and the control group (CK) was fed with wholeplant corn silage.
[Results] The average daily weight gain per sheep of the experimental group was 9.2% higher than that of the CK (P<0.05), and the feed conversion ratio was decreased by 6.98% (P<0.05). The average daily weight gain per sheep in the 30 d improved the gross profit by 7.75 yuan, which meant an increase of 16.32%.
[Conclusions] The mulberry mixed silage is feasible in the production, and it could significantly improve the production performance of the hybrid mutton sheep.
Key words Mulberry branches and leaves; Mixed silage; Hybrid mutton sheep; Fattening effect
Received: July 19, 2019Accepted: October 9, 2019
Supported by Ningxia Key R & D Program (2019BBF02016); Special Fund for Agricultural Science and Technology Independent Innovation of Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences.
Zhanlin WANG (1968-), male, P. R. China, engineer, devoted to research about animal husbandry and veterinary technology promotion.
*Corresponding author. Email: meiningan@163.com.
Mulberry branches and leaves have rich nutritional value and good palatability. The data show that mulberry leaves have the advantage of replacing traditional concentrates both economically and nutritionally. In countries where residual byproducts of cereals (straw) are used as base materials, the use of mulberry as a feed for ruminants is important for the production of livestock and cattle. According to relevant research in Japan, the crude fiber and ash contents of mulberry branch and leaf silage increase, its crude protein and crude fat decrease, and it is equivalent to alfalfa silage, superior to corn silage, has low pH and butyric acid values and high lactic acid value, and thus can serve as a kind of highquality silage. In this study, in order to explore the utilization of mulberry branches and leaves, mulberry branches and leaves, wholeplant corn and other raw materials (bran, molasses, etc.) were used to make mixed silage of mulberry branches and leaves, and fed the hybrid mutton sheep in comparison with wholeplant corn silage, and the fattening effect of the mixed silage of mulberry branches and leaves on hybrid mutton sheep was analyzed, which provides a technical basis for the rational utilization of mulberry resources and the feeding of mutton sheep.
Experimental design
Experimental grouping
A single factor feeding comparison experiment was conducted, and 26 Tan Han hybrid sheep of 8-10 months old with conform gender, age, body weight, physiological state and feeding management level were selected and divided into two groups, 13 in each group. The sheep were uniformly worn ear tags and reared intensively in different groups.
Experimental treatments
Silage using different raw material types was used as different treatments, in which the experimental group was fed with mixed silage of mulberry branches and leaves , and the control group (CK) was fed with wholeplant corn silage.
Experimental diet
The diet consisted of concentrate supplement + roughage + silage. The concentrate supplement was composed of corn, bran, sunflower cake, salt and premix. The roughage was straw meal. The formulas and nutritional indicators of the diet are shown in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3.
Experimental observation
There was no significant change in the experimental group compared with the CK. In the experimental group, the feces, hair color and mental state were good, and there were no clinical symptoms.
Weight gain
The results of sheep weight gain and feed conversion ratio are shown in Table 4.
It can be seen from Table 4 that the average daily weight gain was 100.30 g in the experimental group and 92.00 g in the CK, showing an increase of 9.02%, which was significant (P<0.05). The feed conversion ratio was 5.73 in the experimental group and 6.16 in the CK, exhibiting a decrease of 6.98%, which was significant (P<0.05).
Analysis of economic benefit
The economic benefit analysis showed that the profit of the experiment group was 47.49 yuan, which was higher than the CK (55.24 yuan) by 7.75 yuan, exhibiting an increase of 16.32%.
Conclusions and Discussion
The mixed silage of mulberry branches and leaves in the diet can increase the palatability for hybrid mutton sheep. The observations showed that the sheep in the experimental group and the CK showed good feces, hair color and mental state, and there were no significant changes and clinical symptoms.
Compared with the CK (wholeplant corn silage), the experimental group (mixed silage of mulberry branches and leaves) increased the average total weight gain per sheep by 9.02% (P<0.05) and decreased the feed conversion ratio by 6.98% (P<0.05). The results showed that the addition of the mixed silage of mulberry branches and leaves to the diet had a positive effect on the increase of the weight gain of the hybrid mutton sheep and the reduction of the feed conversion ratio compared with the single wholeplant corn silage.
The economic benefit analysis: The gross output value of weight gain of the experimental group was 47.49 yuan, which was higher than the CK (55.24 yuan) by 7.75 yuan, showing an increase of 16.32%. The results showed that the addition of mulberry branches and leaves in the diet could increase the income from hybrid mutton sheep.
The preparation process of the mixed silage of mulberry branches and leaves is consistent with that of the wholeplant corn silage, and single and mixed preparation are both feasible. In the actual livestock production, the combination of mulberry silage and wholeplant corn silage has a better effect than single mulberry silage or wholeplant corn silage, while the most reasonable ratio is still to be further explored.
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